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Posts posted by cookieqw

  1. 2 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

    I walk/ride around with a stainless steel 500 ml vacuum bottle, no problem and a lot better than a plastic bottle for keeping drinks cold/w ice. Make my own ice in fridge from 20 l water bottle service (recycled) and have been buying 12 baht, Coca-Cola at 7/11 lately. Better than plastic and even cheaper than the sugary drinks people, particularly the Thais, like to buy from 7/11 and carry around in plastic bags.

    That coke is made from concentrate syrup, not too good for you

    • Thanks 1
  2. 5 hours ago, Khun Robert said:

    Moral of the story: Do Not Litter.

    Don't throw your cigarette butt on the streets.

    Was on the beach at dusit thani end this morning plenty cig butts at the water line, reckon they’re chucked from the boats just before off loading

    these cigarette littering scum should all be put in a pit and piles of butts tipped on them

    should have fined him 20000 not 2000. Kin lowlife

  3. 4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Italian pizza style CRUSTS generally aren't meant to support large amounts of toppings, especially Neapolitan. Massive amounts of toppings are more associated with American styles of pizza (there are many). 


    I find it really bizarre that a member here that claimed to idealize authentic Italian style pizzas is complaining about minimal toppings. Better not go to Italy!


    To people that say you can't find decent pizza in Pattaya, I call B.S. You can. If you haven't you haven't bothered to eat around to find your personal Pattaya pizza bliss. Of course if you're looking for the exact pizza you used to love in New Haven Connecticut or something specific like that, then you're right. But that would be crazy to expect that. 


    A style of pizzas that doesn't appear to have been widely exported is Argentinian style pizza.



    1974 Buenos Aries blue cheese pizza mind you I was with a local lass so you’ll eat anything then

  4. 23 hours ago, BritManToo said:


    I make all my pizza from scratch, although I do mix and ferment the dough in my bread machine.

    I also use finely chopped fresh tomatoes instead of tomato paste.

    Today I had Tuna and Bell pepper pizza for lunch.

    You need to leave the dough in the fridge for at least a day

    • Like 1
  5. On 7/30/2018 at 10:56 AM, KneeDeep said:


    Sometimes it comes down to a matter of taste. 

    Someone here mentioned a crispy base. That doesn't tell much.

    So you will have your own expectations.

    There are definitely differences.

    In addition, if like me, you have access to the finest ingredients, you can bring the pizza up to spec ?

    Of course not everyone has this option. They have to make do with what they can find.


    The OP should specify the kind of pizza that he likes. 


    Some may expect their pizza to look like this; 





    Whilst another may expect this; 





    So one really needs to be specific for when it comes to pizza.




    Thin and crispy for me

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, JestSetter said:

    Right! The old guard training the young! Has anything changed? The elder know best BS. I guess to a limited way, they do know something sometimes, but do not dare tell them. Others know how to screw others and the system. Not sure if it will help achieve Thailand 4.0 though. There are many decent people here though. Really. I know many. They are not old though. A mix of know-how and youthful Elon Musk can do is best. Sorry!

    Yes quite right the old cannot last forever,  change is unstoppable, like the waves. Once the young get in and start education proper it’ll be the rolling stone that gathers no moss. Laws will be LAWS. aka Singapore will the Thais be able to adjust 

  7. 9 hours ago, mok199 said:

    2 months ago he promised to move the chaos to bali pier, returning pattaya beach to normal..today pattaya beach , is worse than ever with smoke belching coaches ,loud thai beach bullies herding the chinese,power boats and tourists cueing for their free parasial...make up your mind dude ...who are you sticking it too

    It was great when the coaches went to the blue area I thought they only went back to the beach for the flotilla but seem to have stayed.  Its not that I was there but every morning it’s like the evacuation of Dunkirk only no spitfires ( now their is an opening, loud speakers along the beach and Pattaya’s finest although older now flying aces, to be found in soi buakow in there reconditioned plane from Ripleys )

  8. 9 hours ago, lapamita said:

    in germany  are two diffrent law in place


    Corruption and acceptance of benefits in the office


    1, apply to private people, govermentwfor cash , and companys ,and  have lower jailterms


    2. apply only to goverment high ranking goverment officals, who have the power , t o change laws or regulations , and they would do that, only in favour of non cash benefits, cash benefits..meanig  reulations and laws would be only changed to favour the personal benefits. Jailterms are much higher than in corruption


    the only sadness is, nearly no judges, and if  , they are all promminent, and not facing the full power of this law


    in wikpedia better explained



    Off to Wikipedia I go then

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