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JBChiangRai last won the day on July 28 2024

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  1. In my Seal 25 is often too cold and 26 is often too hot.
  2. It's actually very simple, if you didn't buy your crypto on an authorised Thai exchange but you did sell them on one, then you pay personal income tax (PIT) on the entire sales amount. If you bought them on an authorised Thai exchange then you pay PIT on the profit. Any tax accountant should be able to handle it.
  3. Science confirms you are correct, installing a tinted film under the roof glass will make the glass hotter.
  4. I recommend Citric Acid. I actually use swimming pool hydrochloric acid, it's 35% strength and I dilute it additionally 10 to 1. I don't recommend you use it unless you know what you are doing.
  5. Do you need one? it may be fairly simple. Where did you buy your crypto? Was it prior to 2024?
  6. There is an ECO setting on the air conditioning in the Seal, if that's set then cooling is hopeless. I find my Seal's cooling to be excellent. The roof panel is silver coated on the outside in the factory. It will get hot if parked in the sun and if there is an aftermarket tint on the underside then it will get even hotter. I have not found there to be much heated transmitted in from the glass panel, but if you park in the sun then the glass panel can get very hot, the airflow over it as the car is moving, keeps it cool.
  7. Some food shops sell it and some chemists.
  8. The powder in powdered descaler is citric acid. It's a lot cheaper if you can find it.
  9. My dog fits anywhere, no doggy smells too.
  10. Where is @ExpatOilWorker when you need him!
  11. My plugs into the car (CCS2) do get warm, but overly hot. Warm is normal, if it's uncomfortably hot, knock your charging down to 13 amp, but I doubt you'll need to.
  12. That's exactly what I would do too. Expect the plug in the wall to get warm, that's normal.
  13. There's a right and a wrong thing to do here, I think you already know what is the right thing to do.
  14. I’m not worried about distance to dealership. My previous two cars had to be trailered to Chiang Mai (Mercedes dealer 180km away) and Bangkok (German main agent 800km away). As long as they will trailer them if they fail, I’m comfortable. I don’t mind a trip to Bangkok every year or two for a service, a road-trip occasionally is fun. I have 30,000 baht charging credit to use in the next 2 years so I need to start thinking about road trips.

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