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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. We should start a tabulation of excuses used by those eager to deny others their right to peaceful protest.
  2. Are you sure you used all your ‘key board short-cuts’?
  3. I understand your desire to make unsubstantiated claims and ire at being challenged for doing so. I see absolutely nothing disrespectful about protesting for an end to a war on a day dedicated to the memory of an Armistice. Opinions differ, but rights to peaceful protest are a matter of law and international human rights conventions (that were promulgated in the aftermath of WW2) and to which the UK is a founding nation signatory.
  4. Oddly you aren’t taking up any argument against those paining the protestors as violent, anti-semites. I’m rather pleased the police understand their obligations to not interfere with the right to peaceful protest, and indeed peaceful counter protest. They can focus on dealing with those who break the law and let others enjoy their rights, as the law requires the police to do.
  5. Brian. It is you that used the term ‘host country’. It is you that are arguing demonstrators are not British Citizens It is for you to provide evidence to back your claims, not me. And anyway, as I’ve already stated, Article 11 of the ECHR under which the rights within the UK to peaceful protest exist has no nationality qualification.
  6. Oh dear. So some folk tag along for other reasons, other folk join counter demonstrations for other reasons. Perhaps now you’ll understand my objection to a Minister of State inflaming already high emotions and dig whistling to the extreme rightwing rather than seeking to quieten those emotions with careful and considered commentary.
  7. They don’t have to be Brian, the right to freedom of assembly (Article 11 of the European Convention on Hunan Rights) under which the right to peaceful protest in the UK exists has no ‘nationality’ qualification.
  8. Well yes I agree, it’s one of the things people from around the world who fought with Britain in two world wars fought for. And yes I agree, marching for peace on Armistice Day is a fitting memorial to those who were killed or injured in those wars and the many wars and conflicts since.
  9. Do you have evidence that the demonstrators are not British citizens?
  10. Sunak should fire her and remove the whip. She’s then loose her accreditation as a Tory candidate at the next election. Doing so would send a clear message that the stories will not engage in hate mongering. I suspect though he’ll do nothing and in failing to act will lose control of the Parliamentary Tory Party. Unable to hold the Tories together despite a 56 seat majority.
  11. Hardly surprising though is it Morch, given the personal attacks and slurs that many of those who disagree with me resort to.
  12. Dealing with anti-senitism and violence that might or does arise is a matter for the police. The police have not found reason to deny everyone else the right to peacefully protest. I support the right to peaceful protest, including the right to peaceful counter protest, and I support the arrest and prosecution of those who break the law, be the protestors or counter protestors. I do not support Ministers of State branding the whole protest as hate or her dog whistles to rightwing extremists. I certainly believe that protesting in support of ending the killing of civilians in this war is a fitting memorial to the Armistice.
  13. Maybe you should stop branding all protestors with the behaviour of a number you can’t even demonstrate to be anywhere near accurate.
  14. Good luck with that Jonny. Free speech and the right to peaceful protest are cornerstones of British Democracy and central to British values. A minister of state hate mongering to advance her own authoritarian political ambitions is counter to those values. Roll on the election, which if Sunak cannot control the Parliamentary Tory Party will very likely come sooner than later.
  15. You’re on a roll today Morch. How about the estimates of anti-semite’s being asserted in this thread?
  16. Maybe the demonstration Marshall and the police should do their job and deal with such people, amongst the protestors and the counter protestors.
  17. I think displacing Braverman from Ministerial Office is a reasonable response to her hate baiting.
  18. I support the right to peaceful protest, I have clearly stated those who break the law should be arrested. What I don’t do is characterize all protestors as anti-semites, violent or filled with hate.
  19. Did I say that? No I did not. Give arguing about what I have said a go.
  20. Sunak once again demonstrates he’s weak, indecisive and dithering. The election can’t come soon enough.
  21. It’s a twist that ignores the well publicized calls to end the even better publicized killing of civilians.
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