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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. I don't think it comes down to enforcement, it should be less enforcement.

    The problem here is the law. Motorcycles are required to ride on the left side of the road.

    We motorcycle riders must stay in the other vehicle's, buses', van's, truck'[s, car's, songteaw's blind spot. They can't see us. No one seems to do anything about illegal parking. People park right under the no parking signs. People park illegally where a car pulling into a road cannot see oncoming traffic. Businesses work on cars in the streets, change tires, brakes etc right under no parking signs. Motorcycles are forced to navigate through intersections with all the other cars slowing down traffic at the same time rather than safely use the overpass that has no traffic. Not to mention cars stopping in the middle of the roads to buy food, let passengers get in or out of their cars, taxis buying moo yang etc.

    Change the laws, let us ride where it's safe rather than risking our lives in order to avoid a ticket which is merely extortion because we get ticketed for trying to be safe.

    Why don't the police target what makes the roads dangerous rather than target the poorer people that have no choice but to ride a motorcycle because they can't afford a car or have the time to sit in traffic.

    These stupid laws are a money maker for the police.

    They don't have to show you any ID, They don't have to tell you their name, they don't even have to tell you which law you broke. They just say "left side". Give them the book, they can't find the law. We give them our licenses because they have guns, we have to. It's mafia style extortion and motorcyclists pay with money and their lives. How about taking away the commission police get every time they write a ticket. The most absurd thing I ever heard. Writing tickets for profit.

    Change the laws that are killing us and see what happens. What do they have to lose, certainly less than we do.

  2. 30 minutes ago, hobz said:

    For jebus sake, we live in the future! Put up cameras everywhere! They would pay for themselves and have Massive return of investment.

    Hire 100000 (hundred thousand) people to monitor the cameras and administer tickets. Give them minimum wage + a cut of each ticket, with quotas for each type of ticket/violation. The surplus money can be used for buying more submarines and tanks for awesome mr prayuth. 


    I know, i know, some of you dont want to live in a nanny state and you are crying and you are shaking out of anger when you read my post. Its ok.

    Im just saying, if you want to fix thai driving this is the most effective. Ofcourse it will be boring to drive. Lol.

    You can thank me later.

    the police already get a cut from every ticket they write, which is why they go after the easiest targets for the most money and it has absolutely nothing to do with keeping the public safe.

    Everybody knows the number of police check points blooms at the end of every month when people are getting paid. Why do the Thai people who pay these people through their taxes put up with it?


  3. I don't think more training will make any difference at all.

    Considering 30+/100,000 people die on Thailand's roads every day with 73% of them being motorcyclists, it's time to change the laws that kill.

    This law where motorcycles must ride on the left side of the road, the most dangerous part of the road I think is the real issue.

    This idea that motorcycles are slower than cars is ludicrous. What motorcycle today cannot do 80km/h? Motorcyclists can't use the overpasses, they have to deal with congestion and dangerous intersections. They have to deal with cars pulling out in their paths because of illegally parked cars, many of them taxis, vendors, loading and unloading because they can't see the oncoming traffic.

    It's the laws that kill, not the roads and not always the fault of the people.

    Everybody has the right to safe road conditions, except motorcyclists. They are the easiest to extort by the police. The police do not have to show ID. They do not have to show you which law you broke. This is like an open cookie jar to a child, it invites corruption.

    The laws do not benefit the people, it benefits the police. Personally I'm tired of it. I know way too many people, Thai people that have just given up riding a motorcycle because of the daily harassment. If you ride a motorcycle, you can either pay with your life or your wallet.


  4. so let's see, posting the video of two P'sOS molesting a woman and from that video got caught.

    The video helped the police, but posting the video on social media is illegal.

    How is it different that is can be posted on TV, which is social media, which I suppose this

    article can be shared on Facebook which it has been.

    The video showed two molesters, not good for Thailand's image.

    TV posts the entire article on their social media site but it doesn't damage Thailand's image.

    The information is the same, is it not? :passifier:

  5. it's their stupid laws that kill. Making motorcycles ride in the blind spot of ever other vehicle is nothing short of ludicrous.

    Riding on the side with the taxis, cars entering or blocking the road because they can't decide to pull into a gas station.

    Why don't they do something about the illegal parking of cars and trucks waiting for passengers or loading or unloading.

    Why can't motorcycles use the flyovers to avoid the congestion and jockeying for positions with 50 other bikes when the light turns green?

    It's their stupid laws, laws that kill, not speed! Why can't the police patrol rather than setting up a "net" to stop and fleece motorists?

    Why is it acceptable for the police to set up shop at the end of the month when everyone knows people get paid?

    Why is it acceptable to the Thai people that it's just a part of reality and know the police come out in force and more aggressively at the end of the month?

    "sin duen, rawang!  Blame the kids, blame the speed of the bikes, never blame yourselves! :saai:

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