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Everything posted by Seeall

  1. nahhhh its in all womens dna.. they all want something, we all do, its just that men are more simple and as primary earners main things, like an ape, boom boom, food, and get my beer...
  2. I guess he states it like that as the usa as many countries enjoying immigrants from xxxxx coutries have changed what an american looks like.. yes yes a super deep topic.. not getting into it, just a thought
  3. very well said, westiners think to much think they can think a solution, relationshipd and love do not fit with this.. ask the 7 eleven delivey girl out.. just because not over educated does not mean they aint smart, nobodys perfect, great topic..
  4. Most of us want low Elec cost, quiet, long life and good price.... normal.. but yet the "what you want" comes up .. a banana? ok, specials come all the time, and there are some good ones around... and I have seen some get cought up in BS specials as well. Main things: 1/ Good brand - parts costs etc 2/ Warranty length - however, I would rather have 5 year on a decent system than a 10 year on a crap one.. its like insurance sales, a gamble 3/ Forget non copper!! ohh alum beter for new sea blah blah bs .. ask any real old timer installer Copper is the way to go!! 4/ Old timers also dont like inverters, more sensors, more for rats to eat, more parts, more difficult.. so you know the answers there... The leading brands stats tend to be: 1/ Daikin 2/ Mitsu 3000/ Sa (yes you know) forget them But reasearch is not easy, so much fake ads around.. so gotta love our members here and their time! Thanks. Look at Daikin, you try to compare the models, and the resellers dont care or even know, just want sell and move on which is the modern day crap business ethics. So you do reaseach and buy 100 model x, just to find the y model was better suited, but now your stuck with it for 5-15 years.. Yes, the Daikin being up there is a good example of this question, and also not all models are available in TH or evensuiitable to the TH weather. FTKQ15XV2S for example is the best going on the 1-4 above, but there is another I cant find data on, a real challange. So any real experience out there? Or specials spotted? Thanks to all, please feel free to say your bit, I can edit this...
  5. looks like 449 thb now..
  6. Nothing is now unless try many, cant just have opinion on one thing..
  7. Obviosly they need the cheap workers as they are too enegetic to do labor themselves and have orders to follow the master plan... sabai sabai...
  8. Also try to name the bank... so they get less business at least... some here have loads of funds with business and all and every little offputting thing helps...
  9. Journalism is not what it used to me.. its all rush rush next... like a bar..
  10. perhaps all the hansums are taken now... or gone..
  11. ahhh, ummm... come to think of it.... naaaaaa..... not my job..
  12. yes , if we saw the rate of exchange i bet it was very good for the victim thus his greed blinded him....
  13. ohhh , thats what that column is for?
  14. not for the want of trying, a squad turned up 5 years after a 86 yo's death ready to nab him... yes death was reported, so the amazing databases are working so well.... well one was.... must be one entry only...
  15. I get many installed, have a local guyu I trust... then order from Lazada = done...
  16. Perhaps its posted here for you to ask that question? how did it go?
  17. Wrong, its been addmitted that they need to think up ways to trip us up every year... its there job it seems..
  18. yes, not just D, bordering on lunacy! Like the chimp pinting out wrong dates on my TM30 printout, he was reading the searchdates you enter to retrive the entry = not a clue. Must be a brother of D2 at the airport spot check my passport stating my Passport is expired pinting at the issue date. Yes that sums it up.. Must be an amazing immi accademy with great instructors...
  19. Yes, like everything these days you should know your stuff. Others dont care as much as you do as you are the one responsible. Like the Edu visa school messed up some days = asking me to pay the 5 day fine, blackmarked in my passport and never payed me back as usual here, "no hab money today" that was years ago, still no hab money. Chalong school near the sea... So yes, the Extention is easy, even though they try to trip you up, I wont metion the topic here as I am sure they read it and adapt. Yeah, 5 copies of everything, carry with you..
  20. Headlines say that, but the older installers and two of my guys say the non inverter better : less parts, easy maintain, les wires for rats to chew.. and not 30% savings as the glossy mags say....
  21. I had longer, however, they dont make em lasting these days, more tech and cheap as possible....
  22. older stuff seems to been built better, like HDD, back in the day hardly every break, now they mostly do
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