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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Except now we have a bunch of people ranting against tackling climate change who also rant against migrants.
  2. So conspiracy to commit a crime is not a crime in and of itself if the conspiracy does not result in the conspired crime being committed?
  3. The story here is person found liable avoids paying the penalties award against him in a civil court ruling. Obviously that’s not a good thing for Justice. I trust we all support the idea that justice is best served when those who are found liable in a court trial are forced to pay their penalties.
  4. No it’s not. It’s an example of not getting the expected verdict therefore attacking the jury. I predict it to be a theme throughout 2024 and one you might want to keep any eye on.
  5. Agreed. And here’s the idiocy of the rightwing argument. The Tory’s failed Rwanda plan has never once been put before the European Court of Human Rights. Each successful challenge to the ‘plan’ has come from the UK courts ruling on matters of UK law. What is actually going on is the extreme rightwing, a bunch of hyper wealthy old school chums (AKA the very elite that they claim to be opposing) are using the Tory failure to control immigration as an argument to get rid of human rights law.
  6. The absolute nonsense is the suggestion that the UK should leave the convention. It’s an extremist rightwing fantasy. It’s not going to happen for the reasons I’ve explained and many others, not least Reform UK are doing a great job destroying the Tory Party.
  7. The power to legislate resides with Congress. Congress agreed a bi-partisan resolution, which the Republicans then pulled the plug on to appease their master. Facts matter!
  8. Republicans first participate in bi-lateral border legislation, then on the eve of the vote they get a call from Trump and pull the plug. Leaving Biden with no other option than to implement executive orders. Republicans then claim Biden is copying Trump. My punt is it will not involve separating children from their parents, throwing the children in cages and then losing the records so the children can’t be united with their parents. Or indeed any other form of over cruelty that characterized Trump’s policies.
  9. So the answer to the 14 years of Government failure to use laws already in place, or even process and deport bogus asylum seekers is to remove the UK from the International Conventions of which the UK was a founding member and instrumental in their drafting. There’s an alternative. Get rid of the failed government and its failed policies and deal with the problem rationally and within the law.
  10. So it won’t be ‘Reform UK with their plans to rid the UK of human rights laws then.
  11. OK we got it. You’re following the script. Enjoy the trial.
  12. I’m stocked up on reality. “The allegations are in substance that Donald Trump falsified business records to conceal an agreement with others to unlawfully influence the 2016 election. ” Putting aside any last minute delays that’s the substance of the criminal case that will go to trial on Monday. ‘Falsified business records’ sounds like someone has the receipts.
  13. More misrepresentation of the facts and of course whataboutary. Your desperation is beginning to show. Meanwhile I have linked to the facts of what this case is about: Fraud in the furtherance of election interference (A felony): Roll on Monday.
  14. Slapped with an extra 5 months in the slammer: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/10/allen-weisselberg-sentenced-perjury-trump-fraud-trial?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  15. All this whining and the trial hasn’t even started yet.
  16. I’ve asked you already. How are the courts ruling on Trump’s allegations of the judge being biased?
  17. "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," It’s a remarkable claim, but in this thread we see the evidence of just how far gone some of Trump’s supporters are.
  18. How are the courts ruling on Trump’s claims regarding biased judges, AG’s and DAs? Monday is nearly upon us, they’ve surely had something to say on the puerile claims.
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