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Everything posted by JBChiangRai

  1. I think that used to be the case with their ICE vehicles, it might still be, but it's definitely not the case with their EV's.
  2. If I find something relevant on Cannabis I post it If I find something relevant on EV's I post it I gather you don't like the news so shoot the messenger.
  3. Don't wear a mask Wear a mask Don't wear a mask That CDC?
  4. No need, they come free with a bag of rice.
  5. I think they are the only free optional extra, everything else costs an arm & a leg.
  6. There are lots of methods, taking the hit up front (which I did), free after ROI achieved (after 5.3 years appx), amortizing the cost over the useful life. By saying free, I am referring to the variable cost of charging my EV, the variable cost in using my car is therefore nil because it's energy that would otherwise be wasted. However, I do accept that you are right, it's not really free, but it costs me no more to charge my EV than it would if I didn't.
  7. There we are in agreement, it pains me to be supporting the CCP buy buying Chinese, but there is little alternative and nothing cost competitive.
  8. Experiences may vary. Our 2 Chinese EV's seem to be of a very high quality, zero issues (yet)
  9. I have 54 panels of about 400w each, 6 inverters, 28.8 KwHrs of LFP Battery, the whole installation was near as dammit 500k THB Since installation 26 months ago, it has produced 51,644 KwHrs and about 212k THB This is a chart for this year so far
  10. Yes but who invented the problem, was it the news agency or the US CDC they wrote their article quoting from?
  11. Or even Position, Speed, Look, here it is Speed, no Position, no looky but flashy lighty (sorry that's China, remove the Y's to convert to Thai).
  12. Taking your last point first, I would be surprised if you made a fair statement, but I live in hope. I installed solar power for the saving on the house electricity bill, charging my EV for free is a bonus, but it's not why I installed it. I suppose I could amortize it over the useful life and come up with an adjusted cost per KwHr, but I prefer to take it as a hit as it was part of the cost of building the house.
  13. I don't preach fossil fuel bad, I let others do that. My choice of EV & Solar Power is entirely for selfish motives. I am not sure how felicity would react to replacing an expensive battery pack under warranty.
  14. I didn't see real life facts what I saw were comments like "lame", sarcasm & rhetorical questions, like "who does free solar installations?".
  15. My Taycan came with "electric" badges on the side. The guy who wrapped it in self-healing PPF asked if I wanted them replacing after the wrap, we left them off.
  16. Actually, I did design the system to be a hybrid system running on or off grid. The hybrid inverters I bought (3 x 5.5Kw) wouldn't export surplus power to the grid properly, they did a little bit but threw away most of the power. So I added in 3 x 6Kw G-T inverters and put all the PV on those but left the LFP batteries on the hybrid inverters and switched them into UPS mode. My batteries were sourced from China by my deceased friend's Chinese ex-wife and whilst 28.8 KwHrs only cost me about 80k THB, I think they are too expensive to cycle every day. In EV's mostly you are keeping them between 30% and 80%, in your mobile you are charging them up to 100% with the result my iPhone battery died in a year. If you use your home solar batteries charging to 100% every day, you may only get 3-5 years out of them. My batteries would probably cost 200k THB to replace, and if supplied by a Thai Co. then good luck with a warranty claim.
  17. My word! I must have really rattled your cage. Is that the best you can do? Your personality shines though your post. I love you too Ben.
  18. Indeed you did and I recorrected your corrections.
  19. 22Kw PV, 18Kw G-T Inverter, 16.5Kw whole house UPS, 28.8 KwHrs of LiFePo4 batteries.
  20. That's not very eloquent, also fiction.
  21. Poof is a derogatory term for a homosexual man. My music teacher at school was called Poofe Cooke, and for good reason, whilst I don't think he ever did anything to boys, he certainly enjoyed putting them over his knee and spanking their bums, the excitement was plain on his face.
  22. On the plus side, at least Chinese MG's will now get you to your destination, even in the wet.
  23. For that KP journey... I charge to 100% at home (cost free from solar) I put 150 baht in at a fast DC Charger on the way to KP I charge up overnight at a hotel with free charging I put 150 baht in at a fast DC Charger on the way home I charge up at home for free Total 300 baht.
  24. For BYD's to match recorded EV statistics, we should be seeing one fire every 8 months approx I will check back in April 2024
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