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Everything posted by Seeall

  1. Its normal... look at any new most western countries these days.. most have a bad accent for starters.... 80% or more of news feature these upstanding people... I dont care what passport they have (managed to get) they are what they are... france seems to be suffering the most..
  2. useless driving education does not help.. then you see nong lackbrain braking 2 meters in front of a fully laden cement truck and wondering why he got run over...
  3. A lot of the time they don't know either.. it just comes out .... the irrelevant questions... perhaps its the thought process paths not coming up with anything logical so it just chooses a random irregularity... this happens in any topic.. indeed an interesting topic for the Dr's ..
  4. blame something else of course....
  5. just pick on easy targets = lazy bullies...
  6. encroachment on government beach land.... however... tuk tuk mafia taking over public roads, even have NO parking signs... all thats ok right...
  7. and thats all the details you will say? soooooo... did they come.... (I think not) and what happend?
  8. blah blah blah..... can cure it, but want to do that? so much money in it... same as oil... inventors making water run engines disappear... list goes on and on.. they want you sick, non thinking, and paying.... work till you drop..
  9. well, you are disappointing indeed... wheres the pics and vids??? if we cant see it we dont beleive it man....
  10. not at at all.... its a way of life... but those dirty farang... jobs are reserved and so is the right to get wasted, carry guns, and do this
  11. yeah.. check this box if you are a crim ....
  12. yes, they would never consider living in a normal apartment to keep a low profile.. we got em..
  13. yes, need all sides oof the story.. as for the cops paying.. pull the other one..
  14. Yes totally agree, and it's getting more used all the time....
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  16. I'm in the cannabis business, and I can see why people might be skeptical about the industry and its effects on the economy; it's not researched enough. New shops are opening and closing because they lack the tools to effectively keep the business running.
  17. seems easy to say that but much more chance its chemicals...
  18. Even with a safe, I seen a condo renter after returning from a night out with a new friend, put his valuables ON top of the safe and they got lifted.. so its not like he forgot there was a safe... you can lead a horse to water...
  19. You can use AnonymSMS whenever you need authentification codes. This service allows you to rent a private U.S. number for a day or more. It's a simple solution because you don't need a US mobile phone plan and possess a US-based SIM card.
  20. Sorry for reviving this thread. In such cases, the best course of action would be to consult with a healthcare provider who can give you personal advice after an assessment. It's important not to self-diagnose, especially when symptoms persist for an extended period.
  21. no, its 2 months for the initial and 3 months for extensions....
  22. normal unprofetional journalists here...
  23. if on salary and there are no tea money for efforts = why do more than one has to? its "human" nature..
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