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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. Something I wonder about as the country slowly descends into mob rule, will farangs become targets for their rage? I keep hearing that many Thais hate us and only put up with us because we spend money. I don't know how true this is or even what percentage hate us if it is true but something to think about perhaps.

    I walked among the crowd at Metropolitan police headquarters a few weeks ago, I could hear people say "farang this & farang that..."

    While I was not concerned as it felt like a harmless gathering, it was in stark contrast to what I experienced in the same location in 2010 when the UDD was there.

    As a street photographer, I don't think I would venture anywhere near the "mad mob" at this point in time.

    somehow I seriously doubt this. bah.gif

  2. What kind of organization targets the young child of a political leader to force that child's mother to leave office? Yingluck has used incredible restraint dealing with these Terrorists. What do you think would happen to Americans if they tried to storm the White House? Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    not targeting children. if you're a caretaker of a child then your actions affect said child. It's a warning, protect your child because

    your actions matter. Drop the spin. The "news" that whistle blowers went to the school Yingluck's son attends was said to have never

    happened by the school itself. Propagating lies and "heresay" as effective as it may be, is not very becoming and in my opinion lacks integrity.

  3. Birthdays were not even celebrated or in any way acknowledged. Some of the neices and nephews were not even aware of their birthday.

    Stroll on! Do some of you like live in the woods? blink.png

    We keep it mellow--personally can't stand all the hype/commercialism/baby carols in malls etc--but if one has kids and doesn't make an effort for them on the day... well, double blink.pngblink.png

    Thailand has taken care of that, it's called Children's Day

  4. Christmas has become a commercial joke with the focus on material things. Not "celebrating" or participating in this

    is far from deprivation. I've had some wonderful Christmas's, especially those where I've totally surprised either my children or

    others with something never expected, but also not bought. The obligation that Christmas has become is not something I would want

    to impose on others. I've hated those days shopping and balancing gifts for each of the kids just to keep it fair. Or having to get something for

    someone just because they gave us something last year. Christmas is far from important in my eyes, but more of a lesson of compassion for those that get caught up in the herd mentality and conditioning, something opposite of what Jesus supposedly taught, materialism and lust.

    Just sayin'

    • Like 1
  5. If you want to teach what it's about then great, but to impose a financial burden on others especially without warning is wrong.

    How many are going to lose face when a gift can't be bought or when one's gift is far superior to another?

    If you want to teach about the winter equinox, what stars represent the 3 wise men, what the sun being born again means

    and all those in mythology that share the very same story, then great, I think they should know.

    Let them know that santa is a representation of the priests that used to climb down the smoke holes in people's yurts

    to leave mushrooms in stockings to dry near the fire. Let them know where it really came from, I don't have a problem with that at all.

  6. It was a language school that pointed out these "abuses"?

    Is one trying to kill his own business or be the only school that offers a solution?

    song sai maak!

    Walen School is interested in maintaining the ED visa system as it benefits a lot of students. Of course we are against schools selling ED visas as they will potentially ruin the system and it will have a great negative effect on those who are legitimate students and there are a great many of those.

    I studied at Walen for a year and I enjoyed it. But sitting up in Changwattana and asking other "students" what book there were gave the reply they were just in for the visa. For as many students at your school for the number of visas issued, there was a time I was the only student in the classroom, and the classes seemed to only have the same few people taking actual lessons. I largest class I think I ever experienced was 9 students at a time. Where are all the students, and are you going to cancel those thousands of visas of those that are not attending? Honestly I'm finding these comments very bizarre.

  7. Doesn't Suthep think it odd that only Bangkok folks are protesting, and only a fraction of the numbers he reports? It's amazing how little support this guy has.

    I am pretty sure You were not at Rama II yesterday afternoon, even on a sunday, after a long weekend with peoples returning home from Hua Hin and Cha Am I have not seen a que this long... And yesterday was as, You may know - saturday - the day traffic is normally the other way, going out of Bangkok...

    From the 25 km mark until I turned onto Kanchanapietsaek (11 km mark) took me 2 hours... Cars, pickup trucks, busses and minivans with thai flags - and peoples obviously going to join todays rallies - was seen, in thousands...

    Suthep has support from a large number of the population, even from what is known as red shirt strongholds I know people going to Bangkok...

    The amnesty law tripped the scale, as far as I can see...

    If this Suthep has so much support why not run in the election and win some seats...then we can have reform the democratic way

    perhaps because he cannot afford to buy enough votes like the others can, an election that is based on purchased votes is not the democratic way

    maybe the dumbest post I've ever seen!

  8. "The injured were shot in their legs, shoulders, waists, and backs, the witness said."

    marksmanship definitely not a strong point here unless, they weren't trying to kill them

    but maybe defending themselves. Was the military dropping bombs off the bridge?

    This is not like Iraq where the US military tells soldiers you have to get your first kill today,

    and of course they take out someone easy.

    Hard to believe either of these two saying, "we need to kill some people, do your best boys!"

    • Like 1
  9. This is nothing more than legalised racism and is fundamentally wrong.

    How is it racism when thai start checking e.g. vietnamese? Why do people on tv keep confusing foreigner with farang?

    Sent from my D90W using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Checking the Vietnamese or stopping the vehicle picked up on a surveillance camera? w00t.gif

  10. where it he attack on her son? Saying that her family won't be welcome here is an attack?

    Nothing like a little sensationalism to rally the uninformed.

    That's about as ridiculous as a trumped up murder charge against those that were

    in the process of burning down the capital. Typically red shirt idiocy.

    Say it enough times and you might believe it, typical tyrannical tactic.

  11. it's because of windows 8 that many countries are going to stop buying US software for it has a direct backdoor to the NSA.

    Many countries have stopped using it and are considering going to a straight linux system because it does the same thing.

    Windows 7 Ultimate I think is by far the best one out there yet if you want to go the windows route.

    • Like 2
  12. Of course, his back is covered legally. He will be declared innocent eventually. This will infuriate the Red Shirts and the judges will then be harrassed and abused by Red Shirt groups. A lot of dirty details will come out about the Red Shirts, the Men in Black and Thaksin. Thaksin is making a mistake about going after Aphisit and Suthep.

    I think this was an attempt to get Abhisit and Suthep to sign the amnesty bill, but this is going to backfire big time.

    I hope the press reports on this accurately so the people can have the privilege of knowing what's been going

    on for the past two years.

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