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Posts posted by cookieqw

  1. 15 hours ago, xylophone said:

    I bought a fake Omega DeVille watch in Patong in 2005, knowing the movement was fake although the case seemed genuine, and I thought it was a great looking watch...……..lasted a few years so that was ok BUT I couldn't forget how smart it looked and often thought of buying one duty free on one of my overseas trips.


    Couldn't get it out of my mind so have just bought a genuine one!!!!!!!

    best watches from india that's where the thais get them from

  2. 1 hour ago, hobz said:

    What if nothing happens? Like, what if the junta plays it smart and doesn't punish them.. just let it be and continue running the country... 


    For them to step down there needs to be massive protests with people storming / blocking the government buildings / airports etc as usual... And then we will see how the military reacts.. hopefully they step down peacefully and elections are called..


    but what if there are no protests?


    Maybe the military will call for an election anyway as they have promised.. but that will be a mock election where the military will Still have veto powers according to 2016 referendum..

    well said but what if this stuff ( i dont understand rap ) gets played live in a big park ?  be different then 

  3. 9 hours ago, Simon1287 said:

    The Baht bus I was in stopped near where this was going on so the driver could watch.


    First thing I saw was something like 4 Thai men kicking and stomping with total fury at something on the ground. I could not see what it was as something obscured my vision that low down.


    Next thing I saw was the Lebanese chap running like crazy across the road, barging one Thai man out of the way who appeared to be trying to stop him. Then running back over the road again into, or near to the Family Mart.


    At the very least, 3 men kicking him on the ground and probably 4 or 5, so the story about 2 men attacking him is totally inaccurate.


    Not exactly sure how he managed to get back up though unless they let him but he was a bit like a wild bull so who knows.


    I guess the two brave Thai chaps needed the help of other brave Thai chaps nearby to knock him down.


    The Baht bus moved on at that point so no idea how it all continued.


    At least one farang not far away was filming or taking pictures on his phone so my we will see a movie online at some stage.



    cmon simon get off the bus for gods sake

  4. 4 hours ago, Ulic said:

    Never going to happen, pissing into a hurricane as far as I am concerned. Saudi Arabis is what it has always been. Run by people we know and understand. Accept or don't. Up to the world to decide. Erdogan is certainly no better. Just another agenda. Thugs and fundamentalist all. 

    exactly if they send them to turkey the truth will come out, the saudi"s dont want that especially msb.

    i think the turks have the dirt on msb

    should be interesting xmas.

  5. 18 hours ago, lujanit said:

    Mechai is much more than The Condom King.  His life has been filled with humanitarian efforts. Rather than attempting to list them here I recommend reading his authorised biography by Thomas D'Agnes 'From Cabbages to Condoms'.


    You may be surprised of what he has achieved.  Mechai, imho, is a person who has achieved more than most would achieve in 10 lifetimes.  He deserves more recognition.

    i"ll check it out

  6. 37 minutes ago, johnsnapo said:

    If there are no options left then he is taking a justified move. Stem cell treatments are having quite a lot of success but for sure it depends on who is administering it. Places are being closed down on the orders of Big Pharma, why ? because it's something they can't patent and they are obviously worried because it is working in many cases. If it wasn't working, they wouldn't bother. Take my word for it.

    or   they are losing out on the money that would have been paid to them

    • Like 1
  7. 5 hours ago, mwbrown said:

    Desperate people will jump at any chance as we can see here.  I guarantee you that whatever stem cell treatment he is coming here for is pure bullshit.  A stem cell clinic in Phuket?  Is that upstairs from the 7-11?  Similar things are going on in Mexico and China.  Several clinics have been shut down in the US.  Best case - nothing happens, worst case - he's dead.  No lab bench trials.  No university affiliation.  No GMP.  No clinical trials.  No peer review.  No government oversight.  Nothing but money coming in the door.

    i know someone who went to mexico and had his fillings taken out to solve his prostrate cancer, he didnt want to go the traditional route

    • Haha 1
  8. 13 hours ago, generealty said:

    Oh dear oh dear, what a farce and still on-going. Imagine being in the Crown Princes bodyguard and told go kill him, if you don't you'll die for refusing an order. Seems to be his bodyguard literally means die if do and die if don't. The finger and blame clearly points at the Royal Prince no one else would dare to take this upon themselves to bring  such a fiasco upon the House of Saudi without clear instructions.

    one thing for sure they wont let the turks have them

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