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Posts posted by cookieqw

  1. 2 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

    I don't know what's behind.

    But this karaoke seems to be another "Thai only" place.

    I tried hard to find any info about/locate it to no avail.

    Can anyone pinpoint where this place is?


    And like in the past it is the district authorities who care about such places.

    You will rarely see that they are leading raids on typical tourist spots.


    Thought I saw a farang in the video 

  2. 9 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

    Unbelievable. Now they are going for commercialization of Buddha. All the kids want to do is be kids and eat and play. Interviews are fun for them. I would think 9 days of forced monk hood would be like 9 days back in the cave. 1 full day at the temple is even a lot.


    Whose idiotic idea for this one?

    The person who oversees the rule of - we will do what doesn’t need doing, and we will not do what does 

    • Like 1
  3. Chuwit said he would like to ask the prime minister how the people of Ubon Ratchathani had benefited after the Cabinet meeting held there in 2015.


    Chuwit said he would like to call on the government to give priority to developing the Chong Mek border checkpoint in Sirindhorn district as a special economic zone and also build a bridge across the Mekong River in Na Tai district. He said these were projects the government had promised during the last mobile Cabinet meeting in the province.


    well if he don’t go to see him how’s he gonna ask these questions

    his best bet is to go

    they can’t put you in jail for asking 

    but, but maybe they can for expecting an answer


  4. 5 hours ago, ginjag said:

    Economy  ??   Thai  ???      they increase the price when not getting the custom,   to get further revenue,    Ha Ha,   no wonder other airlines are getting their business.   They near have a monopoly from BKK  for direct flights, Just a pity Air Asia don't have a flight to England.....that would really shake them up.

    Why would the home country not have a monopoly on direct flights ?

    by the way how many DIRECT flights to Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Qatar does TA have over other airlines

  5. 14 hours ago, Eligius said:

    '.... as [a film] can help enhance Thailand's image', says the Leader.


    Oh my God, I am just so, so sick of this stupid, petty, self-regarding, brainless nationalism. Never mind about the boys, their fortitude, courage and endurance as human beings  -  no, it has to all be about 'Thailand's image'.




    Thailand’s image you just gotta luv it. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    Justice deputy permanent secretary Thawatchai Thaikhieu is an incredible buffoon. Unforgivable? What, the traffic deaths on the road are not a concern to you? What about:


    The deaths of 46 Chinese tourists, due to the negligence of the captain, the boat owners, and the authorities?

    The continued incompetence of Little P., and the effect it is having on the Thai economy.

    What about his continued postponement of elections? This is not unforgivable?

    The taxi mafias existing nationwide, without any regulation. This is not unforgivable?

    The massive amount of human trafficking, and slave labor, being peddled by current Thai officials, and police? This is not a concern to you? This is not unforgivable? Well, why are you making no effort to pursue any of these criminals? Why are you just sitting in your office and spouting useless drivel?


    Give me a break. This feigned outrage is so petty. Of course journalists want to interview these boys. This is a big story. If they do not want to be interviewed, they can just tell the journalists to get lost. 


    Was their outrage on Thai media about the PE teacher

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  7. 27 minutes ago, Sir Dude said:

    You would have thought they would have something more pressing to sort out than trying to sanitize the character of one of their most famous tourist draws in BBK. KS Road is not my cup of tea either but it is on the list of many visitors for some reason. Guess the killjoy squad are in overdrive these days though.

    But I guess the train track market is still operating 

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