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Everything posted by Seeall

  1. An interesting topic indeed. Water is the essence of our bodies and our planet. Okay, I add what I've seen. My neighbor into many things, and he spent a lot, a lot of money getting the formula for his super drink, cure cancer, do this, that blah, blah, blah. However, his. Dr. And others. Analysts says that no water on the island are any good except for Nestle... But he ended up importing in his water from Bangkok. For myself. I have gone health nut. due to some conditions anyway. water is very important. I used to get the blue bottles. 30 bart compared to white bottles. 15 bart. White bottle I have seen sand in it and green fungi. Next girlfriend used to jug that. They filled it up from the tap. I don't know. The point is water is very important for your body. Why skimp on it? So I have taken to mineral water myself not. water. Mineral water. Now I have just found a company for the large blue bottles as I don't like the. 7 eleven drinking bottles anyway. What is good what tastes good who knows? Good luck all don't skip on your body or your health. SP, a yeah, I had him for years. Tried most. Thank you for your considerable efforts.
  2. An interesting topic indeed. Water is the essence of our bodies and our planet. Okay, I add what I've seen. My neighbor into many things, and he spent a lot, a lot of money getting the formula for his super drink, cure cancer, do this, that blah, blah, blah. However, his. Dr. And others. Analysts says that no water on the island are any good except for Nestle... But he ended up importing in his water from Bangkok. For myself. I have gone health nut. due to some conditions anyway. water is very important. I used to get the blue bottles. 30 bart compared to white bottles. 15 bart. White bottle I have seen sand in it and green fungi. Next girlfriend used to jug that. They filled it up from the tap. I don't know. The point is water is very important for your body. Why skimp on it? So I have taken to mineral water myself not. water. Mineral water. Now I have just found a company for the large blue bottles as I don't like the. 7 eleven drinking bottles anyway. What is good what tastes good who knows? Good luck all don't skip on your body or your health. SP, a yeah, I had him for years. Tried most.
  3. Just take it outside why don't you
  4. I think it comes from the training they get from school to keep quiet and listen to what you're told and believe whatever you told I've had several times where the partner says all they say this so it must be true even though the facts is otherwise it's just education brainwashing
  5. Just transfer it into your savings account and then transfer it into that fixed account don't listen to most of these people that don't know what they're talking about and they love to say no
  6. There is great tolerance for ethnic groups in Western countries. They get more benefits than. Western people. everybody's so scared to offend the immigrants and the men. and the minorities that its reverse racism these days. So yes, they do behave like animals and get away with it. Bring them. their <deleted> from their own countries and want to implement it to the West where they reside. Now make their ghettos and their villages. They call it culture and religion, but they just want to live somewhere nice but bring all the bad things with them. Look around. Open your eyes and see.
  7. Well it's because the comparison with local people who don't do anything wrong or molest minus or steel or anything at all it's all done from these dirty foreigners
  8. Good one and there should be more reporting like this you should be phuket's leading reporter I love it should have a website dedicated to shopping and ratings and reviews yes buy and let us know how it goes
  9. They pay for their own guns that's why you see some relics of course maintain to support condition
  10. How are you surprised it's the usual quality of reporting
  11. Could have lost more than a finger
  12. It was much cheaper. in Oz.
  13. Surely you got it all wrong. They spend it on all worthwhile causes like hospitals and roads and taking care of the needy. None. of the money goes into pockets of anybody who does not need it.
  14. Then firearms. And molesting. underage relatives and so on and so on and so on. But. who pays? There has to be money involved to be of interest.
  15. Yes 8 minutes was taken from the box to the house three detectors investigated the investigation is ongoing one year now then nothing has turned up of course
  16. simple..... most not work here... or work late.... not like where your from 9-5 so theres one simple reason.. myself try to get to bed when I hear morning islam prair call (Dawn)
  17. No, depending on amount consumed but from what I know can most likely detect alcohol the next day...
  18. That is a good question and here is my take on it first of all nobody cares let me explain the government makes the license right but despite this you still have to go to immigration for a residency certificate to do anything you can show your license to people but they don't care the address on the back it's pointless and ridiculous
  19. Proud Australian? lol.. your funny,,, give your lesson to those interested..
  20. passports mean nothing these days... crap everywhere..
  21. its the culture background, family, parents and hang with sames.... people who logicaly follow the rules.. ohh passport from mars, born on mars, his goverment mars = he is martian and thus will behave that way... = silly
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