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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Causing the rioting that you yourself imagine to be the outcome of ents that did not happen. What an awful burden you carry around in your own head.
  2. Why are you surprised I accept the reality that O J Simpson was found not guilty in his criminal trial? Let me make it easier for you to understand. O J Simpson was found not guilty. Deal with this reality.
  3. Hope springs eternal. Todd Blanche tells Trump what Trump wants to hear shocker!
  4. Daniels doesn’t need to resort to name calling, she can simply give her sworn testimony. Mind, her remarks graphically describing Trump’s anatomy were obviously directed to an audience of one. I wonder if the person Daniels was addressing will be in court to support her husband?
  5. That doesn’t negate reasonable doubt. The glove performance introduced reasonable doubt.
  6. He’s not letting Trump attack the jurors either. Bad man!
  7. There is no such thing as a person without bias. Jury members need only be able to judge the case solely on the merits of the evidence and testimony presented in the court room during the trial.
  8. ok, you’ve put a lot of effort into arguing Trump should not be held accountable to the law. So let’s put it to the test: Will you accept any verdict handed down by any of the juries in any of Trump’s trials?
  9. I’ve told you. I will accept any verdict handed down by any of the juries in any of Trump’s trials. And I also said ‘Hold me to it’. You, on the other hand, have been silent on the matter.
  10. A Grand Jury reviews the evidence and testimony to determine if the indictments are warranted, the Grand Jury also has the right to conduct investigations and subpoena witnesses and evidence. Welcome to team ‘Convictions are sometimes wrong’ I expect that’s going to be your argument if Trump is convicted.
  11. More false equivalence. Just admit you really don’t like Trump being held accountable to the law.
  12. It’s been explained to you multiple times that he’s on trial for fraud pursuant of election interference.
  13. Do you have any evidence that the Jury were looking for revenge? Or is this another of your ill-informed baseless allegations?
  14. It is indeed shocking. It seems Australia, like the UK, too is failing to deal with the crisis of mental health problems on society.
  15. You stated : “Indictments are handed down by grand juries after they are introduced by prosecuting attorneys... who are... in regards to every indictment handed down on trump... democrats. “ It only needed one prosecutor to not bd a Democrat to demonstrate the fallacy of your assertion. Jack Smith is not a Democrat. Your claim was rot.
  16. There’s your claim. Now here’s proof you are talking rot: “Smith, a Harvard Law School grad who is not registered with any political party, started as a prosecutor in 1994 at the Manhattan District Attorney's Office under Robert Morgenthau, who was best known for prosecuting mob bosses.” Here’s the source: https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/newsmaker-who-is-jack-smith-special-counsel-who-brought-trump-indictment-2023-08-02/
  17. I shall absolutely accept the verdict of Trump’s jury. Hold me to it.
  18. That’s not any kind of evidence to back up the claim you made: “their is approximately half of the USA voters who believe the system is currently rigged by the democratic party machine..”
  19. Can we take that as you support the indictment and trial of Defendant Trump?
  20. No, never wondered about it beyond the current thought, is it even true!
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