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Posts posted by Kelsall

  1. On 2/8/2017 at 11:51 AM, 4MyEgo said:

    About a month ago I purchased the IQAir with the Hypa-Hepa filter which is one of the 3 filters, no one else has the Hypa-hepa filter.


    It has made a major improvement in our lives, I only turn it on about a half hour before we go to bed, our bedroom is 48 square metres in size, but this can take up to 85 square metres and can be moved around with ease as its on castors, and has great fan volume and is not noisy on 3 (half way).


    I did extensive research on the IQAir, it stands out, nothing comes near it, and it did take some convincing for the outlay, but if its going to make your life easier, its worth more, and I cannot breath with smoke in the air.


    I paid 61,000 baht for it delivered, DO NOT buy it off the net as the warranty won't be covered, you have to buy it from one of their retailers/suppliers, there is nothing that comes near this product, they Hypa-Hepa filter is what will stop the smoke in its track.


    I do use the M3 N95 mask when I go out at times and can still smell a faint smoke smell, but it is better than any other mask on the market.


    What made it easy for me to buy the IAQir was to deduct the cost of the filters which comes with the product, that brought it right back, the filters are replaceable in stages, i.e. 18 months, 24 months and 3 years or so, less if you use it less I am told, but I will guarantee you once you have tried this product and smell the air that you have not breathed yet, i.e. when we open our door to go into the main part of the house, we can smell the difference in the air, or when we go into the bedroom, we can smell the difference in the air, sinuses and lungs have never been better, you will be convinced, your health deserves it.


    Big outlay, but your lungs are worth it, sinuses are worth it, and if you are like me, who gets aggro when there is smoke, you won't anymore, if you want the details of where I got mine, PM me and I will forward them to you.


    Comes with 3 year warranty.

    My story as well.  IQAir 250.  There is one problem with having an IQAir air purifier and that is you'll never go back to one of the el cheapo's, ever.

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  2. On 1/13/2019 at 2:05 PM, bristolboy said:

    People who don't trust opinion polls say that the only polls that count are elections. The Republicans ran their midterm campaign based on the threat posed by illegal immigration. How did that work out?

    Split.  Lost the House, won the Senate.

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    Winter is not exactly ending but it is the beginning of the end. I don't see how the democrats don't impeach at this point even if they don't think the senate will convict. It's their obligation to impeach, their duty to the American people,  when there are smoking gun impeachable crimes and there will be MULTIPLE smoking gun impeachable crimes. The senate republicans still might not convict, Quislings that they have been so far, so the winter may still last until 2020. 

    Got a crystal ball, eh?   How many times have we heard "it is the beginning of the end" for President Trump.  Your post is another example of thinking that feelings are facts.

    • Haha 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Yes, and it's a dark stain on the USA's credibility that has already caused permanent damage that such a con man ever was elected to president in the first place, even by a minority of votes as he got, even with aggressive Russian interference, as there was. 

    It's over, JT.  Time to go home, get over it, and move on. 


    My post in another thread says it all. (click on the arrow in the upper RH corner)


    It's over.



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