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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. The maximum fine under the law is $1000 per infraction of the gag order. The only other option is jail of up to 30 days per infraction. If the Judge had gone for the jail option Defendant Trump would appeal and almost certainly win. The judge has wisely and fairly issued fines first + a warning that any further infringement will be rewarded with jail time. There is another hearing due to address other infractions by the Defendant Trump, but these occurred before the Judge issued his warning of jail. These too will be rewarded with fines. …… There is however a far more serious risk to Defendant Trump. The Defendant is out on pre-trial release, in several jurisdictions and under Federal cases. Defiance of any court gag order might very well be an infringement of the conditions under which he is on pretrial release. ….. Defendant Trump had said it would be a privilege to be put in prison, it looks like the prison door is wide open for him to stroll right in at his leisure.
  2. I hope you never have to experience your children being attacked in order to get at you.
  3. Why should the EU care? You wanted your borders back. Oh…. It’s always somebody else’s fault!
  4. France does prevent many attempted channel crossings. “The UK–France Joint Leaders’ Declarationissued in March 2023 states that France prevented 1,381 small boat crossings, carrying 33,788 people, in 2022. This equates to 42.4% of attempts to cross and 55% of small boats being intercepted by the French authorities in 2022.” But you are correct hundreds of £millions of UK tax payers money spent in France, added to hundreds of £millions spent in Rwanda. Will we ever learn how much the Government’s failure on immigration is costing the nation? https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-9681/#:~:text=The UK committed to providing,%2F24 and 2025%2F26.
  5. Well not a good start, or rather, no departure from past performance of this failing Government: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/apr/30/home-office-lost-contact-thousands-potential-rwanda-deportees-data-shows
  6. JW’s were interned for not swearing allegiance to the Nazis. That at least is to their credit. https://www.hmd.org.uk/learn-about-the-holocaust-and-genocides/nazi-persecution/jehovahs-witnesses/#:~:text=The Nazis found Jehovah's Witnesses,to prisons or concentration camps.
  7. Ireland can distribute asylum seekers around Europe. Not so the UK. But let’s enjoy for a moment the thought that the failing UK Government is going to make demands of the EU.
  8. I just did, this is you doing exactly that: Nobody in this thread has even suggested that the former ICJ President did not clarify exactly that. It’s not a point anyone is arguing.
  9. Brian nobody in this thread is discussing whether or not the claims of genocide are plausible. That’s you engaging in your habit of inventing the views of those whose real views you can’t handle. I’m asking you when Donoghue left the ICJ [Feb 6 2024] because very clearly the information and ruling she is discussing and that you are relying upon relates to events prior to that date. What she has to say about events prior to Feb 6 have no relevance to events after Feb 6. The allegations of genocide are under investigation.
  10. 1. Who has said in this thread that the claims of ‘genocide are plausible’? 2. It’s been how many months since Donoghue was at the ICJ, is what she ruled back then still valid today?
  11. This is the obscenity that the protesters are raising their voice against: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-68915529#:~:text=Some 30% of children below,UN calls "catastrophic hunger."
  12. In the light of the ICJ ruling that Israel must open routes for food and medical supplies to enter Gaza ‘at scale’, in order to protect the rights of Palestinians against Genocide. Here’s some more from the BBC: “Last month the UN Human Rights chief, Volker Turk, accused Israel of a potential war crime because of the food crisis in Gaza. "The extent of Israel's continued restrictions on entry of aid into Gaza, together with the manner in which it continues to conduct hostilities, may amount to the use of starvation as a method of war," he said.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-68915529#:~:text=Some 30% of children below,UN calls "catastrophic hunger."
  13. I backed my claims up with links. The BBC interview is one source. The links are provided are other sources.
  14. My statement was not Israel is committing genocide. It was the allegations of genocide are under investigation. AND The ICJ have issued a ruling requiring Israel to take a number of actions. There is little evidence that Israel is complying with that ruling. Refer links I posted. Argue with what I’ve said by all means, but please desist in this ploy of assuming views or arguments I have not made.
  15. here you go Brian: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/02/israel-defying-icj-ruling-to-prevent-genocide-by-failing-to-allow-adequate-humanitarian-aid-to-reach-gaza/#:~:text=One month after the International,bare minimum steps to comply%2C https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/report-israel-continues-violate-icj-ruling-gaza-enar
  16. Here’s post Brian. Point out the bit where I mention anything of what Joan Donoghue had to say on the matter. It was you who inserted her o to the discussion. My post does not rely at all on her interview. So your point was based on a false assumption on your part.
  17. She never said anything about little evidence of Israel’s compliance. Nor did I claim she did. What’s your point Brian?
  18. Yes I do. Now you explain how what she said contradicts my post you responded to.
  19. I know exactly what she said because I went to the source interview, not the clip posted on this forum. I also went directly to the ICJ ruling.
  20. The allegations of genocide are under investigation. The ICJ has issued a ruling detailing what steps Israel must take to avoid the increased risk of genocide, there is little evidence of Israel complying with that ruling.
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