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Everything posted by JBChiangRai

  1. I agree with you regarding moral panic and legal remedies. The government here is trying to stop people from under 20 taking it, and you can only do that through the law, which they recognise. I’m concerned about people getting high and mental health issues, Thailand is ill equipped to deal with it. On the whole, I’m in favour of decriminalising cannabis and some other drugs. To answer your question on alcohol related crime, I saw at least a 10 fold increase with alcohol, especially violent crime late at night, specifically at pubs and clubs and of course the inevitable driving over the legal limit. I never saw any violent crime with ecstasy (MDMA), in fact we saw an incredible reduction in violent crime around the clubs that were known to favour that over alcohol. Clubs like Camden Palace you would expect to see 10-12 alcohol fueled assaults from an audience of 7,000, we knew they sold practically no alcohol and the club ran on ecstasy, but we had no assaults to deal with, not ever. I think the police let sleeping dogs lie. I can’t help wondering if we missed an opportunity to licence that and control its purity, maybe we could have avoided the occasional death we saw on the news.
  2. My midlife crisis started with puberty
  3. It's an established fact that THC affects the developing brain and shouldn't be taken by young adults and it is also an established fact that taking THC in quantities sufficient to get high has a biphasic & reinforcing link with depression and other mental illnesses, I saw many such cases in the UK volunteering one day a week as a magistrate. My concerns are how will Thailand stop young adults with developing brains from taking it? and what facilities will Thailand make available to cope with the mental health issues we're going to be seeing? locking them up is not the answer. I don't see any link between recreational cannabis and harder drugs, but drug driving is definitely an issue in the UK.
  4. I can’t help wondering what would happen if farang owned businesses started charging ten times more for thai people?
  5. You do need legal help to avoid later being accused of providing a mortgage without the necessary licence. Some form of loan, secured on the property without the word mortgage comes to mind, don’t forget the interest rate must not exceed 1.25% per month (15% per year) or you’re breaking the law and can lose the principal (cautionary note to all wannabe loan sharks).
  6. If you’ve never had kids, you don’t have the capacity to understand how it changes you.
  7. Having kids changes you beyond all recognition, further a man is not complete until he has had a daughter. I had 2 boys in my 20s in the UK with my English wife and 2 girls in my 50s (adopted as a single parent). Daughters round you off as a complete individual.
  8. These 7 dangerous days are nonsense, the average figure of deaths is 60 per day for the whole of 2016, so day 6 at 28 deaths is half the annualised average. It's the same every year, lies, damned lies and statistics.
  9. It's all down to supply and demand. The demand is close to town, that's where the least supply is. As a rule of thumb, spend 40% on Land and 60% on Building. Buy cheap land out in the sticks and don't expect to ever sell what you build on it. The further from town you live, the less likely you are to make a go of living in Thailand and never, under any circumstances, ever build in your wife's village.
  10. It's just forward planning. How else will they get across Bangkok when it's under water this century?
  11. We have one already and a second on order for one of my daughters. There are loads of recharging stations and some EV's are cheaper than their ICE equivalent (MG EP+ for example). The running costs are massively less.
  12. You are forgetting that electricity is different in Thailand, eg you don't need a ground connection and it won't travel uphill.
  13. They said so, at least that was my interpretation, she didn’t speak English and my Thai is just passable.
  14. I bought a BEV last year, I’ve only done 4,500km in it and I love it to bits. It’s a Porsche Taycan, a 680hp silent monster, I’ve never even unpacked the Porsche wall mounted charger that came with it, it’s still sealed in the box. I already have 2 wall boxes in my garage, a 16a and a 10a/16a/24a/32a wall box both from AliExpress. I have a really crappy 15/45 supply but 18Kw of grid-tied inverters and 22Kw of PV panels. I only charge daytime, typically at 10amp or 24amp (if the sun is out). A 2nd meter isn’t an option for me as the meter is 100 meters away with a buried copper cable to it. I’ve just ordered an MG EP+ for my daughter to take to university, at 771,000 baht with a years free insurance, 5 years free servicing and free charging at MG Super Chargers (they are closer than 150km apart). She has no excuse not to come home and visit me. In the case of the MG EP+, it’s already cheaper than an equivalent ICE car. We are almost at tipping point. The MG EP+ costs almost double in my native UK, it’s a bargain here and much better value than the much smaller MG ZS EV with the same drivetrain. It’s also 15 times less than my Porsche was. In truth, I’m itching to try my Porsche in an MG Supercharger armed with the MG App on my phone and my daughter’s MG Charging Card. I told MG to supply the wall box, but it will stay boxed up for when we sell the car down the road. I’m hoping it’s happy being charged slower than 7Kw.
  15. No, they're standard as practically every EH/PHEV (excluding Tesla and some early Nissan), the problem is they establish a data connection with the car first and only after negotiating the link, car capabilities etc, start charging. With a Porsche Taycan in some countries you just plug it in, it reads details from your car and charges your appropriate account automatically. Not in Thailand, naturally. Maybe I'll drive down to MG and see if I can use the charger, last time I tried to register an account, it wanted the VIN number of the (MG) car. Whilst charging stations are getting more frequent, it's a real PITA if you live in Chiang Rai (as I do) and want to drive to Bangkok or further South, like Khao Lak which is my preferred holiday destination in Thailand. There's a fast charger at Uttaradit, but it's on the edge of the (real world) range.
  16. I’ve seen that MG map, but my local MG dealer told me that you can only charge MG cars at MG charging stations, whether it’s true or not I don’t know. They had the usual car salesman’s product knowledge (in other words they knew how many wheels their cars had, nothing more).
  17. What did you use to get the charging station map? Are the MG chargers allowed to be used by other EV's?
  18. I’m happy to commit 1,000 pounds to a go fund me page …. to anyone who assassinates Putin
  19. Actually, nobody mooted the idea of fastening the seatbelt behind them to stop that irritating alarm bleep. Someone suggested that could have been what happened. Myself, also a Taycan owner. You insist on jumping to conclusions when a better man would simply accept he made a mistake and apologize his error.
  20. Also, supercars like The Taycan save weight by fitting thinner glass than your average saloon. The body is all carbon fibre and composites too.
  21. You could put the seatbelt behind you to avoid the annoying alarm that increases in intensity. I have a Taycan too and it pesters you to death if any of the occupants fail to wear a seat belt, additionally, one of the 5 digital instruments goes red and displays a warning message instead of 4 or 5 driver selectable options like HV battery charge, HV battery temperature, LV battery voltage, compass, track playing on the stereo etc. It’s impossible to ignore the warnings. Looking at the damage, the 2.1 ton Taycan probably didn’t decelerate enough when it hit the motorbike to trigger the airbags. Shortly followed by the motorcyclist hitting the windscreen. My money is on the driver wearing his seatbelt and suffering only minor scratches (if any) from the accident. The Taycan is a very heavy car and probably weighs at least 20 times more than the motorcycle and the bike would have been catapulted forwards with the car driver not feeling much deceleration, the shock being the rider hitting the windscreen which probably entered the drivers space and that would likely be the scrapes he got, if any, maybe flying glass chips from the drivers side of the laminated windscreen.
  22. It’s a Taycan, a battery electric vehicle, I own one myself. The dealer will be able to read the speed at impact from the cars very sophisticated computer.
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