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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Can you point out where I have pronounced verdict on Brand’s guilt or innocence?
  2. So let me get this right. In your mind ‘leveling up’ = House prices, rents doubling, the cost of a pint going up 50% but wages remaining unchanged?
  3. The requirements are here: https://www.barclays.co.uk/current-accounts/bank-account/?campaign=Current_Account&chnnl=PSB&s_kwcid=AL!5945!3!644063690858!e!!g!!barclays open current account&msrc=Google_PPC&cid=11718052062&asid=146633787484&adid=644063690858&kw=barclays open current account&match=e&gclsrc=aw.ds&gclid=CjwKCAjw38SoBhB6EiwA8EQVLlvywESaJXUE3cCTgJLIgZ8jQWl0G33dRp3NdOwZbNLPmrqV_PHatxoCmxAQAvD_BwE
  4. Sunak is working hard to rid himself of his ‘Inaction-Man’ handle, leaping from one U-Turn to another. The north of England learns once again that Tories Tory. Promises to the ‘red wall’ binned. Leveling up binned. The north south divide entrenched by Tory failure to deliver on manifesto promises. Listen up lads and lasses, when the Tories were promising you HS2, talking of ‘Leveling Up’ and rebirth of ‘The Northern Power House’, they were not only lying to you, they were laughing at you while lying.
  5. A mess of the GOP’s own making. They had two opportunities, three if you count his election defeat, to be rid of Trump, they chose to back him and now he’s eating them alive. Did nobody ever tell them the story of the Frog and the Scorpion? Suck it up Republicans you earned all by yourselves.
  6. I doubt Trump, who has never in his life been held to account for his actions, believes he’s going to prison. He has far more pressing issues to deal with, specifically keeping his upside down ‘investments’ afloat. Trump takes every single opportunity he can to grift money out of his supporters, he’s doing that because he’s out of cash, a ‘Billionaire’ who needs to use a ‘Bail Bondsman’ to raise a $200K bail, and who needs his supporters to fund his legal bills. Everything about Trump is a scam, starting with his ‘business empire’ and alleged wealth. He’s holding a begging bowl in both hands while telling the people handing him their money that he’s a ‘Billionaire’. How overtly fake does it have to get before his supporters wake up? How obviously broke does Trump have to be before the media start discussing what’s on open show right in front of them?
  7. That’s the best thing about imagined scenarios, they can be altered at will when their ridiculousness becomes apparent.
  8. I doubt over 100 armed officers were at the scene and don’t feel inclined to imagine they were. The officer who shot him in the head took his life, it’s now to be determined by a court of law if he did so lawfully or not.
  9. Thanks for that linked article. Here’s something interesting. Over a period in which nationally armed officers were called out to 18395 incidents, only 10 resulted in police firing shots at a person. That’s 0.054% of of armed officer call outs a shot was fired by police at a person. Basically the police almost never fire their weapons.
  10. Sorry, I was simply posting a statement from the Opening Post article that gives the reason why around 100 officers have refused their normal armed duty. “ in protest at the charging of their colleague with murder.” which conflicts with your own statement “Around 100 armed officers have laid down their arms over they maybe charged with murder if they have to use firearms...”
  11. So why does the article in the OP state: “The Metropolitan police has called on the SAS to provide counter-terrorism support after firearms officers downed their weapons in protest at the charging of their colleague with murder.”?
  12. I last week opened an account with Barclays, online and without any hitch. I was in Bangkok at the time. All they needed was my Passport and proof of a UK address. Stress on the ‘a’. For many expats whose income to their account is from bona fide UK sources, pensions, investments, rental income the bank have no reason to question the account. The mistake people make is declaring they are an expat. Unless one has significant investment income there is absolutely no reason the declare oneself an expat. One proviso is when sending money overseas from your UK account, give the reason as sending money to family, grey enough not to be confirmation of your own residence overseas.
  13. Let’s look at it another way. An armed unit police officer has been charged with murder. Around 100 other armed unit police officers have refused their armed duty because they don’t believe their colleague, and presumably themselves, should be held accountable to the law. There are 100 less police officers available right now because they don’t agree accountability under the law should apply to one of their colleagues. AND There’s a dead guy who’s death the Crown Prosecution Service believe warrants murder charges.
  14. Juries are swayed by the evidence and testimonies they are presented with. That’s how trials work.
  15. Most UK police don’t carry guns. The Officer will undoubtedly make a defense case on ‘protecting life’. It remains to be seen if it sways a jury.
  16. I have no idea what George Floyd has to do with this case. George Floyd is dead and he was murdered by police in a country thousands of miles away from the UK. Unless of course someone is trying to make the case against police summarily murdering citizens, why is George Floyd even remotely relevant?
  17. 1. No I am not. 2. Yes he is. 3. Likewise it doesn’t remove an individual’s right to life. 4. Erm…
  18. I agree, police officers, armed or otherwise should not be above the law. When that’s accepted it remains for a court trial and a jury to decide guilt or innocence, as with other criminal charges laid against anyone else.
  19. Jonny, the term ‘Race bating’ appears three times, you introduced it and then repeated the accusation twice more. Nobody was talking about race or race baiting, until you got started in it.
  20. Johnny, it was you that introduced George Floyd into this discussion.
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