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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. I know that table salt is not just pure NaCl or sodium chloride but a mix of NaCl stripped of it's nutrients with a host of chemicals added to it.

    Interestingly enough, on this page about salt, MSG is mentioned and not in a good light at all.

    very enlightening article here:


    "In the ultimate heart-health irony, low sodium products often contain monosodium glutamate, a sodium-based excitotoxin that causes heart attacks in people who do not have enough magnesium (from organic vegetables and sea salt). It is probably the most common reason for mysterious heart failures in young athletes, who simply fall-over dead at sporting events. The profuse sweating imbalances their electrolytes even further, to become the final straw on the camel's back."

    • Like 1
  2. changing the people will do nothing until there is a constitution where all people are equal and no one is above the law.

    As long as those in government are immune from prosecution, which I think is totally absurd and an open invitation to

    corrupt behavior, nothing will change.

    Thailand needs a constitution, a real constitution granting people protection of their inalienable rights.

    Until that happens, it all means nothing and nothing will change except the corrupt players on the stage.

    • Like 1
  3. You can apply directly with a school for a teaching job. I do agree that those that go through agencies

    are leaving a lot of money on the table, as they want roughly 5k thb per month for handling the pay.

    The schools pay cash on the last day of the month, the agencies hold your pay for 5 days in case you quit

    they can shaft you for as much as they want, and I've been there.

    I was under the impression and told not to do the retirement visa because if you get caught working, it's serious.

    Teaching for a language school to teach corporate is probably safer because they know they are hiring people without

    work permits and for some reason the having to have a work permit to teach doesn't apply to language schools.

    If you have no experience with Thai schools do some research, it's not like any other school system I've ever seen.

    good luck with it.

  4. Amazing that these illegal drivers or van drivers in general cause so many deaths in Thailand but they are granted amnesty and allowed

    to continue to work. But when someone is actually doing something safe and has value like teaching the next generation "illegally"

    they get the book thrown at them.

    How difficult would it be for a company to find legal drivers?

    What the government is saying there are no repercussions for committing a crime such as hiring illegal workers

    or workers that are not either qualified nor have the proper documentation.

    The corruption goes on and the loss of life closely follows. Pathetic Thailand, I would say you can do better but

    I really don't think that's the case. bah.gif

  5. wire it back in amounts less than $10000. You get caught with cash for whatever reason, you're going to have to prove it didn't come from

    something illicit or it's gone. That's usually very hard to do even with the proof.

    You have money, the police can and will take it if they can. wire it in small amounts under 10k is what i would do.

  6. this opens the door to abuse and targeting. if anyone posts something offensive on of your blogs, forums etc, as it stands the owner get's nailed.

    we can't stop people from posting nor can we monitor everything at all times.

    The only ones that want to limit free speech are the ones that have something to benefit from being the supreme power over the land.

    I can see this backfiring in a more than brilliant way as we've seen in the past gov't sites being hacked.

    Those proposing this law should really think twice, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

  7. I have no doubt that the majority in the kingdom illegally is a huge portion of the labor force.

    Without the illegals, who's going to build homes, clean homes, and do the jobs that most thai's don't want to do?

    I think if you got rid of all the illegals, it wouldn't change the number of westerners so much as it would change

    the number of below minimum wage workers and those that work the streets.

    Easy for those from the neighboring countries to blend in, but not so easy for the westerners.

    Even those from India that are loan sharks seem to blend in quite well.

    Maybe they should follow Obama's lead and give all illegals legal status, driver's licenses

    and the right to vote. ha! laugh.png

  8. So much for western expats bringing too much money into Thailand, here the OP wants to pay 20 baht.

    I bet you can't speak a word of Thai, and you want to pay Thai rates.

    so in other words if you speak thai you should pay less as if that's some great accomplishment.

    maybe if they started charging more for people that don't speak English in America, more people would

    simply learn English rather than complain double standards and not what America is about, equality.

    Anywhere there is a double standard in pricing I don't go because submitting to that degrades my integrity.

    "I bet you can't speak a word of Thai, and you want to pay Thai rates." by far the most ignorant thing I've heard in a long time bah.gif

    • Like 2
  9. I think the problem here is the tolerant mindset that they are doing the best they can. If they need to put 20 people in one pickup truck then

    so be it, it's the best they can do. Why they tolerate this and not other things is just bizarre.

  10. I had a few ideas that might make just as good of a photo-opp:

    trash bins, especially at the piers. Just take a look at the trash trapped around the

    piers like at Siriraj, it's amazing and not a trash can in site. Catch the last boat and you can see

    the workers sweeping and throwing all the trash into the water. Seems like the easy normal thing to do.

    How about fines for littering that pertain to Thais and not just foreigners? huge revenue there.

    Greasy sidewalks left by 'street' vendors making money on public property? How is that not the same as littering

    if not more dangerous?

    One step at a time, photo-opps are the first step to anything......

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  11. I don't think it's against the law to flee the scene of an accident, it just seems like the thing to do.

    I think if it was a crime, boy red bull would have been arrested on at least that charge since

    everyone knows he killed the guy. It seems like having the cojones to be a coward is a

    show of strength here. His family must be proud.

    I'm sure the glad the please are confident they will catch this guy, it's not like he

    was an unknown bus hijacker. The longer I stay the more I digress, I need to seriously

    reconsider many things.

  12. sure didn't talk much about food poisoning. floods are inconvenient but people were splashing around having fun anyway, that could have made them sick.

    Vendors were selling food to the inconvenienced people splashing in the water and having fun. They could have made them sick.

    People started fishing in the flood waters, I wonder if that made them sick?

    and then a whole lot of distraction about infrastructure and crap and nothing to do with the headline.

    So whoever wrote this, you suck!

    To the one that allowed this publcation after being edited, you suck even more.

    IF someone doesn't tell you you suck, then you'll never not suck and people would find sucky behavior acceptable.

    So where exactly did this happen, tambon's can be large. how serious is this, do I need to warn friends and/or family? blink.png

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