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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. People might respect "the law" a little more when those currently in power cleaned up their own house first.

    Show me one country that is cotupt free. Or for that mater any government oficial in the world. When suthep and abhisit were running the country there was jsut as much or even a little more coruption then now.

    I'm going to take a guess here, because Thailand is not the only corrupt country in the world then it's OK.

    You must be Thai, I hear that all the time.

    The country was more corrupt when Suthep and Abhisit were running it? What is and where is the proof of that? facepalm.gif

    • Like 1
  2. I remember not too long ago the rice farmers dumping their rice in front of the government house.

    I'm thinking that was quite tame as to what could happen when they find out there is no money to pay them.

    I think there is more to it, they are so in your face whether it's intentional or not I'm not sure.

    I see posters of Yingluck with this on it: รักษา ประชาธิปไตย she's going to "cure" democracy like cancer? make it go away?

    The other thing is the UDD, United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship. It really is a front isn't it?

    If anything it seems to be totally about no democracy and all about dictatorship, I think it really is a front.

    Way to go Yingluck, are you still going to hang in there, for what? thumbsup.gif

    • Like 1
  3. interesting posts here.

    people, the protestors can't afford these rates, aka "the poor dupes"

    Another mentions rice farmers can't afford them either.

    So it makes me wonder, why all the mention that the protestors are

    the rich elite? Seems to me like a pretty good mix of Thai people here.

    Not all protestors are wearing expensive heels and diamond studded


    Why are the hotels harping about the protestors? Why don't they tell

    the corrupt caretakers taking up space and sucking up taxpayer money

    to do something like get out!?

    My point being, the protestors don't seem to be the rich elite.

  4. You know, over the last few days the truly frightful thought has occurred to me several times that if Suthep and his bunch get their way, we might not be so far from the "death squads" which characterised some Latin American regimes in the last century. My God I hope not Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    We have already seen the Taksin death squads and what they can and did do, what makes you think that's going to happen again and who are they going to target?

    Sent from my GT-P6800 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    • Like 1
  5. So if you feel rage, then it is okay to burn buildings?

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Sure, depending how bad you've been treated. The rural poor have always been viewed and treated as second-class citizens in their own country. The finally have a voice, a government has made developing the poorest parts of the country a priority, and this riles the Bangkok elite. That money should be funnelled into their pockets instead! In the eyes of the elite Thailand=Bangkok and no-one else matters.

    They have to fight to protect their rights otherwise the elite will snatch it from them time and time again. If the Thais weren't so tolerant telling each other "mai pen rai" this war would have been fought decades ago.

    Is this the anarchist's version of democracy? Or straight from the red hand book?

    The red shirts simply want to be able to exercise their political rights without the country's elite trampling all over them. If that eventually means resorting to violence because other measures have failed then that is probably what they'll resort to. They simply want a just outcome.

    The yellow shirts want an unjust outcome. They want to impose unelected rulers that represent the interests of a minority on the majority. They want a dictatorship that represents the interests of the Bangkok elite.


    The red shirts that simply want to be able to exercise their "rights" is the red shirt party, not the common people of Thailand. Those that support the red shirt party are the ones getting screwed the most, but to ignorant to know it, by design.

    It's not the elite trampling all over them, it's Thai people fighting for equal rights for everyone including them, those that support the red shirt party but are getting screwed the most.

    The "yellows" do not want an unjust outcome, they want the unjust outcomes to stop once and for all.

    You don't seem to know how the Thai government works where people are constantly being appointed but the supposedly elected by the majority government, and then reshuffling cabinets so everybody can get a turn at the trough which only increases "loyalty" to the corrupt system, for money is God here.

    They don't want a dictatorship, they want to prevent a dictatorship.

    You are so clueless I can only have compassion for those like yourself unless being the newbie that you are have found

    this as a way to be employed by spreading lies and misinformation.

    The red party does not represent the people, any party system is not democracy anyway. To consider Thailand a democratic society based on

    "we came from election" is just proof you have no idea what you're talking about.

    • Like 1
  6. Yingluck is super rich, she doesn't need the job. The question is, why is she holding on to power,

    what is her benefit? If so many hate her, why doesn't she just leave?

    Is there going to be some kind of consequence for saying "I quit"?

    She's worried about something.

    Taksin said don't quit, you'll go to jail.

    You don't go to jail for quitting your job, so what is she really afraid of?

    She does not represent the people of Thailand, she represents her party and her party's interests only,

    that's pretty obvious at this point.

  7. Sounds to be about the same numbers as those who have gone to BKK from each place.

    Wait for another couple of days when the rice farmers have still not been paid then see how many love PT.

    Actually you will find its the reverse now.

    Most rice farmers I am informed are now really upset, even more than normal, with the Democrats and Suthep and blame the late payments on them in full.

    The late payment and the blame put on Suthep and the Democrats for causing all these problems is actually making people more determined than ever to vote and vote PTP, I am quite well informed.

    you mean the farmers have not been paid for months because of the recent protests?

    Who informed you of this? Which bridge?

  8. Can't wait for all the moaning and crying about how Ban Ki-Moon is a red shirt supporter because he is not 100% behind the kaos.

    So who's playing Agent 86 and 99?

    Abhisit probably has the better profile for 86, Chitpas for 99? Can see that working...

    Can see The Chief being played by either Gen. Prayuth or Suthep depending on how you want to look at it...

    Thaksin can play Mr Big - a perfectly suitable role

    Chalerm can play The Claw... Hahaha...

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Your comment will probably be over many people's heads but it really made my day. Thanks.

    We need someone to play George "the animal" Steel or Dr Tanaka

  9. You guys really don't get it. The army have already decided to back the winning side... And yes that will be the reds. For now they are playing games. The days of 200 Chinese families ruling Thailand are numbered. If I was a thai I would burn the Chinese to the ground. Starting with Singh's beer and cp. Soon to come. The people will win this one. No civil war...don't worry...just a few more weeks and it will be game over for the fascists. Sent from my Lenovo A516 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I don't think this is about the Chinese unless the majority of MP's are Chinese and wanting to bring back their corrupt Chinese self exiled

    fugitive leader and dismiss all the crimes he's committed. But I could be wrong.

    • Like 1
  10. Redshirts Meet To Discuss Anti-Coup Campaign


    1. Intimidate voters

    2. Burn shopping malls

    3. Invade hospitals

    4. Use children as human shields





    please add as necessary

    First of all where are you coming up with all this hype? and second are you actually talking about suthep the murderer?

    Where were you here in 2010?

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    items 1-4 are 100% accurate, I was here.

    • Like 2
  11. All the posters from western democracies when they get to Thailand chuck it out the window in support of coups, forgetting about their own roots. They are the worst kind of hypocrits!

    I think a coup in the United States is long over due. Who are you calling "hypocrits"

    Perhaps you've never heard of 1776.

    The current government is not for the people and is totally corrupt and destroying the country,

    that's pretty darn obvious I would think.

    I really doubt the anti government protestors are going to create violence by attacking their own

    just to put a coup into action.

    What does make sense, and what the warnings have been, is the pro government people that have the

    most to lose, or so they think will start the violence again.

    This is not a pro Suthep movement, it's an anti Taksin movement again. wai.gif

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  12. How can any of these government officials be taken seriously when some of them gave moral and financial support to the protesters that shut down Bangkok in 2010?

    And how can they be taken seriously when they put 5 family members in top positions to be elected......It is not a government it is a Shinawatra enterprise

    I'd rather have 5 members of the same family on the ballot, allowing people to have them "elected" than a non-elected "people's council".

    Elections are always better than no elections, no matter who's on the ballot. People can vote "no" if they don't like the choices.

    obviously never heard a democratic or elected dictatorship. Wasn't Hitler elected?

    Suthep is not a fascist, he doesn't want the power, he wants the corruption out of Thailand.

    As far as I'm concerned, he saved Thailand in the nick of time from becoming a dictatorship which

    would have allowed fascist dictator wannabee Taksin to come back and take control and probably

    revenge as well.

    Just because something was created through an election does not allow violation of humans rights and

    the right to be above the law.

    You're posts reek of trolling which means I'm giving you credit here of having some intelligence. bah.gif

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  13. "Thaksin, who is now in self-exile" AKA on the run.

    If Thaksin is so guilty, how come no country will extradite him? He's freely travelling to countries like U.S and Singapore without being arrested.

    It's funny how you people keep re-iterating how corrupt Thailand is. But you only apply that corruption where it suits you.

    Because some countries don't have extradition agreements with Thailand and as for the US, they have invested a lot in Thaksin

    which has brought America's war companies to Thailand. It's because of Thaksin you have Lockheed Martin, Monsanto and their GMO food, Merck and Smith Glaxo Kline's toxic vaccine's, torture prisons and the list does go on. The USA is far more corrupt than Thailand will ever be and they need

    a puppet like Thaksin to secure their interests in this part of the world.

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