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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Your statement makes no sense. Visas are not "renewed" Application for extension of permission of stay is available. A denied extension would have very clear reasons. Most common would be financial requirements
  2. This thread is so run off topic. The OP is a simple account of self check in equated with zero contact for check in and onward flight not required.
  3. I'm on ongoing extensions so no I have never done border run you outline. You won't have an issue. Your OP is correct in that if you exit without reentry permit your current permission of stay is done and dusted. Turn around and reenter visa exempt. Bit hard to guess your plan (which is your business) Assume that you are aware of 60 day extension to visit wife. What's the plan after visa exempt entry?
  4. Here is a thread and I posted link to report using agent van https://aseannow.com/topic/1324450-ban-laem-border-run/ No onward ticket required
  5. I'm confused...you stated "After obtaining a single re entry permit, ..." Have you used that reentry permit? It's a single. To exit again you require a new reentry permit
  6. 90 report resets upon reentry to Thailand. Ignore the reminder. Your next tm47 due 90 days from most recent entry. You do not require a TM30 if returning to previous address. You seem to have obtained a single reentry permit for this recent trip out of Thailand. Of course you require another reentry permit if you want to exit again. Edit: OP, the first 2 posts explain what's required clearly
  7. No. https://aseannow.com/topic/1263951-exiting-thailand-on-a-different-passport/
  8. That is a comprehensive list. Note it included TM47 I'm not sure how the OP obtained his current extension. Seems he did not provide his own funds. The agent obtained the bank account the Non O and the extension. Did he do 90 day reports? To which immigration office. Where were the stamps issued.
  9. Here is a link that outlines requirements if marriage registered in Thailand vs overseas. https://www.immigration.go.th/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/6.FOR-PROVIDING-SUPPORT-TO-OR-BEING-A-DEPENDANT-OF-A-THAI-CITIZEN-SPOUSE-VISA-NON-O.pdf Regarding the many trips out I get it now. I'm not 100% sure if multi entry marriage is currently available from Saigon. It is from Savannahket Multi from HCMC discussed in this thread https://aseannow.com/topic/1308373-ho-chi-minh-multiple-entry-marriage-visa/
  10. If you plan to live ongoing in Thailand, personally I would do a single entry Non O based on marriage and subsequent annual extensions. You would also require a multiple reentry permit. You can obtain that in nearby consulates such as Saigon, Savannahket etc. You could also just enter Thailand visa exempt and obtain Non O at Thai immigration. Note: Saigon requires an appointment. Assume you have a Thai bank account. Process outlined in this thread with other links. https://aseannow.com/topic/1315828-visa-exempt-to-90-day-non-o-spouse-visa-conversion-in-thailand/
  11. I put the latter. End of current permission of stay
  12. You shouldn't It should be provided to immigration on arrival
  13. If you had a extension based on retirement you also had a reentry permit. It's the reentry permit they wanted to see.
  14. I have had immigration officer look at my bank book one month prior to previous extension. Very unusual that your agent is obtaining 12 month extension at CW. Did you meet the financial requirements over the previous 12 months?
  15. You stated recently in another thread. "I have been doing retirement extensions at Immo/Bkk for the past 15 years"
  16. OK so finally understand your situation. You need to have same agent obtain next 12 month extension. Ask agent where he obtained the Non O and 12 month extension. How many days left on current permission of stay. You may not have enough time. Where is agent located
  17. What is your current situation. Did the agent also obtain you a 12 month extension? It's NOT "renew my retirement visa" No such thing. Seems that the agent opened bank account and obtained a Non O. That would give you a 90 day stamp. Then you tried to obtain the 12 month extension yourself and were rejected by immigration as your bank book did not reflect correct financial requirements.
  18. He can apply for a Non O-A in UK OR can apply for single entry non O based on retirement
  19. OP, your mistake was to use the agent to obtain the Non O based on retirement. You just needed to him to open bank account (approx 5k) You can either use agent to obtain 12 month extension and ongoing extensions together with reentry permit. OR Kill off you non O and when next returning to Thailand start process over. As pointed out you can obtain the Non O in the UK or simply enter Thailand visa exempt or tourist visa and obtain the Non O at Thai immigration. You have the bank account so just meet the Financials and no need for agent.
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