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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Yes he savaged himself. Everything against him came out of his own mouth.
  2. She didn’t need any help with her case. Trump ranted because his head is mush.
  3. It’s always somebody else’s fault.
  4. When you don’t understand what you just told us.
  5. If I may offer a distinction. Trump’s supporters, both foreign and domestic, encompass those who have swallowed his lies, together with those who have not, but wish the harm he would visit on America and her allies.
  6. You appear to be a tad sensitive to criticism of the views you ‘proudly’ express.
  7. I expect they recognize the visceral race fixated reaction from the rightwing.
  8. Also rightwing commentator and author of “The Case for Trump” Just the kind of biased nonsense the Daily Caller thrives on,
  9. Now you speak for the ‘Black Race’ ?
  10. Played a pivotal role in crushing your Nazis. That’s a good enough legacy on its own.
  11. I say there is a direct correlation between marketing of harmful products and consumption of harmful products. You might think differently. Maybe the people signing off on marketing budgets are irrational. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6520952/
  12. At least you’ve put me right, it’s the lazy. The corporate world can save billions by cutting back on pointless marketing I’l let you tell them, there might be a bonus in it for you.
  13. To remove your uncertainty in your own assumptions, you are wrong, I do not believe Starmer, or indeed anyone is ‘infallible’, fallibility is, as I have argued elsewhere a very human trait, frequently demonstrated in the administration of justice. What I challenge is the misrepresentation, or indeed omission of facts surrounding this issue of early prisoner release. Is it being perfectly administered? obviously not, is it the grand incompetence some claim? certainly not, is it even something new? no it is not. There are some salient facts: Prisons were already seriously overcrowded in early 2024. The previous Government were already releasing prisoners early to reduce over crowding. The parole regime in place since the 90s was already releasing long sentence prisoners on parole after they had served 50% of their sentence, refer link below. Refer my earlier post explaining the misrepresentation of facts surrounding examples others were citing. So before the election prisons were seriously overcrowded, prisoners were already being released early while under this latest scheme, prisoners are being released after serving 40% of their time rather than the normal 50%. There are obviously problems, but the go way beyond the release scheme. Chronic over crowding of prisons, A failure to build the prisons the nation needs. Chronic shortage of housing and accommodation for prisoners released that predates this scheme. Gaping holes in prisoner rehabilitation programs. Under staffed and underfunded probation services. The imprisonment of the drug addicted rather than treatment. The correlation between homelessness and imprisonment perpetuated by releasing prisoners into the street with no accommodation. And always, the myth of easy solutions to complex problems. https://prisonreformtrust.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/old_files/Documents/Parole Information Booklet.pdf
  14. Yes of course, that’s it, how could I have not known. How about a lack of moral fortitude, do you think that might play a part?
  15. Prisoners were already being released early prior to the election. I provided a link on the matter earlier.
  16. I don’t disagree with what Trump is up to and you won’t find me defending any of it, but my anecdote is not a deflection.
  17. Well you did say you detest the man, but don’t you think assuming foreign prisoners are the ones he really cares about is probably taking it a bit too far? By all means deport straight from prison foreigners imprisoned for serious crimes, though that might require a bit of ‘international cooperation’ itself a good thing.
  18. Watch this space: https://www.propublica.org/article/trump-irs-audit-chicago-hotel-taxes
  19. My father told me the same thing so told my boy. ’You’ve gotta pay your taxes son’.
  20. I am frequently critical of some Israeli actions, but not this one. Maybe the world isn’t as monochromatic as you believe it to be.
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