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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Meanwhile Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds has just endorsed DeSantis. She perhaps isn’t paying attention to media pundits desperately trying to drive traffic with scare mongering and doom and dismay opinion lines.
  2. I can’t speak for others, but I’m nowhere near either of the ages at which people need their food putting through a blender.
  3. Fortunately the mathematics of statistical sampling isn’t subjective.
  4. Will those be the same people who voted to replace immigrants from Europe with immigrants from India and the Philippines I wonder?
  5. Apparently they got together in the basement of a pizza restaurant to agree on their story.
  6. Perhaps the Speaker of the House can chase the President for these loans that may or may not exist. Loans are not mandatory, and if the speaker is to believed bank accounts for him, his wife and their children don’t exist either.
  7. Many of who where not British and more than a few where Muslims. Maybe the right to peacefully protest was one of the things these people from around the world fought for.
  8. Not that I expected you to. I look forward to you comments when Trump again engages in witness tampering.
  9. Perhaps you’d like to give your learned opinion on the alignment between the gag order and criminal witness tampering? If, as the court insists, the gag order is narrow and targeted at putting an end to Trump’s witness tampering then removal of the gag order is a mere administrative matter, Trump is not free to say anything the gag order disallows. The removal of the gag order might very possibly lure Trump into a false belief that he can say whatever it is he wishes without consequence. He is almost certainly going to return to the behaviour that brought about the gag order - witness tampering - which is a crime.
  10. Protests in NY Grand Central Station. Mostly Jewish protestors: https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/10/28/protesters-shut-new-yorks-grand-central-station-demanding-gaza-ceasefire
  11. He said he had the evidence but when asked to produce it he came up with excuses that roughly translates as ‘my dog ate it’.
  12. You can’t expect people to remain in your club if you don’t deliver the club badges.
  13. Here’s a challenge. Demonstrate the truth of your claim that the NHS is not efficient.
  14. One of the fallacies that recently helped lead the UK into self harm was the ludicrous idea that ‘The Commonwealth’ and former colonies of the British Empire were waiting eagerly with open arms to welcome the UK with lucrative and favourable trade deals. The people who swallowed that nonsense are the same people who are now offended over a feeble apology for atrocities committed by the British in those same colonies. Perhaps a bit of real history stripped of the ‘Boys Own’ jingoism might help these people understand why the UK is not so favored as they have been led to believe.
  15. The NHS is free at the point of delivery. It is paid for out of NI and General Taxation, so by everyone who works and by anyone who pays any tax whatsoever in the UK.
  16. The ‘etc’ you refer to is General Taxation. I don’t know any non-working low life criminals, although O do know a member of the House of Lords and a couple of blokes with hereditary titles, although I don’t imagine them working much let alone falling off ladders
  17. The NHS is not free it’s paid for by taxes, including by the taxes paid by immigrants.
  18. It’s take the Tories 14 years to achieve that, but they got there in the end.
  19. Well other countries are certainly providing significant numbers of doctors nurses, health professionals and auxiliary staff to the UK’s NHS. Without access to immigrant staff the NHS would collapse (more than it is already being caused to do so).
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