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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. He did not manage to control himself . But a danger to the public ...? After what you read in the daily news , many thais are a danger to the public as well ... What to do with them ? Deport them all to Switzerland ?
  2. If Trump does not win the next elections and becomes POTUS again , he might as well jump out of the window of his Trump tower ... As president he can pardon himself and find ways to end his legal problems . He HAS to win in order to survive , he will not accept another defeat and will mobilize his mob in time .
  3. A video camera can be a powerful weapon .
  4. Yeah right , send them all to Switzerland .
  5. Well said ... Rural Thais are still at the evolutionary stage of hunters and gatherers ,they live from ' the hand to the mouth ' , eat what they can catch or find in the forest ... You do not want to be part of this . Thais with an ' education ' believe that they are superior to foreigners in about everything . I am surprised at the level of incompetence in people who pretend to have studied in a thai University . That includes doctors at ' world class ' hospitals in thailand . Operations not well done , need to be operated again in a foreign country ... happened to my wife ... Vet's who talk nonsense , x-ray the wrong foot prescribe medicines that are dangerous and forbidden in other countries , specialists who just do not know the recent , much better medication in their domain and try to prescribe completely outdated , costly treatments ... Nearly everything here is substandard , but the natives believe that they are superior to anyone else ... It easily becomes frustrating and a foreigner who wants to stay and live in Thailand has to adapt his mind to that , not always easy ... There is no integration into thai society for a non-thai , impossible . And anyway who could really want that rearding the way they think and act ...? Why I still live here ...? Because , where I come from , everything has changed to the worse ... people are upset and angry , bureaucracy is at crazy levels , prices and taxes are too high , weather is always bad . Thailand is still the lesser evil , even it is far from perfect . But a foreigner in Thailand has to adapt , be polied , non - violent , take it with a smile and shut up .
  6. Let her come back .... who cares after all what happened inn the meantime ... At least , she is more pleasant to look at than her brother . Thailand is what it is ... and that won't change , not before the next elections , at least ... And if the wrong party wins ( again ) , there will be another coup . That is how it works here .
  7. The most secure location to survive a nuclear holocaust ? 1. the ISS ( international space station ) . 2. Antarktic . But , even if you survive , would it be a life worth living ...? There is a way to avoid the nuclear war for a nation capable of genetically developing a lethal ' supervirus ' , like corona ... At least that would not destroy all of the planet , and leave place for a reboot ... May be , in some deep underground secret laboratory , they are already working on it ...? 12 monkeys ...
  8. Srettha , as a real estate tycoon , hopes to sell more if buyers get cheaper loans .
  9. May be they will go the Sri Lankan way in the futrure ...? https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/south-asia/sri-lanka-russia-tourist-visa-ukraine-war-b2504466.html But , as long as big money is spent by the Russians , and they do not post a threat to the thai mafia , that will be delayed ...
  10. Yes , not a nice character , apparently . But there was not much of a kicking ( bodily harm ) . Can be seen in the video . He seems to be a big spender ( 1 mio monthly rent !!! ) . His elephant sanctuary has all the papers needed . He employs thai people . Kicking him out by revoking his visa is not the best decision . There should be a better solution ( like him being forced to do social work etc . ) I wonder why ' his ' land has no clear demarcation or fence . Was there a sign that indicated that members of the public have no right to access ? Anyway , the thai " doctor " was no doctor yet , just a student . That shows clearly that , in this country , aggression against natives is a no go . Being tolerated as guests ( even if living here for many years ) , is all a farang can expect . A foreigner in thailand is not without legal rights , but these have to be enforced by a tribunal , a judge . Costly process . but worth doing in some cases . But not this one .
  11. You know this , I know this ... many know ... I would not be surprised by the appearance of a new pandemic , this time with a genetically modified viral strain that becomes absolutely lethal . An antidote will become available only for the selected few ...? May be it is time for this ...? If AI ever reaches a level to find and imply logical solutions to the world's problems , it would eliminate the worst : overpopulation . A general reboot is urgently needed .
  12. Why are there no " baby traps " in hospitals as in fartang countries ...? That would enable the mothers to dispose of their unwanted babys anonymously ...
  13. Thailand , the world's hub for the mentally ill .
  14. The level of intelligence in the thai general populace is nothing compared to the level of their greed . Primitive , stupid population , only led by their greed , ignoring the damage they do ... all for some mushrooms . Uneducated selfish fools at work .
  15. Poachers are scum . Killing and selling of protected species is a crime .
  16. ... is a real estate tycoon . He makes a living from selling condos , houses etc ... Her wants to sell more , so he pressures the banks to further lower the already very low interest rates that more potential buyers get easy affordable credit rates and he can sell more .
  17. Better confiscate his private jet . A pity they cannot do this with his villa in Dubai .
  18. Pita is a charismatic leader . Many people who voted for MFP voted for him . MFP will probably be dissolved , but could reappear under a new name ... But Pita will probably be banned from politics for 10 years or more ... he is too well-liked and poses a threat by that . What the people want does not matter here ...
  19. He should wear this . Hope he did not have Rabies .
  20. Animal cruelty carried out by a buddhst monk ? Defrock him . He did not learn anything from Buddha's teachings . Unfit to be a monk .
  21. His greed to get more led to a loss . Happens often .
  22. Pandas becoming kind of a currency by now ? These are living beings with feelings , they should be kept at least species appropriate if their natural habitat is destroyed already . Don't forget how the chinese treat their other bears ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bile_bear https://www.ourbreathingplanet.com/bear-bile-farming-horror/ Oh no ... poor Panda . People are monsters . Humons .
  23. How to get rid of a disturbing serial petitioner ?
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