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Posts posted by twix38

  1. What about clearing out the corrupt, bribe takers in City Hall, the Police and the Immigration Office.

    It was business as usual between View Talay and City Hall...until now, just perhaps.

    A very good sign and I hope it does not fall foul of an about (saving) face or any retribution of any kind.

  2. good luck to you,

    I have to say, it did cross my mind why you have never really got a decent job for a decent period of time and hence some savings behind you and then sponsored your wife yourself from the begining. Makes you sound like a real Good Time Guy and I too would be a little concerned at this and your original lack of detail etc.

    You have to admit it does you no favours to be unable to support your wife as amongst other visa requirements, is that she would not have recourse to state help or benefits and you needed a sponsor (your Dad) simply to facilitate this basic requirement.

    Good luck anyway, as my assumptions may well be wrong. 6 months here and 6 months there without any financial independence seems to suggest otherwise though.

  3. personally, I avoided the mistake of following the crowd into something that was always known absolutely to be illegal and a work around of the law. This was always clear and therefore anyone could see that it was not a good way to make one of the largest investments of your life and buy a property.

    If you (and all the others) had more common sense and less greed becuase you could spend a lot less to buy a property a lot bigger than at home, then you would not have chosen to form a company and take a calculated risk or bury your head in the sand- even if everybody else was doing it.

    It's a fact no matter how you want to describe it, so you took on more risk than I was prepared to do in a corrupt and changing 3rd world country that loves to part foreigners from their money.

    With sensible facts to hand and not following the crowd, many people would have been spared the heartache of the Thai poltical and legal changes and enforcement that has come about.

    I do have sympathy, but you also made a choice to bend (I would say break) the prevailing laws.

  4. Don't know your situation other than the obvious.

    You cannot own land or this Townhouse in your own name.

    All the others are sold to Thais, but you need a discount or to be very comfortable that your spouse is with you and honest for the rest of your life as she will own this asset completely.

    I only buy Condos in foreign name and the current political situation here etc is not the best time to be making big investments except if you are completely okay with writing this money off and not owning (personally or jointly) anything. Only she will own it and you are paying top dollar without any discount.

    Personally I would not even return the sellers phone calls and tell my wife to tell him to go away. The property market is far from good now, so why act as if it's a sellers market. It is not, as it is most definately now a buyers market.

    I don't think it's for you. The seller may come back once you say not interested. If he does not then you are even more certainly a winner.

    btw, your wife may believe that thais pay the asking price, but absolutley nobody (foreign or Thai) is doing that these days.

  5. B 50,000: One year property investor

    I read it that if you are investing in a property in Thailand then for the lower amount of 50k you can get a 1 year visa. Otherwise to get the 1 year visa you have to pay more (70k) and this is a multy entry, so includes 3 month visa runs (maybe) and the property investor's visa does not (maybe), but you need to be buying a property in Thailand (maybe).

    It is VERY unclear as usual with Thai rules and may well all get changed at a later date. Anyhow it should not matter as this deal is all around a waste of money. You can cherry pick the parts required and do any of this yourself if over 50 years old, as you have to be to qualify anyway, and for less money.

    Let's start a thread on exposing how Thai's rip off foreigners at EVERY possible twist and turn. Any excuse to try some deception and make it sound like a good deal to fool as many as possible.

  6. You forgot to say whether it is in Foreign name or company name and which project yourself? If company name then for me it's about 50% overpriced in the current situation, as I wouldn't touch a company name for more. If that's in Foreign name and as described then for 1.5m (which is a little less not more than I am asking) it doesn't equate to any estate agents valuation around here and just proves there are distressed sellers.

    Mine in View Talay 2, Jomtien side 41 sq m, fully furnished, Foreign name, floor 7. I don't think 1.6m net with transfer tax 50/50 is asking too much at all. Probably about right if there were any buyers!!

    BTW, although I would like to sell, I am not desperate to, so it is not meant to be anything other than a fair and realistic price. Reasonable for me and the buyer too.

    What's it worth to you then? (face it you are going to quote a below market price). Now be honest with me

    PM me if interested or just to answer, as I doubt I will be back to this thread. LOL

    Offer for sale open to anyone of course and a private sale would be for 1,600,000 to me plus 50% transfer tax, so about 1,625,000 or a tad less, all in.

    It is still in very good condition. I paid 1 million 4 years ago and now want 1.6m net.
    If you want to buy mine, I would be delighted as even viewings have ground to absolute zero now, but of course the market is fine, isn't it?
    I will buy your condo. Please answer the following questions and I will tell you what it is worth to me. What building is it in? What floor is it on? Is it in a foreign name? What side of the building is it on?

    I will post a few pictures of a condo that I recently renovated and sold for 1.5. A little more than your asking. It was 42 SM and everything in it was brand new. When attempting to sell a condo you really need to know your competition. A real estate agent is usually only able to show a few condos to a customer. So, if your place is not smoking hot with a good selling price, guess what, its not going to get shown.

  7. "The message coming over is quite simple. Ceremony without registration differs from ceremony plus registration only with regard to state intervention."

    Registration being signing a marriage certificate at an Amphur??

    With a Thai ceromony and without a marriage certificate (registration) and hence as you say "no state intervention' which means no legal marriage or possibility of any future claim on assets in legal or state terms, I assume?

    A ceromony WITHOUT registration differs from no ceromony at all in what real and practical sense other than the meaning of the event itself in Thai culture and sincerity of all parties? How would my life be different from today, after Thai wedding ceromony or need it not be?

  8. We are already engaged and had ceromony, so I assume that was mun. However there is still perfectly reasonable pressure for the wedding ceromony, as there would be anywhere when the couple are engaged.

    I couldn't personally care less about a Thai Ceromony and I am not ready for legal marriage. I am willing to pay the dowry and go ahead with a Thai ceromony which would seem to keep everyone happy as I do want to stay with my GF and get legally married one day, but just not in the near future.

    Anyway, there must be a difference between the Mun (engagement) and wedding ceromony or else there would not be any pressure, so the Mun or engagement is not sufficient.

    Like I say, I am happy to accept what I understand to be the responsibilities of a Thai wedding ceromony and support my GF and be part of a family - But not new or additional finance for the extended family too though. If things stay as good as the last 4 years generally, then we are fine and if not, I have no legal commitments. Only moral ones.

    My reluctance to marry legally is inspired by her previous and temporary cold feet and what if it should happen again although I feel we are very strong and it was just the shock of cold Engalnd and feeling homesick etc before.

    I am not looking to take on extra responsibilities right now simply because we have a Thai wedding ceromony, which I would be doing because we have a relationship that is worthy, and for her and her family. Would I be taking on more and if so what might that be? I do it for her and give a dowry, not to get additional financial or any other sundry requests/demands.

  9. Thanks guys,

    I understand the following

    1. No legal commitment

    2. There will be definite consequences, of which I don't have a clue. Would anyone care to eloborate?

    3. Anything else which can be spelt out in Black and White for me?

    4. If I go ahead, what's changed for me. I see this as giving a dowry and othing else changing in real or consequential terms. Where am I wrong or is this correct?

    Many thanks

  10. I have been with my Thai GF for about 4 years and it is time to honour our relationship and her family and to pay the dowry and have the Thai wedding ceromony. We are engaged already.

    We do love each other and I am happy to do this, having made perfectly clear that I am NOT ready to legally get married or put my assets on the line at all right now as about a year ago on her visit to England, on a Fiance visa, she decided that she wanted to stop our relationship and just be friends and be independent and return to Thailand. We got through this period, but I put all thoughts of legally getting married on the backburner after this surprise and I am still not ready to commit to anything legal, although I have siad that so long as the Thai ceromony is just a culteral commitment for family etc and me paying some money, then I don't mind.

    It may be difficult to understand, but we are happy, I have no thoughts of marriage right now, but there is family pressure on her to honour our engagement after nearly 2 years and I have no problem in doing that, so long as we are NOT actually married in a legal sense.

    So, can anyone give me an idea of what the Thai ceromony means in legal terms? Would I have to sign anything at all? what happens? Are there any dangers (I do not speak Thai, so would not have a clue what was being said)what is expected of me and fundametally it's legal status (i.e. after this ceromony, I want to still be legally single and my Thai GF says she is fine about this)?


  11. Guess what, I didn't renovate at all, it was done when I bought it. It is still in very good condition. I paid 1 million 4 years ago and now want 1.6m net. Very reasonable over this period and against valuations a bit low but about right.

    Guess what. Estate agents have told me the price is not the issue. They need customers. That is the issue. The market is turning dire. I have been told not to reduce more, as the price is NOT the problem and the condo is very nice and in a foreign name.

    So, guess what. You will not be selling so easily going forward, although buying is very very easy. It's a buyers market and I think you made a mistake buying another 4. If you want to buy mine, I would be delighted as even viewings have ground to absolute zero now, but of course the market is fine, isn't it? Truth is it has slowed dramatically.

    What a crock of 5hit. I have spoken to 4 or 5 estate agents just this week who ALL said it's DEAD! Really what planet are you on, cause it ain't planet Pattaya!!!!!!

    I have sold 4 condos since January and bought 4 to replace them. But I only did 20 last year, so what do I know. You pay to much, do a bad job of renovating and price it to high, guess what, it does not sell.

  12. I have their leaflet.

    phone number is 038 232 944

    356/30 Moo 12, soi wat boon. Same road as the Blind Beggar and nearer to the beach road

  13. perfectly fine, as the estate agents will screw you given half a chance.

    Did you know that if you were selling and gave many of them a net price (many ask what your net price is) then if they agree more from the buyer they will keep the extra together with their agreed commission and just give you what your requested net amount was.

    This is dispicable, but amazing when you dig down to find just how many of them would or have done it.

    By setting a net price you are effectively setting a maximum (and as you intended, a minimum as well). Most often easiest to do on land deals I gather, but widely practiced in Pattaya in any opportune situation and no doubt nationwide.

    What right has the estate agent to pocket anything above the net price that they can agree on top of an already agreed commission? It's paid by the buyer for the property and is for the seller. The estate agents has agreed his commission and that should be his only payment.

    I get sick of their attitude "how much you want to give us" "what net price you want, sir" In an unregulated market place where anyone can set up this business there are a few sharks and very few totally sincere players.

  14. I am trying to sell a condo in foreign name and on the market for 2 months. Price dropped 3 times and it's a nice unit below market price.

    Estate agents tell me there are very few customers. Very quiet.

    Anyone who says the market is ok is a liar or uninformed. Generally the market is slow, quiet and unless it improves prices will drop. There is over supply and people are uncertain and holding off investments generally. As for houses, I and many others don't want to buy them and sellers just can't find a mug silly enough in the current political and economic situation, at least until things become clearer.


    What a crock of 5hit. I have spoken to 4 or 5 estate agents just this week who ALL said it's DEAD! Really what planet are you on, cause it ain't planet Pattaya!!!!!!

  15. Assuming it is not possible. Great shame if true

    If I have 1,000,000 Baht to send back then there is a difference in exchange rate of around (67.5 to 63.5) which equates to a loss of GBP 1,000.

    Am I correct that all other options like sending the rest by cashiers cheque from Bangkok Bank, drawn on BB in London and sent to my bank in the UK or via TT, all using the USD 20,000 limit still fall foul of the fact that this is just a way to get money out if you do not have a Tor Tor 3 rather than a way to send it out in Thai Baht to benefit from the offshore exchange rate? Is that correct and is there no way other than to take 1,000,000 Baht out in notes illegally?

    I think it is not possible.
  16. With regard to the question that if you have a Tor Tor 3 and want to send funds back to home country but you do NOT wish them to be exchanged in Thailand. i.e. you want to send Thai Baht to home country and keep in Thai Baht to benefit from the better offshore exchange rates at home.

    Am I right in thinking that this is not possible and the conversion is alwyas performed in Thailand at the poorer onshore rate, unless you pay more to send as Thai Baht which negates the benefit?

    I want to send by TT via my entitlement under a Tor Tor 3 Thai Baht to the UK and get my UK Bank to convert to GBP only once monies (in Thai Baht) are in England. Can I do this realistically and cost effectively?

  17. I thought that doing this and getting the onshore rate was going to cost you a lot of lost money when going from Thai Baht to another currency? Not a good idea unless you have to do it

    The restriction is a max of 50,000 Thai baht can be taken out but that same restriction does not apply to other currencies. Simply convert what you have in to Euro, USD, GBP and then take it out with you in your suitcase, pockets, handbag or whatever.
  18. I couldn't agree more!

    When will we hear follow ups and outcomes on a regular basis. It makes it seem like these muggers, robbers and murderers get away with it as it's just left.

    If there had been a follow up on the killer of the russian women when he was bailed from previous Korean robbery, maybe people would start to highlight Thai justice, but we never know what's going on in the courts, after the publicity of the arrest dies down or verdicts!!!!!!!!

    Pattaya people news had a big story on TV about a Swedish man who killed a girl in his room. He was filmed describing the whole story.

    No follow up and all forgotten, or at least that's what it appears. Amazing!

    It was dealt with here and news posted, thankfully

  19. April 32nd nice?

    You must bring in GBP and it must state that funds are for the purchase of a condo. There are Thai rules for receipt of foreign currency to buy a condo/house.

    Funds must be sent in GBP, so you would get the onshore (better) exchange rate anyway.

    I would do it properly and send the lot by swift with the required narrative on the transfer so your full funds can be used for a Condo purchese.

    Finally I would buy mine in View Talay 2, Jomtien, Pattaya ;-)

  20. The murderer of the 2 Russian ladies was out on bail.

    The above meant he was out on bail (from a previous aggrivated mugging) when he murdered the 2 Russians - not that he is out on bail now.

    Seems reasonably clear to me. The word "was" in context of talking about the time he killed the Russians. Anyway, sorry for any doubt

  21. It is comparatively dead this season

    Property is NOT selling because nobody much is interested in the current climate

    Crime, zenophobia, disrespect and corruption are all getting worse

    Thailand's image abroad is suffering

    The economy is getting worse (confirmed by reports, revised growth figures and reduced interest rates to stimulate economy)

    Feel good factor has turned since the post Coup. Government now facing calls of mediocre and will the military allow a smooth transition to a democratic (or as close as we can hope) government

    A few hiccups lately - Visa changes, company scheme enforcement, 30% witholding tax very poorly handled (caused stock market drop), Police keener on corruption than proactive policing (never heard of it - not my responsibility), Amendment to foriegn buisness Act (nominee), lets not forget the other rip-offs, crime, murder, etc ..........................

    It's also rather dangerous to drive and polluted and dangerous to ride a bike around here in the crazy wild East. Watch out if you have an accident, as you will be blamed if at all possible!

    Finally, Thai's are usually looking for a (money) angle in any association. Rarely can you find a relationship (friend, partner etc) where financial requests are not forthcoming eventually, and if not, then almost immediately, as a general rule and especially in Pattaya.

    There ARE an awfull lot of negatives and the only agreement I have with the starry eyed Pattaya lovers, is that you only come to really learn about them after a prolonged spell living here and that means going out of the front door!

    For all of this there are only 3 reasons (and they remain) why we are all here (for now at least).

    1. It's cheap(er)

    2. It's sunny and warm (hot)

    3. The women (the nice and genuine ones)

    Most other issues are reasons to return home, although fortunately for most the balance or our responsibilities or lack of funds still keep us here.

  22. When these muggers are caught they should have to serve a jail sentence if found guilty and it would be nice if the sentance was published, as usually after the details of the crime, the punishment goes unreported.

    I suspect often that they don't get found gulity or they are let off, bailed or buy-off the Police. The murderer of the 2 Russian ladies was out on bail.

    I feel that Pattaya attracts criminals (no 5hit Sherlock!) and Police and Courts do NOT do enough to get them off the street.

    GET THEM OFF THE STREET, <deleted>.

    Long Jail terms give good deterents and GET THEM OFF THE STREET.

    Foreigners do not like being beaten up or robbed, spending holidays/retirement in Hospital or murdered!

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