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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. For the sake of clarity, the alleged serial rapist Tory MP in this case is not the already arrested Crispin Blunt. It can get confusing with so many Tory MP’s accused of rape and sexual assault to choose from. https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/oct/26/conservative-mp-arrested-on-suspicion-of-rape-and-drugs-possession
  2. Seems like a pretty good example of pishpoor reporting. But it has its believers.
  3. Someone will step into Trump’s shoes when the GOP admit Trump isn’t fit to be allowed out in public alone. Johnson thinks he’s the man, and he might well be, he has all the extremist rightwing credentials.
  4. Not only will Trump’s mouth cost him dearly, he’s putting Ivanka in a corner when she takes the stand. There are only so many times she can whisper squeakily ‘I don’t recall’ and since she’s immune from prosecution she can’t cite the 5th. Does she give Daddy up or does she run the gauntlet on contempt of court? And once again a reminder: $250,000,000 is the starting price.
  5. Distancing herself from a candidate who is barely able to function, and cannot even focus what’s left of his brain when on the witness stand.
  6. Civil case rule #1. If you don’t defend you lose. Trump running his mouth on the stand and actually admitting to the core chargers against him is a long way from any kind of defense. https://news.yahoo.com/bingo-trump-admits-intent-induce-213030399.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvLnRoLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAACrU2M-LihC2P1ZoJHY5NkE1Joxfx0V1YkqaHx_ZjcpgSvF32w1ITOfXZaRZGwN0myphJJ-M70SYu29QO6hod-9SWVdH-n6StYwp_ZehYL4E3YgUVz-gpEkbeJvg1tkMZ60QR-e3hY81Qg24H6sOnc-g-Uvea88MPqmUnCdwSBsP
  7. That’s only an indication of which corners of the internet you get your news.
  8. Being a small town Nan doesn’t have a lot of amenities, a BigC, a Lotus that is almost deserted, and a MAKRO are the main shopping options. There’s a private hospital being built but right now only a Government hospital and local clinics. There are a handful of good restaurants, GIN being the most up market, but most food outlets seem to be noodle stores. There are, like many towns in Thailand, plenty of coffee shops, some are excellent. The nightlife is quiet and not Farang orientated. Because most locals were born and bred in Nan, everyone knows everyone, so nightlife and socializing is a bit cliquey.
  9. I’ve cycled that route in both directions. Once from Nan to Bor Klua, overnight stop then Bor Klua back to Nan via Phua. And the second time the reverse of that circuit.
  10. Absolutely nothing to do with Labour. PMQ this week is going to be interesting, I wonder if Sunak will turn up?!
  11. [“Berry wrote: “We are aware that this matter has been ongoing for over two years. We also believe there are up to five victims of X and that the failure of others to act has enabled X to continue to offend and to victimise women.”] ‘The Party of Law and Order’. Corrupt to the core and void any moral authority.
  12. Given what it is reported the Parliamentary Tory Party have been covering up its questionable whether or not the Tory Party actually stand for anything anymore, certainly not law and order, unless of course they themselves remain above the law.
  13. It’s almost certain that Iran at least approved the Hamas attacks, which begs the question what did Iran hope to gain? The most rational argument I’ve heard is the interruption and destruction of US attempts to establish broader alliances in the Middle East and thereby further isolate Iran. The increasing death toll in Gaza providing a wedge against alliance being created with Israel. If that was Iran’s objective then, job done and nothing to be gained from joining the conflict. The tragedy is lives lost and destroyed on both sides of the border. There is absolutely no way Hamas could understand anything other than killing and kidnapping Israelis would result in a overwhelming military response that would cost large numbers of Palestinians their lives. The evidence is that this loss of Palestinian lives was part of their plan. An utterly callous and twisted rational.
  14. Can you point out the anti-Semitic bit and the calls ‘to kill the Jews’ that you were referring to?
  15. Do the pictures include membership details of leftwing organizations or are they pictures of people you assume to be leftwing?
  16. There is no upside to Iran getting directly involved in this war, and numerous upsides for them not doing so. The war is already causing political strains in Washington, London and elsewhere, Iran can simply sit and watch as those play out.
  17. But they are good for selling newspapers and driving traffic their online offerings.
  18. I doubt very much you have any evidence on the political affiliation of people who you tell us are ‘ marching through the streets screaming kill the Jews’.
  19. You are in danger of your arguments being ridiculed for the nonsense they are. I recommend shouting ‘anti-American’ and ‘anti-Semitic’ more often and louder. Oh and of course point fingers at the political left.
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