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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Which is why it’s always nice to have a report from the ONS and a couple of by-election results to refer to.
  2. Forgive me for interrupting your customary sophistry with a report from the UK Government’s Office of National Statistics. Oh and I took a look at last week’s by-elections. Rather pleasing they were too.
  3. It’s not, the Tories handed £Billions to their chums often to chums with zero experience providing the goods and services that were ostensibly being paid for and therefore no surprise at all with zero benefit to the nation.
  4. Let’s take a look at what the ONS has to say on the matter: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/wellbeing/bulletins/publicopinionsandsocialtrendsgreatbritain/11to22january2023
  5. Putting aside that’s not what you were saying. No the Guardian articles will not translate into a Labour win, voters turning out to vote Labour and anything but Tory will.
  6. Your response to a thread referring to Tory and Sunak sleaze is to go off on one of your ‘short-cut key’ anti labour deflection rants. Oh did you miss the results of last week’s by-elections or is it that reality just can’t get through?
  7. Perhaps we are discussing this because it’s the subject of the thread.
  8. All well and good, until they also hand over documentation and electronic communications relating to the crimes. If we’ve learned one thing about the Trump administration it’s the habit his staff and advisers had of keeping records and recording conversations.
  9. Perhaps Israel needs to have a stock of shells ready in case ANOther nation decides now is a time to attack Israel. Regardless, I wouldn’t bet against the US armaments manufacturers being able to increase production to meet demand.
  10. Sunak’s handing exploration licenses to BP while BP hand £ multi million contracts to businesses owned by his wife’s father needs to be looked at too.
  11. Getting paid a lot of money doesn’t give some magical ability to circumvent the law. Perhaps people have no idea what an organization is like to work for until they’ve actually worked there.
  12. There are very many reasons why people might sign an NDA that is not legally enforceable. Why a lawyer should draft and an employer should require employees to sign such an NDA is also a question deserving of an answer. But you miss a point, NDA’s are contracts and the final arbiter of a contract is a court of law. The court gets to consider all the questions and the wording of the contract as it relates to the law. ——— Just like marriage is a contract that people freely enter into but frequently want out of. The courts decide in accordance with the law.
  13. Extreme rightwing James O’Keefe brought to you by another extreme rightwinger Tim Pool. Thank’s for letting us know where you get your extreme rightwing feed from, well at least some of it.
  14. All in good time! Evidence first, then accusations. It’s for Comer and the assorted Republican nuts to provide evidence of Biden having committed crimes, it is not for Biden to prove his innocence. Or have you too lost all track of reality?!
  15. This is of interest to people who are in receipt of a UK State Pension but no other taxable income. Particularly to those who are in receipt of SERPs enhancements. Essentially, you may now be due to pay tax on your income the bill for which will accumulate since there are no direct means to tax incomes that are solely State Pension. The root cause is the freeze to the tax threshold, creating a stealth tax on low incomes that have risen with inflation. https://www.theguardian.com/money/2023/oct/21/uk-pensions-warning-dont-get-caught-by-an-out-of-the-blue-tax-bill
  16. The Trump’s NDA’s have been ruled not legally enforceable. There are many legitimate reasons why NDA’s might be required, I’ve signed well over a dozen in my life time, all restricted to the legitimate commercial business information of the clients I was working for, none restricted my rights to redress under any employment or criminal law. You might want to spend some time reading up on the abuse of NDA’s.
  17. The ‘cojones’ I referred to a figurative. Nothing to do with your hair triggered transphobia.
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