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Everything posted by theshu25

  1. Sometimes you can get a good deal. I keep getting emails from Nigeria and if you send them 50.00 dollars they promise to send you 2.5 million, not a bad deal. Honestly how woul;d anyone fall for this crap is unbeleivable. But some peopel do.
  2. Be hard to do when the filthy grifter is in jail.
  3. I must have been watching a different video to you then. Definately looks as driving slow and then slows down some more. The pedestrian is just another <deleted>.
  4. Surely there must be a village somewhere that requires an idiot. This guy is the missing link bewtween man and ape sure;ly.
  5. If the grub got a third party to do his bidding,he is digging the biggest hole for himself ever.
  6. Hope the animal finally gets what he derseves for screwing over so many people/. Last week he was selling bibles,this week comparing himself to Nelson Mandela. What a grifting mongrel it is.
  7. Hope the sick animal gets 20 years in jail.
  8. What village does this so called Bob live in as they must be missing an idiot by now surely. The biggest and pathetic excuse for a human being i have ever seen.Crise wolf everytime.
  9. Russian scumbags. Another fine draft dodger.
  10. This no talent troll wind up merchant posts crap everyday of the week for his obvious craving of attention,yet when people call the nutter out over his bshi..t he cries wolf. What a pathetic loser it really is.
  11. And who in their right mind would give a toss where this pathetic loser goes
  12. Draft dodgers.
  13. Will have even less after this crap.What sort of loser would do this crap.
  14. Ham ,cheese and pineapple.beautiful.
  15. Finally had to block the attention seeking village idiot.
  16. The bloke is a phoney and no more then a troll looking for bites.
  17. Terrible news,poor kid obviously on her way to work.R.I.P
  18. I thoughit was the same person as they both talk loads of cr...ap.
  19. Very hard to explin this to an idiot. The guy is a troll and would not accept any negative about the orange con man.
  20. Wish they would lock this sick twisted orange conman up. twenty years would be good.
  21. Most Kiwi blokes are tough bastards,nearly all play sport , rugby and league. Not condoning what they did,must have had a good reason,But this is not going to end good fot the kiwi boys.
  22. Yes,some compulsive lying nutjob scumbag would be better i am sure.NOT
  23. Most overated and useless airline in the world. Never ever to be used again.
  24. Hope the sick mutt gets 10 years and he will be taken care of in prison, Needs help the freak.
  25. Could not have put it any better myself.
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