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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. I thought that a fire extinguisher is standard equipment on big tour buses ... but , wait , not ' thai ' standard . Welcome to some exciting ride in the country of ' adventures ' ...
  2. Thaksin's exile , his ' homerun ' , the ' stolen ' election , the new PM , broken pheu thai promises , ... all this is nearly good enough for a nice HBO series a la " Sopranos " ... There is everything , Crime , Corruption , Nepotism , evading prison , only some Sex is still missing ... May be when Yingluck comes back ...? Could just be called " The Shinawatras " .
  3. 100 days already ... he must really be very , very sick for such along time in a Hospital . The taxpayer , who pays for his stay , should at least be given a credible explanation for this ... but the truth this time , not another lie ... Won't happen ...
  4. https://www.bbc.com/reel/video/p0gwr9wz/an-inside-look-at-the-near-death-experience What do you think about this ?
  5. Of course , she will be back soon ... her brother will take care of that . Reunite a happy family . It would be funny ...
  6. The parents of the boys should pay for all the damage caused by their offspring . And apologize officially to the woman .
  7. It is a pity that one cannot buy intelligence , but anyway , you would not have enough money ....
  8. That should read : Thailand welcomes Indian , Taiwanese , Chinese money . The actual people may very well stay in their home country , it is only their money they want .
  9. ..." explains that having the ability to be anonymous "can be a real attraction if no one knows you have a drinking problem or depression . ... "n general, we invest less in our reputation in online groups because it is easier to exit them and join other groups. In real space, if you don't get along with your neighbour, you're less likely to say something really nasty, because moving out of town is costly.” Yes , moderating an internet forum is something like entertaining a class of minors ... This forum is ( above all ? ) , a commercial enterprise , and it has to be profitable . You find all kinds of people here , just as in ' real ' life . There are rules to be obeyed , that's normal ... you just cannot go out naked and smack innocent people , like that russian guy in Pattaya . But , if that forum misses it's chance to be a little different from Facebook , X , etc , it becomes much less interesting to post here for some members . It should be a forum that allows free speech ( within the rules ) , it will be simply more interesting to post here . If it becomes a ' Rat Race ' with posters hunting for badges , it , in my opinion , becomes worthless to post here . I favor an exchange with open minded people about interesting subjects . Members should be given the chance to react to other members posts by leaving emojis , ok , but those should not be anonymous , that the posters can see who is in what " camp " . All in all , the forum represents a cross section of all people ( of a certain age ) , that one finds in society . It is a reflection of a societal experiment , and that makes it interesting ( for a while ) . It is good to have it , the quality of the forum and it's post depends a lot on the moderation . That can make it different from the already existing sites , and attract more interesting people , too . But , any way , up to you ... as the thais say ...
  10. Don't you mean " maso " ? masochist noun Someone who enjoys pain, or who derives pleasure from harming oneself or being harmed by others. Someone who obtains pleasure from receiving punishment.
  11. 'Fake News ' and fake infos that incite hatred and , with that , facilitate criminal and sometimes violent actions towards other less informed or naive people , should not be available to everybody . It can cause a lot of damage . Sorry , but it depends on the kind of information . Potentially harmful and untrue infos should be filtered out , for the sake of peace .
  12. The Forum changes ... but some old remaining members stay the same and now have to adapt to a new system that is based on the quantity of posts given ... the most active posters get the highest ranks , no matter the quality of their posts ...? That is , sorry , ridiculous . Quantity over Quality . Another Rat Race about who gets the most ' likes ' ? Progress turns out to be worse than before , again , regrettable ...
  13. Just one death threat ? Foreign politicians must be jealous ... they get hundreds of it in a single day .
  14. One more lethal danger to tourists in Thailand . Thailand still is ' third world ' , especially when it comes to security standards .
  15. Anyway , good luck to him , he was essential to the thai political circus .
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