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Everything posted by theshu25

  1. Just got back from Phuket and every russian i seen or heard was no more then an animal. Rude boorish obnoxious pigs.
  2. But didn't the original poster make out himself to be some sort of expert in the flying bussiness ,when in all reality he is just a tosser trying to big note himself. He said it was fine to land in Melbourne clear skys and he has flown this route many many times. Ha ha . How dare he question the captain of a plane.
  3. And a know all that knows sweet fanny adams.
  4. Should geld the mongreal with a razor blade
  5. totally agree,Just got back from Pattaya and went to LK metro a few times,Half the clowns running the bars would not get a job at a 7-11. Absolute morons and wanna bees.
  6. Would not matter what country the idiot is from,as he is a complete waste of space carrying on the way he did.
  7. I am putting the idiot on my ignopre list in about 20 seconds. How can someopne be soooo bored and have to write so much crap everyday .
  8. I love golf,play 3 times a week in Aussie have for over 30 years. Hcp is a bit average ,but i still enjoy.Love playing in Thaialnd,especially if i get a glamorous caddy.
  9. What is your golf hcp now mr lacesit. Like ,you are still playing reguarly?.
  10. Why are people allowed to write such stupid and ignorant things in Asean.
  11. The orange man should be in jail for 50 years plus and thats only for his lies.
  12. Clickbait saying famous british blogger.when in fact it is a nobody.
  13. The blokes full of crap,dont beleive a word he has to say.
  14. Thats a shame.
  15. The orange freak con man should be in jail.,nothing but a grifter.
  16. Lisa should look for another job as obviously she is not too bright,
  17. Loved Steve gilpin,great singer.
  18. Chinese coppers in Thailand,what could possibly go wrong.
  19. He is about as fake as his pretend watches.
  20. The animal should be put in a thai jail for 5 years.
  21. Interesting you wrote this as i find that T20 not much different to baseball. So i would imagine the Americans will pick it up pretty quiclkly,the rules etc.
  22. Bob starting to finally show his true colors, says he is asking for a freind , Yer right. I though all along something wrong with this bloke ,now we all know.
  23. The guy is a total moron and i cannot beleive everyone falls for his crap.
  24. Another assumption. Obviously you have no idea.
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