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Everything posted by JBChiangRai

  1. On my MG4 with regeneration set to the maximum the cruise control decelerates using regen and not the brakes. You can see the power meter go negative.
  2. I don't see the BYD as being worth 42% more than an EP+ They insured my MG4 for 1,000 baht more than I paid for it,
  3. We have both EP+ and MG4, they are both fantastic cars with the same motor and battery. The MG4 is more sporty and handles superbly, the EP+ is a little more boat like and can spin the front wheels at 40km/hr. The MG4 can get a squeal out the rear wheels occasionally under heavy acceleration at the same speed. My daughter prefers her EP+, I think I prefer the MG4 but it's a close thing. They both feel a lot quicker than the performance figures suggest and dispatch overtaking easily on busy roads. The MG4 has a load of tech, I don't like that I have to turn off the Lane Keeping Assist (LKA) every time I start the car for anything other than town driving and it takes 4 touches/swipes to do that and though I initially hated the default regeneration mode set to maximum, I have trained myself to prefer it, it's practically one pedal driving. I understand why LKA defaults to on, it's mandatory in the EU. The MG4 will probably have self-driving capability at some point, it recognises motorbikes, cars and trucks in front/side and shows them moving in real-time on the display & one of the cruise control modes is adaptive with lane keeping so you can see where the software is heading. I don't like the cruise control, it slows down for even gentle bends, but overall, it's a superb car and I find myself choosing it over my other EV when I go out. I keep asking myself the question, is the MG4 worth 25% more over the EP+ at 771k baht? It's not that that the MG4 is overpriced, it's that the EP+ is the bargain of the century, hence the 5 month waiting lists.
  4. It produces AC, so it's not connected with the wires the wrong way round, it's over the wrong wire
  5. I would prefer the BYD Han Performance to all of those cars, likewise the ORA Lightning Cat Performance if the suspension isn't too soft.
  6. When you don't want one, they fit one immediately, when you do want one, you can't get one. TiT
  7. There are some tests you can do, it looks to me like you are exporting to the grid (because otherwise I'd expect your PV production to plateau rather than follow the typical sunlight production bell shape), assuming you have a spinning wheel meter, it should be going backwards at peak times, if you have a digital meter, maybe it records import and export separately. Check your meter reading(s) at midnight and again at midnight the next day and see how they compare to your charts. It does also look like either a bug in the graphing software, it's probably adding PV production to Consumption to give you the Red line or more likely the CT Transformer is on the wrong leg (PEA/House).
  8. I have just spent a week or so in Chiang Mai, I was astounded at the number of EV's on the road, I think you're going to be very wrong on the sales volumes this year. I just hope the charging infrastructure can keep up.
  9. I am hoping to see the BYD Han Performance and/or ORA Lightning Cat Performance (aka ORA Grand Cat Performance) in Thailand this year. We are in the middle of an EV revolution here.
  10. I think I read somewhere that the government do want the populous to embrace solar power. As usual, they just mire the whole thing up in red tape, which encourages fraud and illegal activity, so that it becomes difficult to comply. I should imagine it’s very difficult for an installer to get approved without greasing palms, hence the ridiculous price quoted by approved suppliers. If your inverter is approved, I can’t see how you could connect it in such a way that it would damage the PEA system or shock the lineman working on the cables in a power cut.
  11. One is Export (to PEA I guess), the other is Import, that meter has the ability to pay you for your export, IF you had approval
  12. MG also advertise that their battery packs are replaceable by module. I think that is a fairly smart marketing idea.
  13. I think you need to check your meter when you know you are exporting to the grid whether or not PEA are charging you to export, hopefully not.
  14. MG DC chargers are another well known brand, I can’t remember which, but with an MG iSmart account I was able to fast charge my non-MG car.
  15. Here's another from NIH Ivermectin Prophylaxis Used for COVID-19: A Citywide, Prospective, Observational Study of 223,128 Subjects Using Propensity Score Matching - PubMed (nih.gov) Conclusion: In this large PSM study, regular use of ivermectin as a prophylactic agent was associated with significantly reduced COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and mortality rates.
  16. I think it's fairly conclusive that Ivermectin is ineffective at treating Covid, but what about as a pre-exposure prophylaxis? Have there been any trials of that?
  17. Does one of your neighbours have grid-tied solar power? If they have check the voltage at the time it trips, maybe it's too high in which case you would need the next breaker size up.
  18. Ivermectin cured my Covid and my amputated leg grew back. On a serious note, if the people in Isaan took it occasionally, it would probably kill the liver flukes they catch from eating raw marinated meat/fish etc that eventually lead to Liver Cancer.
  19. I have no reason to doubt his post is legit, do you? It's not always practical to track deliveries especially in a large household with multiple buyers. We agree on bearing responsibility for one's actions, I have never heard of a successful scam where lazada are holding the funds but have referenced one where a courier is holding the funds. Why take the risk if there is a risk free way ? I think you mistook intelligence for arrogance, why does that not surprise me.
  20. There is a well known scam where luxury grey importers target HiSo Thais & Thai students studying in the UK, they give them the deposit for Hire Purchase and then the gang steal the vehicles, importing them to Thailand. Meanwhile the student claims off the insurance policy and makes a bit of pocket money for his help.
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