But didn't the original poster make out himself to be some sort of expert in the flying bussiness ,when in all reality he is just a tosser trying to big note himself. He said it was fine to land in Melbourne clear skys and he has flown this route many many times. Ha ha . How dare he question the captain of a plane.
totally agree,Just got back from Pattaya and went to LK metro a few times,Half the clowns running the bars would not get a job at a 7-11. Absolute morons and wanna bees.
I love golf,play 3 times a week in Aussie have for over 30 years. Hcp is a bit average ,but i still enjoy.Love playing in Thaialnd,especially if i get a glamorous caddy.
Interesting you wrote this as i find that T20 not much different to baseball. So i would imagine the Americans will pick it up pretty quiclkly,the rules etc.
Bob starting to finally show his true colors, says he is asking for a freind , Yer right. I though all along something wrong with this bloke ,now we all know.