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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. Russian mafia gaining a foothold in Phuket . Thailand should ask for criminal background checks before granting visas to Russians .
  2. ... and he was just left floating ...? Nobody helped ? The burmese crew of thai fishing boats are just modern day slaves , I feel sorry for them .
  3. I hope they won't . Prepare for the next election , eliminate all weak spots in MFP , and do not return on your promises , the MFP will win again , hopefully . Never align with your enemies . You will lose all credibility .
  4. Let them enjoy life a little bit . Even they sometimes eat ice cream , they still can be good monks . Only eat food offered by buddhists ? That can be difficult in Japan . A bit of tolerance ( freedom ) makes life easier ...
  5. Just one of the many mental health cases in Thailand . One car not enough ...?
  6. There is another plant used to cure cancer : Laboratory tests conducted at the University of Newcastle and Hunter Medical Research Institute have shown that a modified form of medicinal cannabis can kill or inhibit cancer cells without impacting normal cells, revealing its potential as a treatment rather than simply a relief medication. https://www.newcastle.edu.au/newsroom/featured/tests-show-potential-for-medicinal-cannabis-to-kill-cancer-cells It seems , in any case , that it is a good prophylaxis that prevents cancer to appear .
  7. ... a period of time behind bars ? That should be doable , just put some ( bamboo ) bars in front of her bedroom bed ( at her home of course ) . Just for a day or so , she will be pardoned and free soon after ... At least she is nicer to look at than her brother . Will she go the hospital way after her return , just as her brother ...? Probably not , that would be too obvious . They will find another way , like house arrest for a week or so ... Farangs , as guests in this country , can only look at this soap opera in awe of their ingeniosity .
  8. Probably destined as a dessert after their traditional dog meat dinner ... Shame on them . A customer to a dog meat restaurant was asked why he eats dogs ...? To eat dog meat is a tradition is SK , he said ... The torture of animals is a tradition as well it seems . Sad .
  9. This is laughable . Somebody who wants to (mis)use AI will do so despite all political and ethical standards .
  10. These drug burning ceremonies already take place on a regular basis on Koh Phangngan on full moon ... 156 tons would be enough for a few parties ...?
  11. Sometimes older boats are just safer ... Anyway , by that photo , they could just have swam back to the beach ...
  12. The show must go on . The director of the show ( Thaksin ) is comfortable by now , will be at his home soon . His muppets control the country , so his sister will return unpunished in a short time . Anyway , she was ( in her time as PM ) only executing her brother's orders ... This time , they will take care that no election results can disturb the clan ... Once the facts are clearly established , ( Shinawatra country ) , they will bend the truth and the law that they just get what they want without the fear of ever being prosecuted for what they do . Until the next coup , of course . The last word , however , has the one who commands and controls the army in this country . And that is not a Shinawatra yet ... What about the people , the electorate in a pseudo democacy ? They are supposed to just stay where they are and not move foreward in any case . They are needed to legitimize an autocracy . That's all .
  13. Thailand really needs a political " reboot " . Let's hope that this will come after the next elections ... Hope is the last thing to die ...
  14. There are so many solutions to the plastic problem , but no real effort is made to reduce that pollution . For example , most one-way plastic bottles could be re-used again , instead of throwing them . Just put drink distributors in supermarkets that refill the empty bottles . Re-use and Re-cycle . No more shrink wrap plastic . Most plastic is reusable , instead of producing for garbage , collect , clean and re-use .
  15. A ray of hope ... but , only a petition , not an investigation yet ... Won't change the course of Thaksin's liberation to ' house arrest ' . May be some money will ' talk ' again ...
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