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Everything posted by anchadian

  1. What I've heard about road accidents in Pattaya, they should concentrate on improving poorly lit roads.
  2. One day they'll get this forecast right....not.
  3. BREAKING: Move Forward Party will meet with Pheu Thai Party on Sunday to seek a solution on which party will get the House Speaker post. The parliament will reconvene on Monday and the selection for the new House Speaker is expected slated for Tuesday. https://twitter.com/KhaosodEnglish/status/1673985997267439616
  4. #BREAKING: A meeting between @MFPThailand and @PheuThaiParty aimed to resolve the tussle over the House speaker role and other demands by Pheu Thai scheduled for Wednesday morning has been indefinitely postponed, Move Forward tells media. https://twitter.com/SaksithCNA/status/1673735255591899138
  5. One day .Rodders, one day. Although in this report, they've left Bangkok out. Rainy season should be kicking into high gear soon, says the #Thai Meteorological Department. https://tpnnational.com/2023/06/27/thai-meteorological-department-warns-of-rain-floods-and-strong-waves/
  6. 1/2) Move Forward Party has resolved on Tuesday to nominate 41-year-old MP Padipat Santipada as the new House Speaker. A trained veterinarian, Padipat is a first-time Pitsanuloke province MP. Trained at Chulalongkorn University's Faculty of Veterinary. Correction: Padipat is a second-time MP. https://twitter.com/KhaosodEnglish From March of this year: https://thethaiger.com/hot-news/politics/thai-mp-accused-of-insulting-the-king-of-thailand
  7. REUTERS: Thailand's leading prime ministerial candidate Pita Limjaroenrat said on Tuesday he has enough support in the upper house to become the country's next premier, just days ahead of the new parliament's first session https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/thailands-pita-says-enough-support-senate-become-pm-2023-06-27/
  8. Pita announced today that the party will push for amendment of the lèse majesté law, in line with “the changing context of Thai society”, and he hopes that senators will not use this as a reason to block his quest to become prime minister. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/pita-remains-determined-to-amend-thailands-lese-majeste-law/
  9. Indefinite leave to remain in the UK and eventually getting a UK passport. We remained in the UK for many years with my wife working during those years. My wife now receives a UK pension here in Thailand
  10. Talk about a long drawn-out affair: EC source confirms Mon the commision has set up a committee to look into Move Forward PM candidate Pita's ITV shares & are collecting evidence. The source said #Pita will be summoned to clarify & the committee has 20 days to conclude whether Pita should be disqualified. https://twitter.com/KhaosodEnglish/status/1673188376135233543
  11. BREAKINGWagner convoy seen in region south of Moscow Our BBC Verify team has verified a video showing a Wagner convoy of armed vehicles travelling on the M4 motorway, which links Voronezh and Moscow through the region of Lipetsk. The picture above is taken from the video. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-66006142
  12. King to open new parliamentary session on July 3rd His Majesty the King is scheduled to preside over the official opening of the new parliamentary session at the parliament building on July 3rd at 5pm. A Royal Decree, counter-signed by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, was promulgated on Friday, announcing the opening of the first parliamentary session since the May 14th general election. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/king-to-open-new-parliamentary-session-on-july-3rd/
  13. Today the B.P. are reporting that the Move Forward Party (MFP) leader Pita Limjaroenrat may face more hurdles in his bid to become the next prime minister as a Senate panel is now looking into issues related to his assets and debts declaration. No link provided
  14. Good for her, but would others get preferential treatment who were unable to attend immigration to extend their visa/extension due to medical conditions?
  15. (1/2) Caretaker PM Gen Prayut reiterates Thurs he won't be vacating the army villa in Bangkok inside a military base after his PM term ends as he was a former Army Chief. Prayut's reaction came after Pheu Thai Party calls for him to leave the taxpayers-funded villa. (2/2) Prayut said while he has his personal house, he doesn't feel safe and anyone wanting him out will have to change the army's regulations. https://twitter.com/KhaosodEnglish/status/1672114368992145409 Maybe Prayut can move in with one of his dictator buddies. https://twitter.com/Supercords/status/1672118194344177665
  16. U.S. to slap new sanctions on Myanmar state-owned banks - sources Reuters BANGKOK, June 21 (Reuters) - The United States plans to levy new restrictions this week to cut off finances to Myanmar's military junta, according to sources with knowledge of the matter and Thai news outlets. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/us-slap-new-sanctions-myanmar-state-owned-banks-sources-2023-06-21/
  17. Movers have begun to carry out ’s personal belongings out of Govt House, according to beat reporters there, as the new govt is expected to be in place in Aug. Curiously, the tweet below also says “important docs that are not needed anymore will be destroyed.” https://twitter.com/SaksithCNA/status/1671401791395872773
  18. I have just been speaking with the IPC on another matter and they have informed me that regarding your LC, they will accept a letter from your Thai bank (where payments are credited) that you are currently the account holder, signed and stamped. Therefore, the witness declaration can be left blank.
  19. Again, if your UK pension is delayed by several days (remember to take into account any US bank holidays whilst you payment travels through the system), call the IPC (preferably using SKYPE) and your payments will be reinstated, albeit 10 days later. They will email you a duplicate LC for completion and give your 16 weeks to return a completed LC, For your information, one of my other pensions is with L&G in the UK. L&G sent me a secure message and requested security questions to prove that I was still in the land of living which I answered, to which I replied again by their secure messaging system. The whole process took several minutes. The International Pensions Centre please wake up.
  20. #BREAKING: @EctThailand has ratified all 500 MPs-elect (400 constituencies, 100 from the party-list) from last month’s After today’s ratification of all 500 MPs-elect, the new parliament must convene within two weeks to elect a new House speaker (and their deputies), who then sets the date for joint-assembly vote on the new Prime Minister. Regarding the complaints against 71 MPs-elect, the @EctThailand explains that they can’t process those within the 60-day-limit it needs to ratify all results. So, they approve all MPs first and can still investigate all complaints against them within a year after that. https://twitter.com/SaksithCNA
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