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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Murder is the stuff the Nazis were engaging in as the conducted their genocidal campaigns, stuff you obfuscate and excuse. I trust you do accept the British, Americans and Russians too did know how to deal with Nazis, Nazi sympathizers and Nazi enablers.
  2. I don’t pay MTG much attention, I can’t stand the noise, but she’s right to call this out. Racism is absolutely not a defining trait of rightwing politics, it is however far too common amongst some on the political right. Once again MTG is right to call this out.
  3. Like this from The Telegraph: Headline: “BBC Chairman Calls For a Thorough Review of Israel-Hamas War Bias” Report: “ Samir Shah, chairman of the BBC, has called for a thorough review of the broadcaster's coverage of the Israel-Hamas war amid accusations of bias.“
  4. Oh so the hundred of thousands of British and British Empire troops, airmen, sailors who fought to help defeat the Nazis had no impact? Here’s an undeniable fact, they knew precisely how to deal with Nazis, Nazi sympathizers and those giving Nazis a helping hand.
  5. The report was published 17 hrs ago. It might be reasonable to expect the adoption policies to answer the reports findings to take more 17 hrs. It might also be reasonable to assume the response you claim from ’1 in 5’ or indeed anyone else for that matter has not yet materialized. I do however stress both these are reliant upon the concept of reasonableness and not a partisan knee jerk reaction.
  6. Especially those who get their opinions from the Kremlin’s misinformation machine.
  7. Trump’s decline has reached the point where the Dems are simply posting his speeches as Harris campaign messaging.
  8. To remind you, I have frequently made the factual observation that Trump’s allegations of Biden’s cognitive decline, parroted by his supporters, both foreign and domestic, started in the immediate aftermath of Trump being rushed into the Walter Reid Memorial Hospital to be administered the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test. I have been consistent in my view that Trump was engaging in accusation confession, and that while the reason it was deemed necessary for Trump to be rushed into hospital for that test has been kept from voters, the necessity would eventually reveal itself. It revealed itself in the debate. Trump is very clearly not fit for the Presidency, he does however do a very convincing impression of a confused and meaninglessly rambling old man. Biden, lest you have forgotten, is not nor never was the Democratic Candidate for this 2024 Presidential Election.
  9. Anecdotes are of course interesting, I knew a First Cat Road Racer who died in his sleep at age 25, his team members ate all still fit and healthy decades later. However, there has been a significant development in past 20 years that is without doubt going to produce valuable insights into exercise and health. Almost every person I know who is regularly taking part in sports, is using ‘wearables’ and uploading their data to online databases, STRAVA, Garmin, Polar, TrainingPeaks etc. This is true of tens of millions of people around the world. Its a goldmine for medical research and will undoubtedly reveal valuable nights as the cohort of users age.
  10. Exercise does not negate the negative impacts of processed, high salt content, high cholesterol, low fiber, and importantly high glycemic index foods, which is the root cause of very many people’s chronic health problems.
  11. More to the point, what kind of rational thought goes through the heads of his supporters, both foreign and domestic, to leave them still believing he’s fit for the Presidency? We know he’s not fit for the job, he just showed us precisely why. So why is his clear cognitive decline not front and center of all discussions on him and his candidacy. He’s a doddering rambling wreck.
  12. Eating better is obviously a good idea, but it’s a message that needs to over come vast sums spent on advertising and market to g if exactly the stuff people should not be eating for better health.
  13. I’ll go with this. Statins, or indeed any medicines, might be appropriate for some people under some circumstances. Get the best professional medical advice you can, always consider a second professional medical opinion, always follow up with periodic reviews and check ups. Don’t self medicate.
  14. You can’t [help or even try to control] yourself can you?!
  15. The people spending millions on Trump’s campaign will decide if Trump is going to debate Harris again and they will do so on the basis of where the polls go. If they indicate Trump is heading for certain defeat then he will be told to debate Harris again, he’ll have no other option.
  16. Once again cowed by a bright, assertive woman. He couldn’t even look at her. He’s a Beta pretending to be an Alpha. Games up!
  17. As I said to a former colleague who recently retired and is in receipt of a generous company pension when he was dismissive of the state pension. If you moved into a house that someone posted over £800 a month through the letter box every month without fail, you would think very carefully before moving somewhere else. As you rightly say, soon to rise to a £1000 a month, not to be sniffed at regardless of what other incomes one might have.
  18. Trump has led his followers, foreign and domestic, off the plot.
  19. Yes they are. Perhaps as much as £460/year. https://amp.theguardian.com/money/article/2024/sep/10/uk-state-pension-rise-april-2025-wage-growth
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