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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. First step is to modify ( eliminate ) that stupid law that land owners who do not use ( cultivate ) their land , need to pay higher taxes than they would need to pay for land that they use . This law leads to massive deforestation . The owners cut down all the trees to just plant some miserable palm trees etc ... just to avoid having to pay higher taxes . Absolutely counterproductive in regard to its long-term goal of covering 40% of the country’s area with forests and mangroves .
  2. It will be sold at an auction that is reserved for RTP only ...
  3. Being a criminal is an occupation reserved for Thai nationals only .
  4. 55 , It is starting to become really funny now ... ( if it would not be so sad ...)
  5. Westworld = ++ , or Everything , everywhere , all at once = ++, https://shopee.co.th/Bluray-หนังใหม่-เสียงไทยมาสเตอร์-Everything-Everywhere-All-at-Once-ซือเจ๊ ทะลุมัลติเวิร์ส-i.506975330.18004468076 https://shopee.co.th/แผ่นบลูเรย์-หนังใหม่-Westworld-Season-2-(2018)-เวสต์เวิลด์-ปี-2-(10-ตอนจบ)-(เสียง-Eng-ไทย-ซับ-Eng-ไทย)-บลูเรย์หนัง-i.572551262.22619606388
  6. Get a dog and walk it . Treat it good , it will love you and helps you make contacts , too ...
  7. How do you know ? You are involved in it ? Or is it just another stupid comment ?
  8. He became too much of a pop star to be taken for a serious politician anyway . I am sure there are better candidates than him .
  9. But a body , even cut to pieces , is still a body . If someone knowingly commits a crime , it is a ' basic instinct ' to hide it to avoid punishment , nothing new here ... Hiding it in a freezer is not very original , RTP is used to this ... You guess what your imagination tells you ? You do not know what you imagine ? Confusing post .
  10. Some places don't advertise what ? That they allow pets ? That they do not allow pets ? They make problems for small and not noisy animals ? What about the bigger ones ? Confusing post .
  11. This German ( criminal ? ) was very fond of very young girls ... Having been the customer of a 15 year old , he just avoided conviction , married a girl that was 19 while he was 57 ... made a lot of money by trading real estate ( In Thailand ? ) , drove around Pattaya in a convertible Mercedes , apparently had links to a motorcycle gang , lived the life of a " big Mack " ... and ended up in a freezer . No sympathy for him .
  12. So , it is only the generator ? The motor is electric and gets it's energy from the batteries only ? ... Just plant the thai national flag on it and watch it going down ... Does Thailand need a submarine ... may be , tax money has to be spent equally between Army , Navy or Air force ? And it would provide an emergency exit to a VIP ... Justin Case ...
  13. German missing ? Along with the investigative team, 2 foreigners were invited who traveled with lawyers. In order to give evidence to the investigators, Nong Prue Police Station, both of whom remained silent and refused to give any statements. Some ( illegal ) deal gone wrong . Kick them out , far too many arrogant Germans in Thailand anyway ... But the car would make a nice present for a policeman's wife ...
  14. She was 19 , he 57 ... in Thailand ? Thais , in general , do not like foreigners to make a lot of money in Thailand .
  15. They should have tasers for situations like this . How to calm down a drug crazed person who is armed with a knife and threatening to use it ?
  16. Another " Hunter " , remember ...? https://www.seattletimes.com/business/thai-court-affirms-tycoons-prison-sentence-for-poaching/
  17. Yesterday's forum ... just read his posts ... He can believe whatever he wants , I don't care ... I just do not like people killing animals for ' fun or sport '
  18. Hmm ... about the destruction of the environment , one species is clearly dominant in this ... May be should better be killed and eaten by ( the last surviving ) wildlife ...?
  19. U're German ? I say what I want , I do what I want , what you people think about it ... could not care less ... Calling me self-righteous because of what I say , is a sign of arrogance , and arrogance is linked to stupidity .
  20. Have you ...? Close your eyes and run , Lemming , run , the cliff is not far ... Btw... Just stop oil is right .
  21. Do you enjoy killing animals ? Is this what good christians like to do ...? I have more affection for buddhism , I won't do something alike . Don't eat meat , protect all animals and their habitat ...
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