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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Rights that exist under the ECHR that the rightwing of the Tory Party and the PM himself have stated their desire to extract the UK from and/or negate.
  2. The reports of fraud are frequently reported as a single sum of fraud and errors. Well here’s some errors: https://www.theguardian.com/money/2023/dec/06/dwp-errors-leave-more-than-200000-pensioners-out-of-pocket
  3. You do understand the principle of innocent until proven guilty? If the suspect you have committed a crime and want to look in your bank account for evidence they need first present just cause to a judge to obtain a search warrant. This prosed change to the law is a significant departure from centuries of common law practice. Oddly going after alleged benefit fraud while ignoring the multiple times larger tax dodging.
  4. There’s a few problems with the data, not least of all: “The Department assumes that all claims from Universal Credit claimants who choose “not to engage” with DWP’s fraud and error measurement exercises are fraudulent but admits that it has no statistically significant information to support this view.” https://committees.parliament.uk/work/6765/department-for-work-and-pensions-accounts-202122/news/174208/pac-dwp-excuses-for-unprecedented-and-unacceptable-levels-of-benefit-fraud-and-error-dont-stand-up/#:~:text=PAC reports today that “levels,figure was due to fraud.
  5. And of particular interest to many expats in Thailand: “The House of Commons Library makes it absolutely clear that the Bill, if taken forward in the way that the Government are proposing at the moment, does allow the Government to look at people in receipt of state pensions.”
  6. “The DWP will oblige the UK’s top 15 banks to monitor the accounts of all means-tested benefits claimants and report any instances where an account exceeds the capital limit or is used abroad for more than four weeks.” https://www.freelanceinformer.com/news/ministers-rushed-through-amendment-that-gives-government-access-to-bank-accounts-of-anyone-claiming-a-state-pension-and-benefits/
  7. Somebody remind Sunak that the Good Friday Agreement (I believe he’s heard of it) is founded in no insufficient part on the ECHR. I suggest he calms down before he gets a call from Washington telling him to behave himself.
  8. I thought there was a fair chance if it prior to her lie infested whinge letter. All she had to do was quietly and respectfully retreat to the back benches, await the defeat of the Tories at the General Election then claim the Tories would have won if she, not Sunak were in charge. What she chose to do is die disunity which will undoubtedly play a part in the General Election result. She can’t now claim to have had no hand in it. She’s demonstrated she’s simply not fit for office.
  9. Thanks for the linked report, it makes grim reading. Firstly the obvious over selling of the immigration controls followed by a failure to deliver: And then the complete failure to get the data right. I can’t copy and paste from the report so therefore point to its paragraphs 3.14, 6.15, 6.16 and 6.17. The claimed number of overstayers cannot be reliably determined on the basis of the system put in place and then removed. The usual big promises that turn out to be nonsense. What is not included in this report is the cost to taxpayers and businesses. Another failure from a failed Government. I wonder who it was that the contracts were awarded to? 🤫
  10. And they were right: https://www.gbnews.com/news/rwanda-immigration-scheme-is-irrational-and-unlawful-campaigners-claim/302300
  11. The Government were repeatedly warned that their Rwanda ‘Plan’ was unlawful, they went ahead with it anyway. Perhaps now they can ditch it and address the most pressing matters that actually concern people in the UK. The cost of living The crisis on the NHS Housing shortages Public Transport Crime and failure of the police to attend call outs. Schools closed due to structural failure of buildings. Adult Care Services collapsing. The stuff where people actually get something for the taxes they pay. The stuff that has gotten worse every year for the past 14 years of this failed Government’s tenure.
  12. Don’t worry the General Election will act as a corrective measure.
  13. I read it, what a rant. Hell hath no fury like a rightwing extremist authoritarian scorned.
  14. Sunak needs to act swiftly to nip this in the bud and prevent the contagion of failure spreading through Government. I suggest he fires the Home Secretary.
  15. Are disputing the fact that the EDL founded by Yaxely Lennon had pedophiles amongst its members? You what they say about hating most that which one sees in oneself?!
  16. Nonsense. Yaxley Lennon has done nothing other than assemble the EDL, itself rife with pedophiles and camp on police investigations and the resulting trials. He has done absolutely nothing to bring a single pedophile to Justice, though some of his pedophile EDL chums did, by letting themselves get known to the police.
  17. The UK is not a secular country. People born and raised on the UK, they are British and their values are there part of whatever it is British values are. Nobody has told me what to say or do, which if you’ll excuse the observation, is a strange argument to make while opposing people’s right to protest. Nobody has tried to force their religion on me or my family, although Johovah’s Witnesses can become a boy irksome. You can joke about any religion you want. Are you sure the bating at your door isn’t the JW’s? I very much doubt you know much at all about the views of British Muslims. Thank you for once again demonstrating that your opposition to the protests is routed in your own issues with Muslims.
  18. That was the intent. Refer the flak I took for sticking to the topic from those now bickering.
  19. “She [Braverman] railed against Mr Sunak's 'magical thinking' for failing to come up with a back-up plan if justices in the UK's highest court rule the Rwanda scheme unlawful, adding that he could betray his promise to 'stop the boats' even in the event of victory.” ‘Magical thinking’ Is that the bit we’re having made a promise to do something you are then informed your plan to do it is unlawful but you think because you made a promise you have the right to break the law. ’Sorry Gov, I was only robbing the bank because I promised my girlfriend I’d buy her a be a frock, would it be OK if I rob a building society instead?!’
  20. Hell hath no fury like a rightwing extremist authoritarian scorned. She can’t have what she wants so she sets about burning the house down. Does that sound familiar?!
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