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Posts posted by Kelsall

  1. 23 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    What next for Trump? Well seeing as 2020 is in the bag already (thanks Dems and deep state) I suppose he can chill out and play more golf with Kid Rock and his mates.  6 years is heaps of time to secure the southern border, sort out the fake news outlets and continue with all his economy successes. Just a great time to be alive to see this all happening. Go Trump!

    Yes, he can chill out for a while, but now has work ahead: Revenge on those responsible for the failed coup.   Note that he is already wreaking havoc on his enemies, starting with Michael Avenatti.  The SDNY charge was in the works for only two weeks, obviously under Barr.  After the Trump exoneration, Barr pulled the trigger.  Expect more revenge, ie justice.

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  2. 11 hours ago, Kelsall said:

    SDNY takes orders from Barr.  You're aware of that, right?


    10 hours ago, farcanell said:

    Relevance? Are you suggesting Barr is or will obstruct justice?

    SDNY takes their orders from Barr.  Barr determines SDNY priorities.  Here is one priority, just arrested.  Expect more of Trump's enemies to be brought to justice.







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  3. 51 minutes ago, Foxy52 said:

    I live around the corner from this and avoid it at all costs

    I used to live close to the Sunday market and later the Saturday market.  I hear you.  I noticed most of the people who raved about how great they were did not live near them!

  4. 10 minutes ago, rabas said:

    Well, they attempt to drive on the left, sometimes. But, yes your car would not work out well and learning to drive here on the wrong side, with a wrong sided car would be dangerous.


    Are you coming to work, and do you have a work permit? Some time ago they had a rule that IF you are moving here to work, and have a work permit,  you could bring in one container duty free but work permit paperwork had to be approved prior to clearance from customs.  You can contact the Thai Embassy in the US for custom details.


    Tools, it's easy to find a 230 to 120 volt transformer, I sill have some 120 volt items after 35 years here.


    BTW, where's a good place to find a good 230 to 120 V transformer?  I could use one myself.

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  5. 16 minutes ago, Danthai said:

    If military pension,  go into your DFAS online website. If you don't have one open one. You can change your military direct deposit with a 15 to 20 day notice right on DFAS account. You'll notice under change direct deposit when you tell them BKK NY Bank it will show up with proper address and code. Just add your Direct Deposit Bank book number. After you push accept it will tell you how many days before it will be effective. They don't have to wait for copies of the bank forms you filled out for direct deposit bank account. SSA is different. You fill out and sign a vast number of forms that get sent to BKK Bank in Bangkok and then to NY branch and SSA. Takes 1 to 2 months to get in SSA system once they receive the forms from BKK bank. If your going to do it, don't delay.

    And the deposits will be in IAT format?

  6. 16 minutes ago, Caldera said:

    Alright, but did you check with Bangkok Bank if these ACH transfers are in the IAT format they'll require from next month on? If not, you might be in for a nasty surprise next month.

    Yes, and that was my point in posting.  I'm one of the "others" (Non SS) and wanted to know if anyone knew.  I guess we'll all find out in April. 

  7. In anticipation of next year's visa extension, I'm planning on signing up for direct deposit.  The Bangkok Bank website states


    "Effective from April 1, 2019, Bangkok Bank, New York branch will fully comply with the NACHA rules and will return all ACH received which do not comply with the IAT format."


    Do SS and the other US govt agencies now use the IAT format?


    More info here under "Advice to Bangkok Bank customers receiving payments from US government agencies or private organizations (Direct Deposit)"



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