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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. Containers becoming detainers ...
  2. Very good . Big crowd gatherings like this one help ...
  3. Covid was declared as over , negligible ... Would be funny if it comes back in force now , wouldn't it ? Vaccinations do not prevent the spread of the virus and the hordes are coming back to Thailand . It still mutates ...
  4. To save the planet from it's selfish and destructive dominant species the virus needs to become much more lethal . ( I do not expect any " likes " for this )
  5. Plenty on Lazada ... go for a toroidal inverter , they last longer ...
  6. Need to have masochistic tendencies to like phuket .
  7. I hope it brings bad luck to them . ( and it actually did , it seems ) It simply is disgusting to pay such an amount for a license plate , if so much better things could have been done with that money ...
  8. SCB Tha Pae gate has .
  9. My wife has some Kruegerrand gold coins that she inherited from her mother in law . I think she would sell them ( they are in a safebox in a Chiang Mai bank ) , if the price is right ...
  10. Putin's way of eliminating all opposition . One by one . No more democracy in Russia . It is now an autocratic dictatorship led by a mad man .
  11. They won't stay there for long ...
  12. Well organized , it seems ... I doubt that the chinese nationals , once recruited and already in Thailand , will work for the " foundations " . I guess this was set up to enable Chinese to buy expensive Thai visas , or worse ...
  13. ...to determine whether it was acquired with money earned from illegal activities. They are very fast seizing properties from suspects , even there is no evidence yet that the money used to acquire these properties was ' dirty money " . Guess somebody has an idea about the ' redistribution ' of the assets already ....
  14. Looks like they were hired to do that . In this case , go after the one who paid them .
  15. No finger pointing here ? May be they were afraid that he would bite it off ...?
  16. He did . He wants to be remembered as " Vladimir the Great " , the one who reunifies Russia within it's former borders ... But , really , it is just illegal extraterritorial expansion of a country that suffers of a misguided dictatorship . The blame game . It is always the other one's fault . Dear Mr. Putin , if you want to see who is responsible for this war with all it's horrors ... just look in a mirror .
  17. The controller in the bus came over to me and asked me to show him my chicken . " Show me your chicken !! " He said . I was a little confused first , but finally showed him my ticket ...
  18. Don't need to post twice , already got it ...
  19. Thai's fear their authorities . There have been enough stories about innocent people being harassed for not paying bribes . Somebody Thai just has to put on some official looking clothes and a " don't you know who I am ? " attitude , and their victims are already submissive . Why did she not ask to see the identification from the " officials " before paying ?
  20. Did they not just issue their new 10 year LTR visa for this clientele ?
  21. Need to get them off Yaba first . Thailand is just one of many countries that are in the process of decriminalization of Cannabis . In other countries , no problems were reported after it became legal . Why in Thailand ? Is the population in other countries more mature ? If , really , they are unable to find a consensus , let the Thai population vote . Just as they do in Switzerland . But , as the use of Cannabis has a long tradition in Thailand , the majority would probably vote in favor for the Legalization .
  22. Let's hope that the sanctions on Russia work in the long term , Russia runs out of ammunition and financial support to continue their senseless war . Putin's plan of a victory and annexation of all of the Ukrainian territory within 10 days did not work out and now he finds himself engaged in a long and tiring war . If he will , in the long run , be able to continue this war with thousands of casualties for some more years will show ... Hopefully there will be a regime change in Russia .
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