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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. this is a good thing in my opinion. Here is an MP trying to do something for the people that are suffering from low prices on the products they

    produce to better their lives and the one chairing these meetings won't let them speak.

    Let the people see who are the real reasons their needs are not getting any attention.

    Good on him, the message is out, the only question is if there are enough people not glued

    to the TV to see it.

    • Like 1
  2. they are going to attack based on new "intelligence". is this the same intelligence that said Saddam had WMD's and is this the same intelligence that faked the satellite pics that started the Gulf war.

    Dr Jerry Corsy from wnd.com has undeniable proof that Obama has been funding the Muslim brotherhood and it was the rebels with the aid of it's allies that did the chemical attack.

    Syria did not kill it's own people including it's own soldiers nor would they have any reason to.

    there is footage out there of the actors staging and being filmed to make it look like they are against Assad, it's more smoke and mirrors and false flags.

    There is more than enough evidence to charge Obama with treason, why it's not happening I don't know.

    The Nobel peace prize "winner" is continuing his killing spree and I think enough is enough! bah.gif

    • Like 1
  3. I wonder how many Thai citizens are homeless in the US, UK or Australia? Probably not that many.

    The difference could be in my opinion is people are treated as equals and allowed to find jobs wherever

    anybody will hire them. In the kingdom, foreigners, actually "white" people are not allowed to work other than

    teaching and that's not for everybody considering the state of the public school system.

    If you're Asian, you can work just about anywhere they will hire you. I see people from Africa at

    Chatuchak market selling gems and all kinds of things. I don't see any farang getting any normal

    basic jobs. Money is not everything, quality of life is. Not all of us are about making 5 times more than the Thai

    but rather having a sense of security and a place to call home.

    Strength comes from diversity, and due to the homogenous nature of Thailand it's not a strong country and

    should be aware of the dangers that could bring. Just my opinion of course. wai2.gif

  4. Since I almost never use Line, I think I'll uninstall it and send them an email telling them why. Maybe an uninstall Line Facebook page would help.

    The reason why the US government makes the most ridiculous decisions as if every congressman and senator has a gun to their heads is because

    the NSA had "dirt" on them and threaten to expose them. (theory based on evidence so I think not far off) and this is exactly the type of tyranny

    this gov't is working towards. When the people fear the gov't, there's tyranny and I think the desperados are thinking this is the only way to

    push their agenda. That's what I think. wai2.gif

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  5. I have a Galaxy GT-P6800 7.7 tablet. when I upgraded the ROM to ICS (icecream sandwich) I first installed an ROM from the UK or somewhere. the only thing that didn't work was the wifi at home or anywhere else for that matter. When I finally found an ROM for Thailand/Malaysia.Vietnam and installed that, everything worked great.

    I have read since that this is an issue, you need the ROM for the area you're in, I don't know about how that works when traveling.

    hope this helps.

  6. I have twin step-daughters (genetically Thai) who were as tall or taller than the boys in their class, and much taller than the girls. Their diet was basically Thai but with higher protein levels than usual for most (assumption) with some western additions such as Jam, Vegemite, bread/toast and ,yes, I encouraged flavoured milk as their morning take-to-school snack. At 16 they were a head taller than their mother.

    There was a free milk school program some years ago, and occasionally the wife would arrive back from the school with a tray of UHT milk cartons. Is this still in existence, or was it banned as being the idea of some other political party, now to be re-instated as a gift from PTP?

    How tall are you, you're parents and grandparents?

    Seems to me the tallest people 2000 years ago were the poorer Europeans who's diet mainly consisted of grain.

    In Asia most were eating higher protein meat diets and along with genetics but not always, remained shorter.

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