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Everything posted by JBChiangRai

  1. The Gen.2 MG4 is out in the UK. Larger wheels and nicer aero covers, 3rd headrest, roof is now body colour, new software with bigger buttons, one pedal driving option. The dealers also have the X-Power versions as demonstrators.
  2. That explains 3 religions, what about the other 11,997 I suspect more people have worshiped the sun as a god than any other religion
  3. Beyond the 5 senses is where God works in your imagination. You're welcome to try and give factual evidence of your experience. I repeat, there is absolutely no evidence for any god.
  4. I think you can say almost every religious government is bad, you can't say the same about secular government.
  5. You only need to look at any Muslim Governed Country e.g. Iran to see why having a secular government is vital.
  6. Which of the 12,000 or so gods are we talking about? If we banned teaching religion until kids became teenagers, religion would disappear in a generation. The shackles from the imprint of religion on the very young developing brain are very difficult to break free from in adulthood. I suspect the reason why intelligent people turn away from religion is they look empirically at the complete lack of data. If we are talking about the Judaeo-Christian god, there is no evidence to support that religion.
  7. It's fairly easy to spot who posts confused/sad/haha emoticons, if you are there when they appear and you see who is reading the topic, a pattern tends to emerge.
  8. Good video, ICE Cars 61 times more likely to catch fire than EV's. On the issue of range, Norway is a cold country and leads the world in EV adoption with 79% of new vehicles sold being EV's last year. They seem to cope with cold temperature range degradation ok. Battery technology can be optimised for the local climate, that's why MG uses LFP here but offers NMC in the UK for those wanting better range and cold weather performance.
  9. The time to worry is when he rings twice, or maybe Your Postman Always Rings Twice? On that subject, maybe he's already seen you in the buff and it's your ring he wants? again maybe?
  10. In my case that is 5 years, if I didn't have batteries then it would have been 3.5 years.
  11. I knew these anti-EV’ers were full of hot air, I didn’t realize it was inflammable
  12. I am going to assume your question is rhetorical.
  13. Chummy? but apparently I do need to explain to you about EV’s
  14. What if a petrol or LPG/CNG vehicle explodes on a packed ferry full of passengers? Statistically more likely.
  15. I had 3 calls from lazada over a returned washing machine, as soon as I asked then in Thai if they spoke English, they hung up. If a company publishes a number for a Call Center (1267 for MG) then you need to use it. My experience with emails is they rarely get answered by Thai companies.
  16. I think aliens came in a green spaceship made of marzipan and set the ship on fire. There's a ship on the bottom of the Atlantic to support the hypothesis.
  17. There's a moon up there so it must be Cheese.
  18. A quote from that article: "The coastguard said the cause of the fire was unknown, but had earlier suggested it might have been an electric car."
  19. Update: The Coastguard has now said they don't know what caused the fire and admitted it was earlier speculation that it may have been an EV Source: BBC News
  20. PV Lifespan is 25-35 years typically. In the UK I have had lots of similar capacity ICE cars, but they never came close to the performance and refinement of an EV, and for downright fun, the EV's win hands down. There is a trend of replacing large capacity engines with smaller capacity, lighter twin/electric turbo charged engines which give a far better drive as you're not wrestling with a heavy lump of metal under the bonnet that doesn't want to go round that corner.
  21. I used to worry about taking a long trip until I did one. I was amazed on Highway 1 every large service area I saw had CS's. I tested one for 12 minutes (1 of my 2 times using a CS) and was impressed. In didn't need to charge but I thought I might as well as I wanted a coffee. After that I made a point of slowing down and looking at service areas, they rarely have an EV sign, but they mostly seem to have at least a 2 port CS.
  22. Generally, local guys don't need to charge locally, I never have. It costs me 4.5 baht/unit approx to fill my car if not using solar, for the MG4 it's about 180 baht to go from 25% to 100% for a 50kwHr battery. I don't think I've ever dropped below 25%. Per month maybe 4 times that.
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