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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. She obviously thought it not a minor issue given her attempts to avoid giving testimony, her father certainly thinks it’s not a minor issue.
  2. Somebody has informed Trump that Ivanka has been subpoenaed to give evidence about him, he’s not happy about that. What’s interesting is how long it takes for such obviously important news to reach him. Is someone filtering what news Trump gets to hear, or is he so removed from events that he simply has no idea what is going on around him and his own daughter? The fact Ivanka will be compelled to testify is not good news for Trump. The fact that he clearly didn’t know about this weeks old development until yesterday is not good news for anyone arguing Trump’s brain is in any sense functioning normally.
  3. There is an historical example to which we may refer, Suez. The failure of the UK at Suez exposed the paper tiger the UK had become, with devastating consequences for what was left of British Imperial power, or indeed international influence that no amount of sepia tinted nostalgia will ever fix. Actually there are at least two historical examples if we include the betrayal at Singapore, but it’s a painful point so let’s not labour it lest we upset the Brit critics of the international dominance the US inherited when the UK gave it up.
  4. Fault in your argument. US strategic imperatives are not constrained outwith NATO by membership of NATO. US strategic imperatives in and around the Philippines stand separate to those in and around NATO.
  5. Remind me, why is the Daily Mail often referred to as the Daily Heil, is there some history there?
  6. Considerably less than the Tories wasted on useless PPE and Track and Trace.
  7. Opinions differ. Especially with those less rabid.
  8. Tony Blair wants? Now how about Jeremy? I think voters are more worried about a return of Truss, or worse still any of the extremist loons lining up to take Sunak’s job at the first opportunity.
  9. Console yourself with the knowledge that Blair’s Government delivered significant improvements for ordinary working people and the UK’s poor: https://fullfact.org/economy/labour-inequality-1997-2010/
  10. The Middle East was already destabilized. Interestingly, I personally know a number of people who marched in the anti war demonstrations at the time, all are left wingers. The following provides insight into how the vote in parliament went, there was one notable left wing MP, then a member of the Labour Party who very vociferously campaigned against the war, but you don’t like him so I’ll not mention him by name. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_parliamentary_approval_for_the_invasion_of_Iraq#:~:text=Parliament voted on the amended,Parliament's approval of an invasion. I wonder what were the views back then of people who are now accusing Blair of an illegal war? Just pondering the question, I have little hope of ever getting a reliable answer.
  11. Trump turned up in court to face down Michael Cohen as he gave his testimony, it didn’t go well for Trump. Judge Engoron has now called Ivanka Trump to the stand, she herself is immune from prosecution due to the lapsing of the statute of limitations and therefore has no means to avoid giving testimony. I wonder if Trump is going to show up to see her spill the beans in Daddy? Perhaps she could sit on his knee while doing so.
  12. If Republicans really believed Biden was in cognitive decline he’d be a gift to them at the 2024 election, they’d shelve what they are calling a calling ‘*impeachment hearing*’ against him and leave him in place for the election. *There is no ‘impeachment hearing’ it’s not a thing since the House has not voted for such a hearing. When Speaker Johnson or any Republican talks about an ‘impeachment hearing’ they are lying through their teeth. But like you say, just speaking the truth, not a popular thing in 2023, or at least not in dine quarters.
  13. More certain the Starmer becoming the heir to over a decade of Tory mismanagement of the economy and public funds. The NHS in crisis, the housing crisis, the cost of living crisis and tens of £billions of public money squandered on hand outs to Tory chums with no benefit to the nation. What a sordid mess awaits the *next PM* * Of course there’s time between now and the General Election for two or three more Tory PM’s and sadly time yet for the Tories to create an even bigger mess than they have already.
  14. not a Putin lickspittle, not in the pocket of the Chinese, the Saudis or any other Middle Easter dictatorship that has money to bung his family.
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