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Everything posted by Mark1066

  1. Yes but Amoxicillin is the most common and cheapest antibiotic available so I can't see how this information is relevant.
  2. You can play semantics all you like - the simple fact of the matter is that the owners appear to be perfectly happy to have poor doctors practising in their hospitals, which doesn't fill me with confidence. I'm not even slightly interested in the precise nature of the doctors' terms of employment/practice, I'm only concerned about the abysmal standard of care they offer.
  3. It stands to reason that heavy use of cannabis could lead to mental problems, as could heavy use of any type of drug, including alcohol. I never thought cannabis should be illegal but I can't stand the new world order where everybody wants to insist that it's totally harmless. Look at the tar that accumulates in a bong if you want an idea of what smoking it can do to your physical health over time.
  4. It may not be relevant with regard to why he hasn't been granted an extension but I find taking the path of least resistance is usually the best option in Thailand. With that in mind, I think my comment was relevant - being stranded due to flight cancellations is not the reason he wants to stay in Thailand so why doesn't he choose another visa option?
  5. Yes, my post referred to an experience with one doctor but if you actually read it through, it also referred to three more experiences at hospitals that all under the same ownership (and this particular doctor is employed by Lanna Hospital - you can choose to trust hospitals who employ dangerous doctors, that's totally up to you of course. I choose not to).
  6. Exactly. That's standard practice for Flash, in my personal experience. Every single time. With Kerry, on the other hand, they always used to deliver it the same day, even if it didn't arrive until lunchtime. Now though, they do things like mark a parcel out for delivery when it isn't, then claim they've lost my address when I phone to find out what's happened. After two similar incidents, I normally just ask sellers to use EMS instead (if Kerry is their regular option). None have refused so far.
  7. Yeah, well that's up to them I guess. I settled on McCormick in the end (not that I'm a regular visitor to hospitals these days) as the doctors there seem more enthusiastic about making the right diagnoses. That's been my personal experience anyway.
  8. Yes, sorry, I wasn't suggesting your actions were wrong, I was referring to the general thread of the conversation in the last few posts, starting with the poster who claimed it was stupid to open a PP account anywhere but your home country. I just never felt totally secure maintaining a UK bank account under what were technically fraudulent conditions (an offshore account is a different proposition of course).
  9. I'm not bitter either - but I don't understand why the OP thinks he's entitled to a COVID extension. There are regular flights back to the UK now so the original reason for these extensions no longer exists. Either apply for a relevant visa or go somewhere else.
  10. I closed my UK residents bank account a few years ago as I was fed up of keeping up a pretence on the occasions I had to deal with the bank directly. I know it would have been possible to maintain it but it involved pretending I lived in a country that I didn't, so I saw opening a Thai PayPal account and linking it to a Thai bank account as the lesser of two evils, certainly not as a stupid decision anyway.
  11. UK passports are not registered with any particular address, what are you talking about? It's not an address-specific document.
  12. Shopee has a 'ready stock' filter option in addition to the local filter, which gets rid of most of the drop shippers from search results.
  13. The parcels from Flash always arrive at the Chang Phueak branch around 6 or 7 in the morning. Are you suggesting their driver leaves on his rounds before 7am because I think that's quite unlikely? I think it's far more likely they simply can't be bothered to process the parcels the day they arrive. Also, as I stated, all the parcels I have had sent by Kerry took one day from Bangkok to Chiang Mai, not two. Your experience may have been different but it doesn't invalidate mine. I'm more than willing to believe that you receive a better level of service from them than me though, as it does seem to be dependant on the local branch offices/depots. Since my original post, the local Kerry depot has gone to the dogs and I won't use them any more. Its Best Express or EMS for me these days.
  14. I can give you my experience at Lanna hospital, when my wife was pregnant. Had a consultant who constantly argued with us regarding our wishes for the birth, including not wanting me to be present (this was no problem at Sriphat). But the worst thing this doctor did was to try to convince us that the baby should be tested for Down's syndrome by taking a sample of amniotic fluid. At this stage of my wife's pregnancy this would have involved a roughly 2% chance of miscarriage resulting from puncturing the amniotic sac. When I asked the doctor why she wanted to perform this test when she hadn't even performed the blood test that looks for Down's Syndrome markers beforehand, she had nothing to say (it's common practice to perform the blood test first due to the risk of miscarriage, at least in reputable hospitals anyway). Now, if you aren't having a baby then maybe none of that matters. As for me, I refuse to go to any hospital that employs such poorly informed doctors. Lanna and Ram (and Thepanya I believe) are under the same ownership and I've personally experienced a poor standard of care at all of these hospitals.
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