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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. I say screw the work permit process and give people a green card, if a school wants to hire them and those looking accept whatever it is the school wants to pay them, then great! The "green" card is so they can pay taxes just like any other person living and working here. All this 'us' and "them" is what makes it so difficult. Just have a policy, if the school will hire you then great, pay taxes and live like the rest of the Thai people just as the Thai people do in your country.

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  2. It's all a load of cobblers. 'World terrorism' is a macro scam controlled by the CIA, aided by MI6. Thailand is a target becoz it tries to stay out of the West's dirty warmongering policies & rackets. As past egs show, if a suicide bomber wants to try, s/he can stuff their underwear with boom-stuff, & get on a plane with a CIA escort. S/he won't even need a passport.

    May Thailand continue to peacefully import oil from Iran. It should tell the running dogs of Europe & Washington to stick their noses up their own sois. OGT

    Do you have to SCREAM your conspiracy theories?

    I know it upsets you that it may be harder to carry out your terrorism, but I am sure you will find a way.

    this isn't theory, it's exactly what happened.

  3. i still don't believe these were terrorists. A couple patsys set up by someone or some organization. Too much finger pointing from the US and Israel especially since they want to go to war with Iran. I think they are just setting the stage, trying to get as many people on their side, and Thai are pretty easy victims in this. Start with the racial profiling, start a hatred for a particular group of people and let the rights of the people start to dwindle. Soon enough you'll have the TSA "helping" out at the airports, BTS, MRT and the bus stations. I think this is all bullshit and I believe that's what the Thai government thinks too. The Thai government is getting pressured to choose sides, US and Israel, or China and Russia?

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  4. History repeats itself.

    We have seen such thing happen again and again all over the world, and this won't be the last.

    The up-raising of the common people.

    To struggle for a more open and free democratic society.

    Last happen in USSR, Romania, Yogoslavia, East Timore, Tibet, Egypt, Iraq, etc

    We congratulate then if the up-raising is a success.

    We condem then if the up-raising fails.

    An absolutely incredible post!!!!! Do some people have no idea at all about what the red movement represents? Such naievity is astounding! The reds fought for democracy. Really? Do we now have a democratic government in Thailand? I am sorry chaps, this is about anti-democracy and the struggle of one man to become the supreme dictator. Nothing more. Nothing less.

    That's actually right on! clap2.gif

  5. amazing how many think that Iran is making a bomb, or even close to having a bomb. The CIA says they dont have a bomb nor are making one. The group that does the inspections on an international level say they don't have a bomb nor are they making one. Pakistan, Israel and other nuclear powers with bombs are not a part of the international proliferation act, and Pakistan is selling nuclear technology to north korea, but no problem there.

    What the US is after has nothing to do with nuclear anything, it's about a country with a ton of oil that is going to sell it for something other than the US paper coupons aka "the dollar".

    Instead to off becoming a country of integrity again, the US continues on it's bullying empirical nation building, looting and murder. Drop the corruption and start representing the people, problem is they have been bought, doped up by pseudo wealth and are now slaves. mad.gif

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  6. it may be me, but if they actually do away with all the corruption, use the money gained from that, I think 1/6th of the economy is lost to corruption. If people just did the right thing, everybody would prosper, what a wonderful country this could be. But this separation, the racism, the rich and poor, the haves and have nots. This school "donation" BS is nothing more than bribery and despicable. What is worrysome to me is, where is the shame? It's like watching people unload a truckload of trash onto the side of the road in broad daylight and no shame. call it what you want, but this country would be the easiest in the world to take over becuase the government would easily sell themselves out cheap cheap. No shame in being a whore in this country. mad.gif

  7. interesting that one post said that the people's homes were inundated with water for 4-5 days. I'm wondering it that's a typo because my home had more than a meter of water in it for about 6 weeks, maybe more. When I'm still recovering from losing most of my things, when the neighborhoods at totally littered with trash still, it's disgusting, the "elite" are planning a glitzy party? Why don't they spend some money and clean up the kingdom? THe amount of trash is absolutely staggering and an invitation for others to just keep dumping on top of it all. As far as I'm concerned the flooding situation is not over, cleaned up etc etc etc. This "party" is probably more like an opportunity for "special" guests to make appearances. Still the smell of rot lingers. mad.gif

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  8. Anyone who knows Bangkok will have seen the guy who begs on Sukhumvit with no arms and legs..and who always lies on his stomach even in the most torrential downpour I saw him still begging!Was over at Salendang one day and who do I see..him!!Apparently some of the guys told me he gets picked up in a Mercedes and driven around...

    He was known as the inch worm back in the days. Made at least 30,000 baht a month easy

    I heard from a very reliable source, and i'm not sure this inchworm guy is the same person, but someone on Sukhumvit crawling from one end to the other made 10,000 baht per day

  9. He said some under the jurisdiction of the Makkasan and Huay Kwang police stations are openly selling amphetamine and methamphetamine on their premises.

    Some under the jurisdiction of the Phlap Phla Chai 1, Bang Rak, Samrae, Buppharam and Bukkhalo police stations, have horse racing machines and act as illegal lottery bookies.

    no mention of any charges being filed. Is this a "please stop" selling drugs or "keep it under wraps" kind of thing?

  10. I can hear it now, "Thaksin is not an official". Does that mean no more MP immunity. Jatuporn and Natthawut should be very nervous about that statement. This is more of the pot calling the kettle black. Rings similiar to "W" saying stay focused on who the real terrorists are and don't believe the "conspiracy" theories. This Chalerm guy is dangerous, a habitual liar and it's going to cost Thailand seriously in the long run very soon I'm thinking. I wonder just how many believe the stuff he spews, my feeling is many.

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  11. I met a 10 year old girl on the boat about three weeks ago, and she said in her school, they do use tablets, but the students cannot take them home, they belong to the school and stay in the school. This idea of handing out a gaming toy to every Thai kid is ludicrous. This talk about another billion baht here and another billion baht there is totally irresponsible, and I'm willing to bet no one's keeping track of the finances either.

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  12. It looks to me that the issue here is he or they didn't have work permts, and they charged too much interest, The question that comes to mind here is, all these guys from India that sell nuts and beans from a basket, that move on to become loan sharks, do they all have work permits? They are a very conspicuous enterprise with their nice motorcycles and turbins so it's probably not illegal. does anyone know the means of getting into this line of work? it looks like easy money. thumbsup.gif

    I agree it sounds like if you wanted to set up a legitmate business that the money would be pretty good. I am assuming that if he had of set up his business and found a thai wife or secretary instead of his Philipino he would have been all set. Also even at 15% interest he still would have made money on what ever he started with.

    Going to have to talk to my lawyer about this one sounds like the perfect business for a Farang on a retirement visa. We can do this in the states and make good money should be able to do it here to. Just have to be careful.

    if you get caught working with a retirement visa you're outta here. I wouldn't recommend that.

  13. It looks to me that the issue here is he or they didn't have work permts, and they charged too much interest, The question that comes to mind here is, all these guys from India that sell nuts and beans from a basket, that move on to become loan sharks, do they all have work permits? They are a very conspicuous enterprise with their nice motorcycles and turbins so it's probably not illegal. does anyone know the means of getting into this line of work? it looks like easy money. thumbsup.gif

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  14. No respectable government is going to turn a blind eye to yet another Thai coup, as many such governments did in September of 2006. If there's another coup in Thailand then the land of smiles becomes the new old Burma/Myanmar. The Thai military does need to be checked and subordinated to civilian authority, so now is a good a time as any to accomplish the radical change. Thailand simply needs the structure and power flow of a "normal" democracy, come hell or high water.

    Were Thaksin to return (when, actually), he'd shock and surprise everyone if he became a Nelson Mandella, whom Thaksin cynically pretends to both respect and like. (Has Mandella ever said anything of Thaksin? If so, I've never heard of or seen anything of it.) Thaksin is a moral vacuum that sucks in only power and money.

    Pheu Thai is the legitimately and democratically elected government of Thailand that has an electoral mandate to govern the country. The people who voted for Badluck Yingluck accept her as Thailand's first female PM so are willing to temper their criticism of her inexperience in government. PTP needs to turn away from Thaksin for the good of the country, however, PTP isn't ever going to do that.

    Thailand needs a unifying figure who has the stature of a Mandella, a Vaclav Havel, a Suu Kyi.But there isn't a single soul to consider. Methinks the tsunami of 2004 and the floods that still affect us may suggest Thailand's only way out of its never ending conundrum of expediency over any considered or rational approach. These people can't reconcile themselves, period, because they have only self interest whilst paying lip service to notions of an accommodating society..

    If only someone, once, would obey a law. The place is moral and legal anarchy, always and only worsening.

    I still find it interesting that inspite of he blatant vote buying, populist lies and the failure to openly express political views in a public debate is still a legitimately and democratically elected government. There is nothing democratic about vote buying.

  15. This woman may be smart in business but in politics she is dumber than dogshit! It doesn't matter if she knew about it or not <wink>...as PM she is ultimately responsible for her actions and those of her party in the parliament. Or as Harry Truman said, "The Buck stops here!" Oh...my bad! I forgot this is Thailand where no one is responsible for their actions.

    The only thing dumber than dog shit is the utter failure of Thai people to accept who is in government and us non-Thais who get caught up in it.

    God forbid we protect our home and our family's home as well. I get tired of that illogical failure to "get it". If this is the case, cancel all world news and only have news that happens in one's country and nothing else. blink.png

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