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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Hamas gives up all pretense that it isn’t seeking a high Palestinian body count: https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2023/oct/13/israel-hamas-war-live-updates-news-gaza-palestine-evacuations-military
  2. I fail to see how Trump loosing the election would be bad for America. “How many people will it take to scupper the nation?” Trump didn’t have enough last time, it would be utter stupidity to give him a second go, because rest assured he will put an end to democracy in America if given another chance.
  3. I gave the parameters. Fuel in EV, including batteries and combustible materials in the vehicle. Fuel in CV including the automotive fuel and combustible materials in the vehicle. The case for fire in one being more serious than fire in the other needs to consider the characteristics of both fires. Higher temperatures and more difficult to extinguish are one set of characteristics. Quantity of heat, behavior of fuels in their liquid and gaseous phases are another set of characteristics.
  4. And yet here we are all discussing it on an Internet forum. Don’t make the mistake of believing this is the only place it’s getting discussed or that all discussions are negative towards the ‘Just Stop Oil’ idea. Thanks for your contribution in keeping ‘Just Sop Oil’ in the public discourse.
  5. Perhaps he can now get back to doing nothing at all positive for Louisiana.
  6. The alternative is the Republicans put up a moderate who is willing to work with the Democrats in order to secure bipartisan support. ( Do you remember that?) The longer there is a Republican deadlock the more chance of Republican representatives from moderate districts forcing a compromise. We’ll then have Gaetz, who started this whole mess, bleating that Biden has taken his lunch money. Meanwhile ‘Shut down the Government’ has turned into ‘Shutdown the GOP’. Well done Gaetz, you’re star performer.
  7. And it didn’t go any higher than that: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/12/republican-steve-scalise-drops-out-of-house-speaker-race
  8. How does that change the calculation of which is the more serious fire? Battery + Flammable Contents of Vehicle v Fuel System + Flammable Contents of Vehicle. EV and CE fires have both shared and differing characteristics. Containment of the fire is in particular different. Both produce toxic and high temperature gasses, but CE fires add pooling/flowing of fuel and flammable/explosive fuel vapor clouds.
  9. Not quite so obvious Jonny. There are other factors, how much hot gas is produced? which is a product of available fuel. Are any flammable gasses (un burned or partially burned fuels) released and insufficient quantity to reach a flammable or explosive limit? Again a product of the fuels available. Where is the heat of the fire concentrated? Does is spread in, for example a pool fire or is it contained within the shell of the vehicle? Even intense heats pose considerably less risk of a fire spreading where they do not have access to sufficient fuels or are contained within a chassis that obstructs radiated heat transmission.
  10. Would a fire starting in an EV have produced enough heat and hot gasses to cause the fire flashover that occurred in this instance?
  11. I don’t need to disprove any videos. You made a statement. I’ve explained what is wrong with that statement. A battery fire and a fuel tank fire are two different scenarios, one has a great deal more fuel which has the unfortunate habit of evaporating into an flammable/explosive gas, creating pool fires and flammable fuel flows. Anti EV videos don’t address any of those facts. Incidentally, does YouTube award any recognized fire safety or fire safety design qualifications and if so how many videos does one have to watch to get the award?
  12. I didn’t get my knowledge of the science fires or the science, or of lithium batteries from ‘YouTube’.
  13. That would only be true if EV’s contain more fuel for any fire that occurs. The Energy/Fuel/Oxygen Fire Triangle for an EV has higher Energy but less fuel than an ICV which transports its energy as liquid/gas fuel.
  14. The purpose of sprinklers is not to put out fires, they are installed to prevent/slow fire flash over and hot gas accumulation/spreading, thereby giving occupants more time to escape. The achieve this by cooling the hot gasses in the space above and around the fire. With very few exceptions sprinklers are not required (in the UK) in unoccupied buildings, dedicated car park structures being an example.
  15. OK, so you’ve swallowed Trump’s instructions to not believe the media. How about you wash it down with a large glass of this: “The D.C National Guard was formed in 1802 by President Thomas Jefferson to defend the newly created District of Columbia. As such, the Commanding General of the D.C. National Guard is subordinate solely to the President of the United States. This authority to activate the D.C. National Guard has been delegated, by the President, to the Secretary of Defense and further delegated to the Secretary of the Army. The D.C. National Guard is the only National Guard unit, out of all of the 54 states and territories, which reports only to the President. ” https://dc.ng.mil/About-Us/ Let me know if you want some pickles or sauce on your proven utterly wrong burger.
  16. Let’s see who’s responsible first. And if you set about defending them.
  17. You are conflating protest, a protect 1st Amendment right, with Insurrection, a federal crime.
  18. Hold the celebrations. The full house vote has been put on hold. Somebody doesn’t yet have the votes.
  19. No I mean like ‘Stop the Steal’ and inciting insurrection on J6. Refer on going criminal prosecutions.
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