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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. Come on , a little empathy with the handicapped ... he is blind now ...
  2. Above all , Thailand is a Monarchy and a ( pseudo ) democracy . Pita is regarded as a dangerous person to the ruling elite . There will be no peaceful change to that if the MFP , ( or the party that follows MFP ) , will win again ... The one(s) in power will not peacefully resign . Just look at Thailand's political history ... Srettha can try as much as he wants to lure foreign investments , but really , if you were an investor , would you invest in an unstable country with a history of violent coups ?
  3. It is them who are responsible for the surge of antisemitism around the world , nobody else .
  4. False loyalty to someone who proofed to be a traitor and pathological liar . Will they ever get real ? Probably not .
  5. Lucky that nobody died . There should be no more BIG bikes for rent in Thailand . What is that good for ? Far too dangerous .
  6. I understand you very well ... It is hard to see a good friend suffering if there is no cure ... To humanly put it down to end it's suffering is asked too much ... I am in a similar situation , and when I see that there is no more help possible , and the vet's refuse , I will find and ask someone who has a gun . ( most have one ) . Very sad , but a bullet to the head is painless . When it is time for me to go , it would like to take the way Tom Petty did at 65 ... ( overdose of heroin )
  7. That might be a mistake and the reason why you are not a happy man ... " We " are all products of our upbringing and education what leads to our values in life which are , at least partly , responsible for our actions . That is different in other parts of the world , in people who have a different philosophies or even religion from what we have . A fact is that to make a better world , it would be nice to see people overcome their cultural differences and work together to develop a strategy that enables our species ( that consists of many different nationalities and races ) , to survive in a rapidly changing world ... May be social networks and even AI can help achieve this ...
  8. This thread is too full of generalizations . Statistically seen , a certain percentage of Thais see foreigners in a specific way ... others do not , or think different about foreigners . It all depends on the individual , and the personal experiences this individual has or had with " foreigners " ... Foreigners : Again , statistically seen , a certain percentage of foreigners are troublemakers who do not respect Thai culture or even care about ... Of course , in general , Thais become upset with this kind of disrespectful behavior . So would you if you were a thai national . But that is a certain statistical percentage and does not necessarily relate to any foreign individual himself . If you live within a thai community , you are ' checked out for your behavior ' , if you do things in a good way , in general Thai people will like that and respect you for what you do and the way you behave . Being able to speak thai , or , at least , know a few thai jokes , is of great help ... The statistic does not fit on an individual , therefore thinking that all thais or farangs are the same just shows a very limited mindset . In the community ( if you can call it a 'Community " because they are all different ) where I live in , people judge me for what I do and how I behave , not just because I am not thai . Some like me , others do not , but they do not interfere as long as I do nothing wrong .
  9. Expert Outcry ... And me , I always thought that being stupid does not hurt ... Apparently , it does . Let them cry ...
  10. Stoned - crashed his car , but smiled and played with his pets ... Drunk - crashed his car and becomes violent or unconscious ...
  11. I hope that they find somebody good who will take care of it . As for the Swede , knowing he was on overstay , he should have kept his mouth shut ... Not the brightest candle on the cake ...
  12. He is distorting the truth . Again . If he becomes POTUS again , Chaos will reign ...
  13. Obsessed with economic growth , they do not realize that eterrnal economic growth is neither sustainable , nor achievable . King Bhumiphol ( may he RIP ) had it right with his sustainable economy theory . Pity that it died together with him ... they should have listened and acted consequently , but , as usual , greed overtook morality ...
  14. A reincarnation , clearly ... Did they all masturbate in the underwear ?
  15. Wow , How much did he pay for ...? May he be happy with it ... But , still , it smells like nepotism or corruption is involved ... ? So , he is a doctor of public health by now ... what does that mean ?
  16. They just pushed him away in his wheelchair . While wearing masks , not to be recognized ...? Welcome to Thaiiand .
  17. ??? ... Dr Adinun Kittiratanapaibool explaining that staff acted with good intentions to protect patient welfare... Not being allowed to talk to the press is helping the patient's welfare in what way ? Sounds like a blatant lie . Most probably the hospital was trying to avoid any criticism and was worried about it's reputation ...
  18. Just shred the buds ... shredded buds are not recognizable as buds anymore , but only the appearance changes .. the rest stays the same .
  19. Coral bleaching is part of a chain reaction due to global warming . Difficult to do something that prevents this .
  20. Classical server problem . Just wait ... later it will get better ... may be .
  21. Right , he is not mad , but he is evil . (Ukraine )
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