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Posts posted by cookieqw

  1. 16 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    My pickup was hit by one of these buses while I was stopped at traffic lights (new driver cut the corner).

    My old pickup, rocked slightly and I received a small dent in my bumper, the bus lost it's whole side.

    I couldn't believe the damage he managed to do to his bus.

    They had to call for a replacement bus, I drove home and never bothered to repair the dent.

    so you were driving a humvee

  2. 8 hours ago, SammyT said:


    As far as I'm aware "But there are other people doing it, so I should be allowed to as well" is not a defence in any court anywhere in the world. 

    You played the game, you lost. While you might not be taking someone elses job, I presume you're also not paying tax. They've clearly picked up on what you're doing with multiple tourist visas and it has come at a time where immigration is in the spotlight (if you haven't already, read through some of the "big joke" threads). 


    While I sympathise with your situation, Thai immigration have the absolute right to stop people from just continually refreshing tourist visas here. Sure, they don't do it to everyone, but you happen to be one of the people caught out playing the game. 


    I'd look into an education visa or something if I were you. 

    plus he said he gets accomodation free so cant show receipt if asked

  3. 11 hours ago, rhodie said:

    Good luck mate. I would agree with other posters that say entering by land is your safest bet. If it was me, I would head over to Laos and enter from there by land but have the 20,000 equivalent in cash. I think you can withdraw US$ in Vietnam at some ATM's?

    why not take the cash out in thailand cross the border with it then come back in  ??????

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