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Everything posted by Seeall

  1. well, first I heard of it so I like to "endure" it, if you dont like it suk it up and read something else...
  2. as many, 1/ dont know what they doing 2/ hope for easy fix and money 3/ just change this or that and hope and in the end you pay for all unessesary parts anyways, easy, hell, even main brand auto do it, in fact T and S and B are all proven to do this, seems the go getter small guy shops know better than the big authorised dealers... same goes for bikes... its oppisote to western countries...
  3. Perhaps those who dont see the message think they will have easynet and the others wont... lol, amazing how people think....
  4. better than the brake failure...
  5. Regardless, as we travel a lot as expats.. a macbook air = great power (M1 M2) and over 16 hours battery.. wow.. cant beat that
  6. well, with many not taking care that the meter reads positve = mess it up for all in the whole country, very sad to see
  7. Nobody cares if the end game is reached... and he provides the correct tea funds..... do you think the cops just want a movie preview?
  8. yeah the more cash the better.... wouldnt care less if blue martians...as long as they had cash
  9. as if they care about anything but for one thing.....
  10. A vistit to all the murdering farang who are sitting at home sharpenings their tools, easy catch....
  11. could ask for a discount? perhaps get it down to 4,00 THB or so..
  12. I cant see your logic that if you have a thai wife there is more drama?
  13. I enjoyed a few years back one of the many stories an AUS-US dude who had a site.. said.. in CM.. long story short ended up with 4-5 girls at restaurant.. they loaded the table right up.. he let em ask their friends and load up, excused himselt for toilet and did a runner... ha ha... good one, back at ya Biaches
  14. what a load of pussy bol00cks !!!!! 1/ If week had no effect I would be complaining!!! 2/ Are they from some nanny state silly place like AUS? ohhh nobody told me I would get high? This sounds like some western nanny craap... Grow up!
  15. why would you say that? the law is the law.. or do you think the big fish will keep them busy?
  16. thats most interesting as the critters are my number one issue... when you say design are you only refering to a certain model or all or most TLC models? We do like the TAC-WDP19 even though at 18000BTU it is probably 6000BTU than needed.. Thanks --------------------------------------- We have been installing TCL for about 3 years. A good design makes it impossible for a gecko to get to the logic or power boards. I think the only way you can tell is with time and number of installs.
  17. a good reply, I do have a work around for the remote thing, a cheap internet switch and leave the ac on... all mine turn back on when power reuterns so, remotly turn off... go beach, turn on, come home and ahhhhhh
  18. Several user reviews have pointed out that some TCL units perform louder than expected, causing disruptions in sleeping patterns and causing slight inconveniences. Compared to its more known aircon counterparts, TCL still has a lot of catching up to do in terms of performance, quality and overall brand recognition.Feb 15, 2564 BE
  19. the average condo is in cement city and with decent blinds no way... we think 18 k BTU candys was an overkill... hardly working them at all.. 2 in a 100M2 condo, same 1 unit in our 45M2 condos... think a 9500 would have been a way better match.. you must be in the open, with sun, no insulation and so on.. We have a masive lounge in half day sun 24K BTU never turn it on, gets enough from the crappy Samsung 12k
  20. A great reply and thanks... But dont all AC units suffer from Gecko sleepers? We had many of our old Fujitsu PCB's shorted and samsungs.. TCL - need > 3 years really to say much... but good to know as you have so many.. one of our installers love the non inverter TCL for price, quality and resistance to critters.. and you do have to ask yourself how much do you really save with inverters.. as the sellers give you MAX savings specs and beyond.... thanks again for your time posting..
  21. As a huge topic I neglected to add I mainly am talking about the average room or small apartment of around what most live in around 30m2 or so .. which is about 9000-18000 BTU of course many factors add like sun and cement and shade..
  22. Nobody but myself mentions... the not so great lookers are much better in the sack...
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