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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Back to using your baseless ‘antisemite’ slur again. ’Raging’ even.
  2. Are you pretending not to understand Palestinians right to self determination within their own State?
  3. Meanwhile in Washington, Trump’s Gaza real estate dreams aren’t winning much support: https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/5129173-trump-gaza-proposal-reaction/amp/
  4. Maybe because it’s the subject of the thread. Just a thought.
  5. It doesn’t beg any questions. This is a thread discussing a single topic. Your attempt at whataboutary is noted.
  6. Oh the 5000 (?) other problems to hide behind to avoid dealing with the one being discussed.
  7. It’s a conspiracy theory but I know some folk are attracted to such thinking. Even if true, and I doubt it is, it kind of scuppers Trump’s plan to ‘clean out’ Gaza don’t you think,
  8. I hope we are not going to start ‘getting rid of people’ from the region who didn’t originate there or who have names that didn’t originate there. You so freely give away other people’s right to live in their homeland.
  9. You present me with an opinion piece alongside the comment; I respond with the FACTS that the majority of the worlds nations recognize Palestine (the consensus) and you call the data of what constitutes the consensus ‘worthless’. I say again. Righty-o.
  10. And yet Palestinians exist, in their own land. Getting rid of them isn’t an option. Or maybe am I reading the news wrongly?
  11. Righty-o: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/countries-that-recognize-palestine
  12. How does that give Israel the right to deny Palestinians their inalienable right to self determination in their own state and moreover for Israel and the United States to evict Palestinians from their homeland?
  13. The two most prominent nations opposing the two state solution are Israel and Iran. Edit: Text highlighted for clarity.
  14. Have we forgotten his wife’s vandalism of the rose garden already?
  15. Moreover, Project 2025 is now in play. You’ll recall the pre-election denials.
  16. I’m not sure what brought that particular thought to your mind, but it doesn’t seem to be anything healthy.
  17. I don’t ever try to speak for most people. I do know a vociferous few, often buy to let landlords, grumble a lot and there are those who are still a bit ‘salty’ over the ejection result. Give it time. April will see increases in the minimum wage, increases in pensions and increases in NHS and Education spending roll out. What’s going on in the US will put the final nail in the rightwing fantasy of a trade deal with the U.S. ever saving the UK from the self harm inflicted by the Tory BREXIT. It ought also to end the self abusive belief in the UK of the ‘special relationship’ with the U.S. being anything other than the U.S. doing as it pleases and the UK doing as it’s told. I say ought.
  18. We obviously hear the opinions of different people. I would be interested to hear views expressed v news source preference.
  19. Did you read the OP? The last referral was closed 3 years before the killer committed his heinous attack.
  20. The Home Office report concluded that officers dismissed the threat he posed on three separate occasions between December 2019 and April 2021, largely due to basic errors, including spelling mistakes. Remind me who was Home Secretary at the time these strings of referrals were made?
  21. How about a review of the tax loopholes being used by all corporations conducting online business in the UK? No need to pick on the Chinese, deal with all of them in one go.
  22. The decline of reporting standards at the once great Telegraph is sad to witness. From day one of this Labour Government the Telegraph’s campaign to ferment public frustration has been growing, and shows no sign of abating.
  23. Not quite. I have in the past absolutely accused you of lying when you made statements, always grossly prejudiced, that were lies. And then only after giving you multiple opportunities to back up or withdraw your false statements. I don’t care if you believe me, I have banked the rewards. Now back to the topic of discussion please.
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