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Everything posted by Seeall

  1. well said, however it seems the girls are slowly waking up... I tell em all the time, as its sad to see their little wet faces dreaming a dream that never happens, they are humans too... yeah, yeah, I am not talking about the smelly <deleted> that line up at WU bank end of everymonth to cash in the 10 x 10k BF cash and love everyone of them until they cum at the same time and the bufalo gets sick again... I have even started a script as I get asked all the time, dare I post it here... perhaps I will, in the intrest of improving it.
  2. wow, finally seen cheaper than what I get @ 30b/g who knows what quality this is... mine one cone and its sofa time for 1-2 hours... still see people buying for 300/gram.. nuts.. love the pics.. lol
  3. There does not seem any mention that the they give you 5 viewers.... I use a friends.... overseas (should use a VPN to usa and get more access) and we happily share the 5... the quality is awesome ... it says 4K on some movies.. dunno, but its great, and the surropund sound sounds better then most of my downloaded moviees from elsewhere... yeah some times with more than 5 it tells you, so turn it of and go have a shower.... We love it... and 500 /5 is 100 per month.. not premium? wow Kin gow mak ma
  4. and in the west the hourdes of self entitled cows running around blaming men for their lives and just oput to steal more and justify it...
  5. a will can be a pain.. change directors soooo easy what about a presigned transfer and let your most trusted keep it
  6. how about snaps of Maf van drivers and their illegal signs saying taxi parking only?
  7. The natural law of extintion of idiots... would you expect different results if one was to ride his bike into a tree full speed with no helmet which seems to be common also off to a better place
  8. Lack of education of other cultures... look at some cultures (most know which) if you stop and assist you are interfering with the divine plan and will, thus its now your responsibility (or you become a part of it ... )I have seen babies squashed and nobody assist... The worlkd is not all like you think.. Thinks cops are all the same, cant blame her for that..
  9. eah, like the knob next door to the kebab shop on the corner beach road side, wants me move my bike 2 meters whilst I wait 5 min for my take away... really.......... and other day I was waiting for something so watched patong beachroad south side van driver adjust his cones and a sign that said taxi only... really.... I read the cops and military cant budge these guys....
  10. my 1 rolled 50 /gram has me having to sit down for 1 hour.. why would I pay more for chem sprayed shop stuff?
  11. As usual people think that because they do/dont get whatever that its the rue... TIT ... depends on if the staff member had a good morning cofee/knows their job/feeling well or not .. as we all know you get different results at different brances and even with the same staff member.. this goes for everything... yes yes I know.. what else do we have to go on... the law? the policies? the rules? ok - SCB - for years I have never heard any issues with statements and myself as well, 200thb for 6 M and double for 1 year (in a small branch on the spot, , I always get 1 year... I did recall a think, on here I think, about the code on the incomming funds and the answer was : can ask for some clarification, not sure if with SCB or TW ... note: TW in my experience are very difficult to communicate with, as nobody seems to reply to anything slightly out of the box... as usual these companies only focus on the quick cash... its the modern way... Same issue with tryhing to get some interest on the funds sitting there... is it worth it to risk being rejected because you have the "wrong type" of account when applying for your visa? so you can get 1 % more (taxed at 10%?) on the work that a staffer at immi told you? or the bank? tomorrow is another day and another "truth"
  12. BG's would say What? <deleted> for free? You will be assimilated to the Bargirl collective!, resistance is futile! Proceed to the ATM immediately - woooshaaaaa.....
  13. well said.. and much more.... but the small brain thinks --- ohh I receive some thing for free...... what, are you 5 years old? think about the countless years of paying taxes and the % forced into the pension funds which they keep trying to tax and abuse.... wake up braindead people!!! remember all the people doing self sacrifice? adding to the pension for tax benefits? lol.. what another mafia idea they fell for.... the list of crimes are endless.....
  14. yeah totally silly.... 50THB/G for Non pestiided.... way to go, no rip offs.. consistant.. medium strength .. 1 x cigarette size does me 2 hours...
  15. AND, never got ripped off..... Jeez, theres a weed head code guys!!!! must be the younger generation of rip off and getting riped off, something like that... these days....
  16. Wow, what an interesting thread... so many weed heads lol .... I am very greatfull as it got my off the booze.. 1.5 liters/day vodka 41% get my stuff 50 thb/gram (no pesticides to kill you..) have on cigarette sized smoke with filter (filter cuts about half the effect, but its so cheap I dont care) that is made in a small machine. That does me for 2hours or so .... havn't done more than one as sometimes I need to sit down and veg out... damn I enjoy food after.. and nevermind blue pills... Puff on fellow puffers.... enjoy it wilst we can ... I cant see BB letting us enjoy anything natural and cheap for long, as we all know everything is about the mula...
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