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Everything posted by JBChiangRai

  1. You will be happy with any of the MG BEV's. The MG4 is stunning.
  2. As a Brit I enjoy watching our former colonies make a dog's dinner of running their country. I hope Trump wins, not because he's the best candidate but because I enjoyed waking up every morning and having a good laugh at what he had done the previous day. Please enjoy my post as the humour it's intended to be (note the correct spelling of humour).
  3. For most people a buffet is eat as much as you like, but if you're American, then it's eat as much as you can
  4. I saw a couple having sex on the beach once, I think the girl fancied me. They stopped and she said I was a bit of a looker. Voyeur was the word she used if I remember right.
  5. I have 2 biological adult sons in the UK and adopted 2 Thai girls (a few years apart) when they were 5 and 8, they are now 19 & 20. It's the best thing I ever did, incredibly rewarding and life changing. DNA has nothing to do with loving your kids.
  6. Be careful to only buy one with Lithium type batteries. Most sold here are Chinese with Lead Acid batteries that will only last one year and in some cases cost more than the entire bike to replace. Chinese bikes in China only have Lithium batteries, Lead Acid bikes are purely for their export market.
  7. That's not a fact, it's an assumption. We don't know whether he had smoked cannabis.
  8. They didn't cut the corner off, I'll keep you posted in 3 weeks, traveling in Asia.
  9. I took my Thai ID Card & Yellow Foreigner House Book, also certified translations of them, none were dated in the last year and they accepted them. I know you're not supposed to travel after applying for a new passport, but do you think you could?
  10. The website says open Tuesdays & Thursdays, but they are open everyday except Sunday, you need to pay a lot extra for a Saturday appointment.
  11. I went 2 weeks ago, they said 11 weeks but some people have got them within a month.
  12. When I first moved here 17 years ago, I bought a top of the range Camry with Navigation, and all the toys. I bought it because it was more powerful, better equipped and a better car than the Benz C200 which was 50% more. Today, it's a very different story, the Benz C300e is plug in hybrid with a huge range and over 300bhp on tap and very well equipped, but the Camry has only improved a litte bit with Hybrid (not plug in) technology on some models. The Benz has moved into a completely different class, it's now a superb car, albeit at a premium price.
  13. I gave up 35 years ago. I went from 30 cigarettes a day to zero overnight. It was incredibly hard, I had a really short temper for 3 weeks. Nicotine is highly addictive. I started again 10 years later and gave up the following year. Easier the second time because I had nicotine chewing gum to relieve the symptoms.
  14. The Thais love their Benzes. I think they are considered a status symbol here.
  15. I think it's inevitable. Right now they have the rush of eager buyers as Tesla is new to the market. Once that initial rush is over, they have to compete and right now they are anything but competitive. We have some stunning cars available now and even more stunning cars coming down the line. I don't see a Tesla Model 3 as a quality product. Also, I think past performance is probably indicative of future behaviour. The Chinese owners went mad when they discounted the cars and demanded refunds, I don't think it's in the Thai nature to do that, but they won't buy Tesla again after they've been burned. I think vision based self-driving is a dead end and I wouldn't be happy if my government said you must have Lidar, and I predict that is coming. The other problem with Tesla is Elon Musk, he's a loose canon who makes illogical decisions when he gets wound up. He also announces product too early, where's the roadster or cybertruck?
  16. Yes. Many more drink driving than drug driving. But many more possession crimes for cannabis.
  17. We have a business building moo baan, we've tried LG, Samsung, Mitsubishi, Daikin, Carrier & TCL. 1 Mitsu failure, logic board cost 11,000 baht to fix, not Mitsu's fault, generator AVR failed running it during a power cut and it was running on 300v, cases all go yellow. LG noisy, really very very noisy and would never buy again (they were not inverter) Samsung ok (also not inverter) Daikin have been the worst by a long way, gecko's can get into the logic board and blow them up (5 failures out of 15 installed), air distribution vane goes yellow much more than the case and make it look horrible.. Carrier, one logic board failure TCL, superb, unbeatable in terms of VFM (11,500 baht for an 18k BTU inverter plus local guy to fit), silent and no failures out of about 20 installed in last 2 years and no yellowing yet. Fujitsu Heat Pump cassette, needs resetting by interrupting power for 10 minutes after voltage brownouts. For cool only units, we now ONLY buy TCL on Lazada & fit them ourselves, you can't argue with a silent product, reliable and half the price of most units.
  18. My last 3 cars were PHEV then BEV and then another BEV. I can't even contemplate going back to a car with an internal combustion engine again. My biggest surprise is the MG4 BEV, I love the way it drives, it feels a lot faster than it should, it's 100% a driver's car, I bought it to do a long distance commute to see my kids at university to keep the miles off something a bit more exotic and surprisingly, I prefer the MG4. I think the BYD Atto 3 is also a superb car, I would only look at those two cars currently although the MG EP+ price is ridiculous, it's unbelievable value for money and drives great. I am sure people with Tesla's are going to get burned badly, six price cuts in the US this year, none in Thailand.... (yet)
  19. Yes I remember the Leah Betts case very well and you are right it was overhydration that killed her. I am not sure what the lethal dose of MDMA is, probably very very high. I am in favour of controlled supply so the strength and impurities are known coupled with education in how to take it safely. It seems to have very little downside and the upside is enormous where it replaces alcohol. You are correct in saying alcohol tastes awful with MDMA use and from what I understand, the clubs running on MDMA only provided hot water in the toilets for the reason you describe.
  20. Ecstasy (MDMA) is very interesting to me. The medical issues with it tend to be either heatstroke, dehydrating, over-hydrating or impurities. It used to be the drug of choice in many clubs, and where it was, practically no alcohol was sold. They often had medical staff on hand to cope with heat stroke and staff would tell people wearing hats to remove them due to risk of heatstroke. I remember discussing it with a senior policeman, he told me they turned a blind eye to it because clubs running on ecstasy had zero violence related crime, in alcohol type clubs there were often several fights a night.
  21. Marijuana does tend to trigger latent psychoses in some people, Alcohol triggers violence in some people, in me it just makes me sleepy. I can't honestly say whether you are right about there needing to be an underlying psychosis to be triggered for violence to erupt, I'm not qualified to do that. I can say though that there is an increased incidence in violence where Marijuana has been consumed.
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