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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. OK let’s engage in some fantasy. How does this fit? Russell Brand looks back on his past life, even writes a book on it, he’s not proud but he thinks it’s all in the past. Then the wind changes, #metoo shows up, Brand at first states his support for the movement, but shortly after swings right and into conspiracy land, particularly focusing on conspiracy accusations directed at the press and mainstream media. Listen to Brand, he’s not stupid, he knows how to play his audience. Perhaps the reason why his first response was two fold, a reasonably expected denial from which no judgement should be made, followed by launching into ‘the press and media’ are trying to silence me. A defense he pulled out so effortlessly. To use your term ‘suspiciously’ easy. Now a question. Which is more plausible. A. The full spectrum of the UK’s press and media from left to right acted in coordinated unison to bring down Brand? Or B. Brand saw this coming and set up a narrative of him being a victim, better still, martyr to media conspiracy he himself alleges and which has been central to his messaging since he made his sudden swerve right? Brand is doing what that other malignant narcissist is doing, trying to convince his followers they can’t trust the press, can’t trust the Justice system. Its all rigged and bent, don’t trust any of it. Trust Brand.
  2. So Trump’s wealth is reported at $2.5Billion. Q1. Then why is he begging his supporters for money to pay his legal fee. Q2. Why does he need to use a bail bondsman to raise $200K bail? Q3. Are you going to stick around to discuss what happens when Trump has to find the $250 Million penalties for this case? I have a bridge I want to sell.
  3. What’s wrong with the media uncovering allegations of heinous crime?
  4. Let’s see how the Tory Party Conference goes In Manchester on the back of all Sunak’s ‘gross vandalism’, U-Turns, delays and dithering. Is Braverman ready to make her move? Will Johnson’s supporters sit quiet and behave themselves? Is Truss ready for a comeback? Are there anymore U-Turns in Sunak’s hip pocket?
  5. Actually it’s more self inflicted grievance stroking. A totally imagined grievance, stroked to keep the angst level up.
  6. You bet wrong. I want Brand and his alleged victims to be given a fair investigation and a fair trial - let the jury decide. I never believed the allegations against Depp, Heard was clearly the aggressor. The psychologist who examined Heard and gave testimony at the court hearing put a professional seal in what was blatantly obvious.
  7. I see the crack pot conspiracy nonsense. If Brand didn’t commit any crimes all those years ago he has nothing to fear. If he did then there was clearly something to dig up. Perhaps you feel Brand should be above the law.
  8. I joined a Union at age 18. At age 20 I won a company bursary to support me reading Engineering at University. The company reneged on the award. My Union took the case up for me and got me the bursary I had earned. I would not have been able to afford to go to university without my union’s help, nor might I ever have had a well paid career as a professional engineer. I’ve been a proud union member ever since, always pay my dues, always thankful the positive help my Union gave me. Working people shilling for employers against unions, AKA class traitors, cap doffers and forelock tuggers.
  9. But but but, whatabout (anything other than the Tory Government failure, division in the Cabinet and dither and delay at No 10). Roll on the election, the UK needs a functioning Government, this one’s falling apart by the day.
  10. Here’s the best bit, well one of the best bits. The courts will take control of all Trump’s US business assets then dispose of them. A process that will involve real valuations and balancing the loans against the asset values. We’ll get to see the real values, the debts and who the money is owed to,
  11. Managed from start to failure by the Tories. And now the threat to cancel being referred to as ‘a gross act of vandalism, by … a Tory. Impossible to pin any of this on Labour, but you’ll do your best.
  12. 14 years of Tory mismanagement of this centerpiece Government infrastructure project. What do you expect?! Oh and Sunak hasn’t cancelled it just yet, a small detail of the location of Tory Party conference year seems to be causing him to dither and delay.
  13. I don’t watch videos in discussion forums, neither do I post videos in this forum. If I did, I’d be posting a Sinatra song right now. As it is I have it playing in the background as I enjoy reading the news over my morning coffee. An ear worm, while the orange fraudster worm is taken down.
  14. Rachel Maddow did a very good explanation of Trump’s property, bank and insurance fraud when Michael Cohen delivered the goods to the NYAG. Black and white fraud, and the NYAG has the receipts.
  15. I’ve been saying for a longtime, I believe I’m wealthier than Donald Trump, as is anyone else who assets are worth more than their debts.
  16. The targets the people doing the hard grunt work. So they go to hard grunt work somewhere else. Floriduh loses.
  17. So famous people get more news cover. Goodness the world is so unfair.
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